Part 6

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The week went by faster for Lisa and Sam , they were inseparable they ran together every morning, cooked together,  took showers together, played games together , took care of the garden , took walks , took naps , taught each other new recipes , they learnt more about each other but it was now time to go back home and give the elders an answer , Lucy stood by the window impatiently biting her nails "no news is good news right?" John asked "oh just sit down you two, I told you even if they decided not to stay married you will have to accept this" ,"but aunt she's perfect for him" Lucy voiced going to sit next to Grandma Blue , the car arrived and soon Sam entered the house he didn't greet anyone he went straight to the kitchen and took out a bottle of water from the fridge and walked back to the car , Susan , Lucy and Sandy went to peek by the window "is she car sick?" "Should we go out?" , "come sit down stop snopping you'll only make things worse" they sat back down , John and Jimmy walked downstairs , Lisa and Sam walked in they sat next to Grandma Blue and kept quiet " what's wrong with Lisa she looks pale" Susan asked getting close to her feeling her temperature "Baby you're heating up" , "I think she has flu she's been vomiting all morning " Grandma Blue got up and came back with Ginger biscuits she gave one to her and Lisa ate it all in one go she took a few more and was better in no time , "Aunt what's in the biscuits? that's the first thing she ate this morning without it coming back up" , "you're worried about the wrong thing right now you should be worried about what's making her sick , so I guess you've both made up your mind" , "oh yea we've decided to stay married" everyone shouted happly "oh thank God our little Oli isn't little anymore" ,"oh c'mon Sussy" , "I am sorry I am just super excited" , Sam got annoyed and got up and made himself peanut butter sandwich and drank some milk.

Jena walked pass him "aah what's that smell" Jena smelled herself "uhmm my perfume" she said confused, "aah that's awful" he said then started to gag and ran to the bathroom to vomit , Grandma Blue laughed , he walked back and sat down she gave him one of the cookies he ate them too , "aunt what's wrong with these two" , "oh nothing much" she took both they hands into hers "congratulations you two" they both looked at her confused " don't you get it really?" She asked , "what ? No that's to soon" Sandy said excitedly, Grandma nodded " oh congratulations you two" "Sandy what are you on about " Susan asked "you guys also don't get it?" They nodded " Our little Sammy is gonna be a dad" everyone jumped up excitedly Lisa and Sam were still clueless " wait what?" , "they pregnant?" They both got up and ran to the bathroom Grandma Blue just laughed and everyone was happy , they came back and sat down , Lisa curled herself next to Grandma and laid her head on her lap , Sam laid on Susan's lap "shouldn't we go to the doctor I mean we could be really sick why am I sick if she's pregnant!!" , "legend has it when a baby girl is made from pure innocent love the connection of the parents love shows when they share mood swings , morning sickness and pain" Grandma Blue stated, "but can you guys take us to see a doctor so we can confirm? So a professional can help us not some ginger biscuits" Sam said annoyed, Jimmy picked up Lisa and put her in the car the others followed and drove to the doctor.

They got there and the doctor confirmed that Lisa really was pregnant , it's pretty early to say anything though but he also gave both of them pills for the nausea and told them what to avoid eating and what to start eating he told them it will not be as bad as time goes and that they should come back 3 weeks later to get a scan so they could really see what was happening , they drove back home and slept till evening they woke up feeling better Sam was now excited,  Lisa was still shocked and hadn't yet processed the news , they got downstairs and there were balloons all over with a big congratulations sign there was cake and the man were braaing meat outside, " congratulations " everyone shouted as they walked downstairs,  everyone gathered around the table and ate over light conversations they ate the meat without any problems "I'd like to raise a toast" everyone put up they glasses " to our last borns first born may he or she be a blessing to this family , may she bring us all together just as they father has done , may they be the next generations foundation and help them stay together just as Sam has glued each one of us together as he never gave up on us and showed us what family really meant , and to Lisa we're not sorry you were introduced to us the way you were , we're just sorry we came to you late thank you for choosing to stay thank you for choosing us , cheers" everyone clicks they glasses Lisa and Sam had juice in they glasses but they clicked with the others to.

"I'd like to say something " Sam stood up "I'd be lying if I didn't say I fell inlove with my wife the moment I laid eyes on her , she stared through me in that elevator and for the first time someone made me shy" everyone laughed , "I wanted to go after her but I didn't want to be a di.k to my nephew, when I saw her at the diner party I knew I was gone" , "I saw your face and I can attest to that" Author agreed and the rest chuckled he turned to Lisa " my love to stand here and call you mine still makes my heart fluster I ask myself every morning when I wake up next to you if I am really not dreaming, you see you feel like a dream to me , I never thought you'd be here next to me carrying our child , when you spoke up for Jena the first time you met her I had already lost myself in you , on our wedding night I was really glad it was you on my bed , I am sorry Jena no offense but I was really happy , I was so nervous when we left here but as soon as you saw the lake house and smiled I knew I had to make you mine , I am sorry that our time to date and travel the world side by side was cut short but I promise once our baby is old enough I'll take you to those special places with them , I know it feels like we're going to fast but I swear we have a life time together to slow it down I love you Mama" he bent and kissed her forehead Lisa had teary eyes as she was happy , the was screaming and hollering going around " wow who knew our little brother was a hopeless romantic" Lucy teased ,"but in all and all I'd like to personally apologize to both of you I am sorry I put you in a situations that broke your spirits , I mean marriage is a big deal I could've tried helping you guys meet and start dating instead, but I am glad you met , on this babies life I promise to never call Sam Oli again , this is a big deal for me my brother is finally happy and that's all I ask for , if you ever cheat on Lisa you'll be cut off from this family , Lisa is now a Smith and Smiths stay together " the clicked they glasses,  Grandma Blue got up "I am happy to stand here today and witness my one and only nephew start his family , I am gonna tell you now God has plans for both of you I've never met such good people in my life you both deserve one another and you both deserve nothing but happiness, this baby is lucky to have parents like both of you , you both lost your parents in car accidents may they beautiful souls rest easy knowing that from today onwards you will be nothing but happy may they shower you with blessing upon blessings , you deserve love , security , and peace and thats what you both give to one another , if you ever f..k this up I'll twist your balls in your sleep until they burst I promise you" she sat down and everyone laughed "but why am I being threatened she's the inlaw " "No baby she's family you're the uncle" they all laughed and ate they food "I was thinking Jena and John should go to they honeymoon everything was already booked anyway" , " really? I was about to ask you about that " , "uhmm yea you guys go I'll just cancel mine and Lee's we can go somewhere close when she feels better to travel I don't want us going to far for now , you guys can leave tomorrow we're going back to our place tomorrow too anyway" " can I ask something" Jimmy asked " since aunt Lisa won't be using her house can me and Author live there instead it's close to school and the place is big enough for the both of us" , "if Lee has no problem with that then it's cool " , "it's fine with me but you'll share the place with Steve my nephew you've met him at the wedding" , Jimmy gave Author a look and he started blushing " I think tha.." Author covered his mouth " not a problem" , "wait what's happening? Why are you being weird" "Steve and Author shagged that day " , " what!!" Lisa shouted " you knew? You're not mad at me?" , "why would we be mad at you?" , "because I am gay" Grandpa George hit him on the head " boy we don't care if you're gay or not all we care about is you and if you're happy , plus we all knew you were gay for a long time ain't no way girls as hot as your friends would undress or be half naked infront of you and you ain't give two f..ks if you were straight" everyone chuckled "wait but what now are you and Steve now dating? Jimmy will you be comfortable staying with them or should I find Steve a place to stay" , "uhmm well h.." , "Jimmy bro I promise we won't make you uncomfortable I really like him please let him stay with us even if we don't work out I still like him as my friend " , "wait you've known Steve?" "Yes we're in the same class for art we've been friends for a while and he confessed to me but I told him I wasn't ready he waited for me and was there for me at my worst he's been awol last semester and I tried calling him but when I saw him at the wedding one thing led to another I am sorry we missed the wedding " ,"oh I see no his parents are going through a divorce so his mom moved to Chicago that's why he moved too, but I asked her to let him come back so he could finish up school it's okay with me he's already there anyway" wait his at your house this whole time?" "Uhmm yes h.." Author jumped up and went to his room then ran outside and drove out "uncle please find me a place to stay near the school I can't live with those two they will be day and night and I am just single" Jimmy pleaded " I told you to take dating seriously" John shouted laughing at him " haa forget it I'll stay here at home" , " oh baby I'd love to stay with you" Jimmy looked at Grandma Blue "uncle please save me both places aren't safe for me" Sam just laughed at him.

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