Uncontrolled Changes.

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It was a new day and Loki found himself playing with his small creature. With much amusement, he watched as the black kitten played with one of its stuffed toys. Whenever she would draw near, he would nudge her with his foot, only to have it attacked.

Loki thought about the woman in the red cloak. He planned everything out to the very last detail. It's only a matter of time. A year to be exact.

Loki sighed resting his jaw upon his hand. Now what is he going to do for a year?

Suddenly, pain shot through Loki making him double over. Balling his fist he began to shake uncontrollably. His frost giant powers-

Kittens pov

I was playing happily at my owners feet until I heard him cry out. My ears flattened. Something wasn't right.

He was on the floor screaming in what seemed like pain and people outside started to shout.

I was scared and darted under our bed. So much was going on and I didn't like it. More importantly, I didn't like seeing my owner in pain.

Slowly I slinked over to his giant form. "H-hey... are you ok?" I inched closer, the air was cold and everything told me to run. "Hey!" I cried out and he looked at me.

It wasn't the person I knew but it was. He looked just like my owner yet his skin was blue and his eyes were red. I lowered myself to the floor, afraid.

"Brother!" The blonde furred person entered with a giant red cape but my owner roared sending a blast of cold air everywhere. It slammed into me, making me hit the wall then crashing to the floor.

Everything hurt and I was c-cold. What's happening?

3rd pov

Loki awakened to find himself in the healing room. His body felt weird and his mind was groogy, slow even. 'How did I get here?'

"Bother, you are awake and well." Thor said entering the room killing the silence. "So how do you feel?"

Loki grimaced, "I do not need your pity or concern. Since when did you ever care about my well being?" Loki went to sit up, finding parts of his attire on a stand near the bed. He didn't even have the energy to put his boots on, let alone his armor.

"We may not be related by blood but that doesn't mean I don't care about you like a brother." Thor said softly placing his hand on said persons shoulder. Loki shrugged it off standing and examining his paper work.

"Why am I in here? What happened?" Loki felt sick as he started to read. His frost giant powers were surfacing-to the point where he couldn't control it.

Thor was speaking but Loki wasn't listening. "What of the black creature?" Loki turned swiftly. The look upon Thors face didn't bode well with him-something happened.

Loki quickly rushed past the God of Thunder, shoving him away so that he could get to the next healing area. As he entered, Loki stopped with wide eyes and mouth agape.

There was the kitten, floating in golden healing light. Slowly he stepped forwards.

"She will be alright." Thor silently entered the room quietly behind his brother. "The healers said that her small body couldn't with stand the power released from your frost giant self. Nothing serious happened, she was merely overwhelmed."

Loki breathed a sigh of relief. He did this. And he was lucky it wasn't anything worse or he would've killed her.

"Meow" Loki looked down to see the black kitten gazeing at him with half lidded eyes. He saw that she was tired, but she was determined, as if to say something to him.

Loki's hand raised without his consent. He found himself petting her small head-his slim fingers caressing her soft fur. She purred in delight making the God of Mischief smile widely.

Thor saw his brothers rare moment of kindness. The soft glow of golden light illuminated he pale face. It made his deep green eyes shimmer as if he was about to cry.

Thor could tell that he was beginning to care for the small kitten and this made him smile. His brother still had goodness in him yet. And by the All Father, the kitten was the one slowly drawing it out. Thor left Loki be in the health room though with guards stationed outside.

He knew Loki felt horrible for the monsterous act he committed. Maybe not to Thor himself, but towards the kitten.

In all his years with Loki, he had never seen his brother act so gentle towards something. Now if only he could get his brother out of a cell and into a room where he could walk the halls freely.

Thor immediately headed towards the throne room where his father was. He will save his brother from this the evil with in him.


Loki laid on a cot watching as the kitten twirled around in the healing light. She flipped around and pawed with confusion. Loki got up, grabbing her gently then sat her down as he too sat.

He expected the kitten to run away in fear from when he attacked- nearly killing her. Buy he was astonished when she came bounding towards him, climbing onto his lap.

"You are incrediblely stupid or immensely brave." Loki muttered, petting her head. "You can't sense danger, even if it is infront of you." The kitten purred while he ran his hand down her back. With his strength and energy gone, he laid onto the cot with a giant sigh. He was even more tired than the times he faced the Avengers.

His eyes started to drift but before he could sleep, he felt soft paws walk along his stomach and chest before stopping at his neck.

With his perrifials, he saw the kitten turn and lay herself down underneath his chin. "I do not want your forgiveness ... foul crea..ture." Loki and the kitten
drifted to sleep.

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