A Name

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Thank you, Allyssawhyte for picking out the kittens name.

Loki was finally out of that accursed cell and back into his old chambers.

Thor, somehow was able to convince Odin to allow Loki on probation. He strictly said that the God of Mischief was only permitted in the library and palace gardens.

Loki however, just enjoyed the comfort which his bed provided. His kitten however, was no where to be seen no doubt exploring his large room.

Knowing that the door was shut and locked, he drifted to sleep thinking that the kitten couldn't possible get into trouble.

He's been wrong before.

Kitten pov

Owner or Loki which I learned the hard way of what he is, took me out of our home and into somewhere completely knew. Just like the previous place, this one smelt just like him.

I was near his bed scratching my ear when I noticed a shiny thing on one of the perches (chairs). "Whoah." I neared closer but stopped when I saw another cat that looked like me. "Hey! This is my home, go find your own." I scratched as did the other. "Huh that's funny." I walked around the object (Loki's helmet) then crawled underneath it. "Oh it's a hiding spot." I meowed happily for whenever I get into trouble.

I ran around until I found myself in a room with tons of play things to climb. (The bathroom.)

I looked around until I came across a giant hole in the ground. ' It's just like my water bowl.'

I padded around it looking for a way down but I knocked something over in the process. It clattered loudly in the bottom of the giant dish.

"Oopsie" I meowed looking up randomly. "Oo what's that?" A green puffy ball hung from the ceiling. I looked around but found no lsteps, only these weird nozzle thingies. (Cold/hot water nozzles) Slowly I balanced on them then stood up, trying to get the colourful ball.

'Maybe if I jumped.' I did as I thought, missing it by a long ways and slipping between the two nozzles.

Now I was at the bottom of dish and there was water rushing out of the sides and filling into the bowl.

"Loki!" I cried out, running to the side trying to climb but my claws wouldn't work. "Loki!" I cried out again until I heard him growl then enter the room which I was in.

He looked down at me as the water rose to the middle of my legs, almost touching my belly. "H-help." The water was really cold making me shiver.


Loki smirked, "it seems you have a way with getting me to do things I don't normally do." He said leaning to turn the nozzles in different directions making the it luke warm. As he started taking of his boots and undoing the ties to his armor, he watched the small kitten swim in the deep water frantically.

Quickly he then took his clothes off and stepped into the tub before pulling the drain out allowing all the water to be drained. He then turned the lever to make it a shower.

Loki wasn't one for showing skin, let alone seeing him naked but now that he's thought about it, he hasn't even bedded a maiden. Well he wasn't into that trivial thing called romance anyways.

Sighing he retrieved the soap, pouring some into his hand then knelt to the floor while grabbing the black kitten.

She cried out in frustration, "quit your mewling you cur." Loki frowned as he started to lather her fur until she was completely covered in suds.
He then went to rinse her off in the water but she clawed at his hands, cutting his pale skin into angry red marks.

The God of Mischief dent understand why she was putting up so much of a fight. The way she bit and scratched, it seemed as though someone was pulling her tail off.

"All right." Loki growled turning the water off and holding the wet kitten up. She shook violently giving him an angry glare. " Here some advice creature, don't show your weakness to others or you abnormalities. They'll only exploit it in the end even if you are to believe they're family." Loki looked into her eyes as she meowed.

After the shower Loki dried themselves off then returned to his bed where his kitten decided to ignore him completely. He though it was humorous how she would try to not play with him or even look his way. But occasionally he would catch glimpses of her gazing at his form.

"What shall I call you?" He said aloud with out realizing it. He just couldn't call her foul creature or animal all his life. He thought about it while watching her lay on her side.

Loki has come to terms that the small creature was loyal and kind towards him, yet mean with others.

Loki then looked at his hands that had angry red scratches on them. "A flame is a gorgeous thing to look at. To watch it dance and flicker without being bound to anything-yet it can turn in the blink of an eye. A raging fire that shall consume anything and everything with in it's path."

Loki thought about a name and it just slipped. "Adara" the kitten immediately turned. "It means fire which is rather fitting for you since you're incredibly annoying and loud." Loki reached over and grabbed the kitten, laying her on his stomach before his hand wrapped around her face playfully.

Kittens perspective

I fought with his paw until I stopped suddenly. It was all scratched up, 'did I do this?' I didn't mean to hurt him in the bath.

I licked his hand where the scratches were but he quickly removed it. I looked up to see his angry eyes. "I'm sorry." I meowed feeling bad that I hurt my master.

Loki reached up shoving me off him and onto the fluffy a pillow. "Hey! That wasn't nice!" I hissed picking myself up. Loki had his back turned to me and I felt even worse.

I hung my head in shame, "good night, Adara."

My ears pricked upwards when he spoke. It was that same name. 'Adara. Is that me now?'

I padded over to his furless back, curling up in a ball, exhausted from today's exploring. 'I have a name.' I drifted to sleep thinking of adventures that await tomorrow.

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