Part 10

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It was now morning and everyone got down to have breakfast, Lucy dished out for Lisa she looked at him " Baby are you still mad at him" , Lisa pulled her to sit next to her " ofcourse not I am just confused as to what to call you now that's why I am looking at you" everyone laughed " you can still call me mom" , " as to what being my mom no"Sam snapped " what do you suggest I call her then babe" , "Lucy call her Lucy " , " I can't do that shes old" , Sam chuckled " someone finally said it" everyone laughed " can I ask you something though?" , "go ahead sweetheart" , " how did you know Sam and I would like each other?" , "well I can answer that , we've been looking for the perfect person for him for over a year , on my birthday I was at the lake at the park making a wish the was an old man that walked pass me he fell and then out of nowhere I saw you running towards him , you helped him up and sat him on the benches you bought him ice-cream and called his family his daughter came to fetch him and she thanked you , I followed you after that I saw you feed the ducks at the park , eating corn dog , laughing goofly and I thought to myself I wish my uncle had someone like that in his life , after that day I followed you everyday seeing you give the homeless the last of your money , giving tips to waiters and waitresses then I told mom about you at first she didn't believe me so I approached you at the park making sure you see me there every day , then I found out where you work , where you live , your family , your background and I introduced you to her and she knew right away I made the right choice" , " so you guys kissed? Was the kissing also for research?" Sam asked annoyed rolling his eyes, Lisa chuckled " actually we've never done anything of sorts his only pecked my forehead cheeek and lips nothing deep" , " and I held myself you're lucky I almost did it with her I tell you I was gonna risk it" " yaaa are you crazy" Sam got mad " babe his just messing with you" , "uncle you're the one that slept with my bride to be a day before my wedding so don't even start" , " we didn't" , " you did I saw you all naked in bed" everyone " whatever she was mine to begin with".They enjoyed breakfast then headed home.

6 months later
Lisa's business has been established, Sam hired people he trusted to work for her , he helped her with making contracts as she didn't know much about law , she was studying on the other hand , her stomach was now growing it was more than visible, she was working from home and studying at home too, Sam lessen his work hours and has been coming home early from work , Lisa had moodswings but it was nothing Sam couldn't handle. Lisa slept on the couch whilst studying,  Sam walked in from work and kissed her on the forehead he took and closed the books and covered her up letting her rest he went to take a shower once he was done he ordered pizza and left to her favorite cake shop he got her some cake and white roses and walked back home the pizza got delivered, Lisa woke up as soon as she smelled it Sam laughed " hey beautiful" he said pecking her lips and giving her the flowers , she smiled and smelled them "thank you baby" , " let's eat so we can watch that movie you wanted to watch today" , "aren't you gonna be busy with work?" , " not today babe today I am all yours" he said helping her up , they ate once they were done he pulled out the cake " are you trying to make me fat" she said covering her face " I wouldn't dare to but I saw my beautiful wife tired from studying hard and I thought she needed something sweet just like her" he perked her lips and faced her not breaking the eye contact " are you seducing me Mr Smith?" , " no I am looking at the most beautiful woman in the entire world wondering if I am worthy of her" he pecked her lips again " I am looking at you thinking why the world doesn't know I have such a beauty next to me" , he pecked her again " and I was wondering if my wife would be ready to be shown to the world" , he came close to her but this time he kissed her and deepened the kiss , he broke it off and looked at her "I guess what I am really asking is would you be ready to be introduced to the world as my wife? People assume I am now single since Jena cheated on me and had gone to Hawaii with her new man" , " what is that what everyone is saying out there now? I don't know bbe if you think this would be good for us then I am fine with it I trust your decision" Sam looked at her undressing her with his eyes " now I am seducing you" he cupped her cheek and kissed her her turned the chair making her face him he sucked on her neck going down on her , " babe wait " she put his hand on her stomach, the babies were kicking Sam laughed he bent infront of her " I see you all are awake and bothering your mom again" he kissed her belly and brushed it , "I wanna pee" she said he helped her up and walked her to the bathroom, they walked to the bed " so babe I'll get a press conference set up for Wednesday I wanna get this over with" Lisa nodded.

It was now Wednesday Lisa has been nervous and had mini pains and had been experiencing some contractions but the doctors said everything was okay, the conference started Jena and John were also there " greetings everyone so today I wanted to clear a few things up , yes me and Jena are no longer together we're both married just not to each other" everyone gasped " but we've seen your wedding photos if it wasn't Jena then who was it" , "well yes initially we were gonna tie the knot but things happen and my family had already chosen someone for me and John had long before fallen for Jena , what I wanted to say today is that I'd like you all to give us some space you see my wife and I we're expecting we're pregnant and I've been hesitant about showing her out to the world because I thought I was protecting my family but after reading the negative comments and post and news that everyone has been posting, I know my wife hasn't seen them as she's not really into social media but I am asking you now to tone it down and give us some time" , " do we know your wife" , " uhmm ofcourse you do , please let her in" everyone got up and clicked some photos everyone clapped and others whistled "you pulled a good one" one of the journalists shouted " Thank you I know , I am one lucky guy I tell you , everyone introducing my wife Mrs Me , Mrs Smith and our beautiful kids" they stood there together and everyone clapped for them once the conference was done they walked out and the was a crowd waiting for them outside with congratulations signs , they relationship was now out and everyone admired both of them saying they were the perfect fit. They got home and Lisa was now tired she sat down and felt sharp pain on her back she screamed out loud in pain , Sam lifted her back up calling the doctor he saw the blood stain on her dress but kept quiet as he didn't want to worry her , they got to the hospital and got in the doctors room immediately he checked her then walked out with Sam "uhmm one of the kids wrapped around it's cord and if we don't get them out now we might lose them" , " but doctor isn't it too early?" , "they will be put in incubators but for now please give us the go ahead" , Sam walked back in " babe you're in labor relax , do what you have to do doctor" , " okay Mrs Smith we will inject you to help you go into labor faster please relax we will also inject you with some pain meds okay just nod if you hear me" she nodded " I am right here baby don't worry I am not going anywhere okay".

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