Part 11

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It has been 4 hours , Sam went out to get water for Lisa as soon as he got out Lisa held onto the nurse and started pushing she pushed as hard as she could "I see the head keep pushing" she pushed harder and one of the babies were born , " nurse it's coming aaaah" she screamed in pain "calm down and breath for me start pushing" she pushed and pushed and the second baby came followed by the third child , just then Sam entered the room , cries of the kids echoed in the room Sam ran to Lisa " babe our babies are here they here , you did it my love" he said kissing her , machines started beeping loud " what's wrong babe babe!!" , "Mr Smith please wait outside nurse please take the children to the other room" , " Babe!!" Sam shouted , Lisa's heart stopped beating, her eyes were closed the smile she had seconds ago started to fade away as the doctors tried resurrecting her , Sam was put outside and couldn't see anything just then everyone entered, " uncle what's wrong where is aunt? Where are the kids" , " Lisa she..she..she" , "what happened Sam" , " Lucy please check on the kids I'll stay here and wait for Lisa nothing will happen to my wife she will be okay we will raise those kids together she's just tired from giving birth she's just resting" Sam said reassuring himself hugging himself as he was sitting infront of the door with tears rolling down his cheeks , Lucy walked away with Jena to check on the kids , Liam and Steve sat next to Sam in silence.

Grandma Blue sat on the chair and started praying for Lisa , " Mr Smith" one of the nurses called out , he quickly jumped up and wiped his tears " would you like to see the children? You can also name them" , Sam looked at the door then at the nurse " no I'll wait for my wife to name them he said then sat back down" , " uncle let's go see th.." , " I am not leaving her again, I left her alone before I won't do it again I'll wait for her to wake up I'll see the children when she wakes up" , " Samuel Junior Smith!" Grandma Blue shouted " get your ass up and go see those beautiful kids do you think if Lisa wakes up she'll be okay knowing you didn't spend the first few hours with the children she sacrificed months carrying? Lisa is a strong girl she will sure wake up but do you think she'll ever get over the fact that you don't want to see those children,  get your ass up before I beat you" , " Lisa's gonna be okay right aunt?" , " Baby you've got yourself the strongest woman from the Smiths , she will be here smiling with us again and giving you gummy eyes showing off her dimples go see those little angels she baked all these months talk to them tell them how you feel , build that bond with them" Sam hugged her then walked to room the children were in , "here you are Mr Smith, both boys are healthy and strong and our little princess here is a little weak and her breathing is weak as her lungs are still developing she might stay longer in the incubator than the others", Sam's eyes brightened up " they look just like her , they have her eyes , her lips , her nose, this little chap even has her eye color I swear his gonna be a mommas boy" he said laughing by himself he walked to the girl " hey princess, I know you're strong like your mom you'll get out of this glass soon and I'll let you sleep on my chest and sing to you everyday, get well soon so we don't worry your mom okay" , he walked to the boys "you two protect your sister okay, daddy is a little concerned about mommy but don't worry mommy will be with us soon and we'll all be one big happy family again just promise me when we get out of this hospital none of you will get sick again you will all be healthy for me okay" , " Mr Smith the doctor is calling for you" he ran out " how is she? Is she okay? Will she wake up soon" , "I am sorry Mr Smith but your wife is in a coma , she lost alot of blood during birth and her heart stopped a few minutes after as you know she has a heart condition but her heartbeat is back to normal we just have to wait for her to wake up" , " a coma? How long will this be for? " , " honestly we don't know it's up to the patient we just have to wait and see" , "doctor my wife just gave birth her the kids need her you're telling me she might never get to see them grow " , "Sam calm down she will wake up" , Sam barged into the room and held Lisa's hand " Babe our children are waiting for you I am waiting for you they need a mother and I need my wife our little princess she's weak she's in the glass thing she looks so tiny she has your lips , the boys are looking good one has your eyes , wake up so we can see the kids together I haven't named them , we're waiting for you to name them so get up and name our children baby please get up please" he was now on his knees crying , Lucy felt her heart break as she saw her little brother heartbroken.

John came in running and passed all the family members and got infront of Sam " yaaa what are you doing kneeling and crying have you given up already? Are you underestimating your wife's strength? Get up and wipe those tears and be the present father and husband that Lisa knows you are" Sam slowly got up and hugged John they held onto each other "you can cry today and only today next time you show up infront of her and your kids you better be looking be" , he broke the hug and walked out Jena followed him "where are you going?" , "to see the kids" he went into the room and walked straight to the little girl " hey beautiful this is uncle Johnny I am sorry I am late , I promise to come to you everyday until you come out of here now promise me you'll be okay , I know your gene's so I know you're one strong princess I love you" Jena looked at him admiring him , he walked to the boys " hey big boys yall better not disappoint your uncle and become my best friends just as your father is my everything be good to your dad okay" he watched then for a while then walked to Jena and hugged her "I know how you're feeling but don't be afraid I will never ask something of you that I know you don't feel comfortable in we just got married we just reunited and we need time to learn each other first don't let this make you sad not being able to carry a child for long isn't your fault the are other ways to avoid me losing you in the process , I love you okay and don't worry I'll always be yours" Jena held onto him tightly as tears rolled down her face " you take care of Sam , I'll help with the kids" she said they were interrupted by a nurse and broke the hug " I am sorry you need to leave its feeding and changing time" , "nurse how long will the boys be in the incubator?" , "the doctor said 3 days if everything is well by then, then you can take them home " , "ow okay uhmm and the princess how bad is it?" , "she's having problems breathing she still needs to be monitored probably 2 weeks the most but it would have been better if the mom was awake breast milk would have boosted he growth and weight gain" "Thank you we'll leave you to it" , they walked back to the other room John asked everyone in the room and closed the door " now we need to work on schedules okay we have 3 days before we can take the boys back home,  when they do we'll take turns taking care of them so we won't be tired ,Sam you're not doing this alone we need you to rest up today you'll sleep here we've asked the doctor and I'll stay with and so will mom tomorrow another 3 can stay , I am saying 3 because we need to hands with the kids and someone needs to be with Lisa too , when the kids are back home our little princess will still be here so we need to be here and home we need to divide ourselves into 3 okay but for now let's eat , Sam no one is allowed to skip meals okay" Sam nodded they headed out leaving Liam , Author and Steve on watch duty.

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