Part 4

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Everything had been organized the guest started to walk in , they were having an Indian themed wedding, they were gonna sign first then go and do the rituals Lucy went up to check on Lisa she bought the documents she needed to sign , Lisa signed and Lucy walked next door and made Sam sign they payed no attention to it as they knew they had to do it. The auspicious time reached both weddings were gonna be done at the same time , the brides were fully covered they couldn't see they faces the husband's to had bridal turberns , they walked in and Jimmy and Lucy walked the brides in they switched Lisa to sit with Sam and John with Jena the ceremonies started and everything went smoothly it was now time for the bride and groom to leave and head home , they did the welcoming ceremony Lisa walked side by side with Sam she kicked the rise and walked into her inlaws , "now carry your wife's into your rooms " Sam carried Lisa up and placed her on his bed , he bought himself a chair and sat infront of her , "I want to talk to you about something , well you don't have to say anything just listen to me , I am sorry but this isn't working for me I am inlove with someone else she might have married someone else today and I might never get her again but I am just tired of this so I'll file for divorce right away" , "I am sorry to I..I..I.. sle.." Lisa's voice cracked as she was talking,  Sam noticed who it was and immediately removed the veil" Lisa!!" She was shocked "Sam why are you here ?" She looked around "wait why am I here" he stood there in silence then suddenly pulled her in and hugged her "I thought I lost you I thought you married him" "what are you talking about? Where is John?" He pulled away she walked out , Jena walked out on the other side "John why is Jena there? Why am I here?" , "you're married to Sam and I married Jena" she felt her heart tear she started breathing fast " Lee wait calm down I am sure the is an explanation to this" Sam voiced ,Lisa fainted he scooped her up and went down with her , he laid her on the couch " water!!!" He shouted , he sprinkled some water on her and she woke up John was sitting next to her and Sam stood infront of her " what happened at the wedding hall why is Lisa with me?" , " sit down next to your wife Oli" Lucy voiced , John got up and Lisa held onto his hand " I am sorry Lisa this had to be done" "this ? what do you mean this had to be done? " Lisa asked confused " we planned this from the beginning , the day I met you at the park it wasn't by accident me not sleeping with you wasn't because I was waiting , me proposing to you within 3 months of our relationship it was all part of the plan" , " what are you talking about John?" Sam asked " Oli everything we did was all for you we knew you'd never have the courage to let Jena go,  we knew if John were to be engaged she will push you to ask her too, we needed to push her away from you so you can be happy again I just want to see my little brother happy" , " so you used me to make your brother happy? Have you never considered how I would feel? How this.." her voice cracked Lucy walked up to Lisa and got on her knees " I am sorry baby I know you don't deserve this , but look on the side even without our help you've fallen inlove with Sammy on your own" Lisa looked up at her " you didn't meet each other by the elevator by accident the lights didn't go off by accident in the hallway , lights didn't go out by accident that night we did all that but you both fell inlove with one another on your own we had nothing to do with that" , " Lisa looked at John with tears rolling down her eyes "and you all knew? You all were just playing with my feelings?"

"Firstly young lady I have no idea what's happening here I am still as surprised as all of you , secondly if I knew I would've told them this was a dumb idea , you crying won't solve anything you're already married to Sammy and from what I hear you were already inlove with him so no more sulking everyone get back to they rooms we'll have a talk in the morning this is all not good for my health" they all stayed down Grandma Blue stood up and got a shot gun from the kitchen " I said go to your motherf...en rooms now" they all jumped up and ran to they rooms Lisa still sat down and so did Sam , Grandma blue sat infront of them and took they hands in hers " look children I know this will be hard for both of you to move on from , I am truly sorry you were ambushed into this but look at me" they both turned to her " I know it hurts now but give yourselves some time to think about it I give you until morning if you don't want to be together I'll personally take you to the magistrate office and be your witness but only if you both agree to annul this marriage okay " they nodded "now Sammy I am so glad you finally got rid of that blood sucking girl you were always with for the past 3 days I've seen you at your happiest I don't know how John and Lucy knew you needed this girl in your life but I am happy they choose her listen to your heart follow it and hold on tight to its desire and give her time , she might still be hurt but I tell you she sure as hell feels the same way if she didn't she would have walked out" Lisa looked at Grandma" if you want you can sleep with me tonight you look like you need some motherly advise tonight" Lisa nodded Grandma Blue got up and left them , Sam cleared his throat "I'll get you stuff to change" she nodded he left and came back with sweatpants and a oversized tshirt , she looked in the stuff and saw a pad and some pain killers "I thought you might still need those" he walked to the kitchen grabbed her a sandwich and a juice " eat this before you take them , you haven't eaten today" she nodded and waved bye and walked into Grandma's room " aah that boy is a woos he really let you sleep here" Lisa chuckled "Grandma!" " okay okay I was joking go on and change then come to bed" she nodded she changed then ate the sandwich and took the pills and slept.

Sam kept tossing around in his bed "is she really my wife? But does she want to stay my wife? Did I make a bad decision by letting her stay with Aunt? Will she want to divorce me? I can't lose her I just found her" he sighed deeply it was 2 am in the morning and he finally fell asleep.

Side note:
Iam truly sorry if you're an Indian and you feel as if I disrespected your culture , please feel free to correct me if I had said anything wrong about the rituals or attire , and I will surely redeem  my mistakes.

Thank you.

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