Part 14

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Sam looked at his wife then turned her to him " Lee what's wrong ? Did I do something wrong you've been ignoring me since you woke up and you've been awkward around me" , Lisa looked at him and tears started rolling from her eyes Sam hugged her and gently rubbed her back he now understood what his aunt has said about Lisa keeping emotions in his wife crying made him feel weak and useless he just let her cry it out till she feel asleep he gently set her on the pillow and covered her then took the tray back to the kitchen,  Jena followed behind him " are the kids still sleeping they've never slept this long" , " Jena,  Lee asked you to stop you've hurt her feelings by letting your obsession get to you if you keep this up I can't let my kids be around you", "what do you mean obsession" John asked walking in with Lucy , "you haven't told him?", "tell me what uncle", Sam took a deep breath "after we lost our first baby we tried for another one" ," I know that bu.." , " Let me finish Johnny don't get all worked up yet , your wife really needs you right now , after losing another she got obsessed with the idea of us having a kids to a point where I took her to therapy one day I found out she skipped out of therapy and went to hospital to the nursery she would stalk the kids there and even pretended to be family so they would let her hold them , I don't know if you remember but those 3 months I told you she went to Korea for work she was admitted in a mental hospital because her therapist felt she might kidnap the kids" , John and Lucy were shocked Grandma Blue heard Sam and felt dizzy and sat down " she's acting the same way again I didn't notice till I came back with Lisa she's being aggressive again I don't think me , Lisa and the kids should be here right now I don't think it's safe for any of us " Jena saw a knife on the kitchen table and grabbed it "you're not taking my kids away from me" she pointed the knife at Sam" what you're gonna stab me again Jena?" , "again? What do you mean again?" John asked "put the knife down Jena" , Lisa walked up to Jena passing everyone she slapped her and Jena dropped the knife she slapped her again then straightened her face "pull yourself together dammit, did you not promise me we'd raise those kids together? Did you not promise me that you'd be there for they first everything? Acting like a complete psycho will land you in a mental hospital again and forever this time , pull yourself together Jena!" Lisa shouted with tears running down her face , Jena started crying " Sam call her and tell her I want to go back" , "Jena!" John shouted "babe I am sorry Lisa I am so sorry I thought I could do it I really I could do it but I can't I've lost control and I don't want to hurt them so please let me get admitted if anything were to happen to those kids because of me I would kill myself" she walked close to Lisa "I am sorry I am sorry I broke our promise" they hugged and cried together , John sat down Lucy sat next to him.

Sam made the call , Lisa took Jena's hand and walked to the room with her "you can't just leave without saying goodbye" Lisa said and started walking out Jena grabbed her hand "stay with me I don't trust myself" Lisa went back and sat on the bed , the kids were awake but not crying she picked up Charleston "you were always the easy going boy thank you for giving me a chance to be your aunt she's kissed his forehead and hugged him then put him down , she picked up Charles "you were my naughty boy but also my favorite you remind me of someone I've never met thank you for keeping them in my memory"she hugged him and kissed his forehead and put him down "now be good to your mom , Aunty will be back she just needs to sort herself out for a little but I promise to be back before your 1st birthday okay , don't trouble your mom alot " she smiled and walked to Lisa she sat next to her "I am sorry I couldn't keep my promise,  it's not your fault I'll come back to you I promise, just visit me when I am there okay" Lisa nodded and they hugged she walked out and walked to John and grabbed his hand and walked to the yard and sat on the swings " babe I" , "I understand" he took her hand "go and come back better when you do let's talk about surrogacy and let's start our family but promise me this will be the last time you're admitted and you'll continue with therapy even when you're back okay" Jena nodded " I won't stop loving you just cause you're going away , I'll visit when I can I want no other woman but you Jena you're more than enough for me okay go get healthy for us" they hugged and sat in silence holding hands.

They walked back in and Lucy had prepared lunch and Jena sat next to Grandma Blue then laid on her lap , she just brushed her back and said nothing,  Jena fell asleep , for the first time since the kids had arrived home John wanted to move her "let her sleep she must be really tired" Grandma Blue said they sat like that for an hour she woke up and had her lunch with Lucy "mother-in-law I know we don't get al.." , "now stop baby , I have never hated you but a mother can be mad at her daughter when she's done wrong right? , what you did with Sam was wrong baby and as your mom I was mad at you now that doesn't mean I love you less , go baby go take care of your mental health and come back as the Jena I know okay , we all will be here rooting for you , you're have been part of our family since high school and we take care of family , we're all happy you've taken this decision on your own because Smiths don't hurt one another , I love you baby now eat up once I am able to send food for you I'll cook up all your favorites and send them to you so you can be motivated to come back early" they hugged. A car honked outside "that must be my ride " Jena teased and got up and hugged Grandma Blue and waved bye to the rest with teary eyes , John came down with her bag and walked out with her " I love you" , she smiled "I'll be okay bbe okay" Jena said and walked into the car and closed the door the car left. Everyone felt sad that she was leaving but everyone was also glad that she would be better.

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