Part 8

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The next morning Sam woke up at 5 am and got ready for work , he woke Lisa up at 6:30 am she was tired and wanted to rest more " babe get up we have so much to do today" she woke up and gragged herself to the bathroom and got ready , in the meantime Sam was making her breakfast, Sam had already put out clothes for her to wear , they rushed out at 7:30 as they were late according to Sam , Lisa ate her breakfast in the car , they got to work , Lisa was about to jump out at the IT department but Sam held her hand , she kept quiet as his assistant was in the elevator with him , they got out from the top floor and walked to the boardroom, it was the first time Lisa was here , she entered the boardroom and Nick slide down on his chair hiding himself "should I get an extra chair Sir?" Asked Lauren his assistant, " no thanks she'll sit on my chair" everyone was now curious as to who Lisa was.

"Everyone please settle down" he opened his chair for Lisa and she sat down " Goodmorning, now I know I should be off on my honeymoon but I needed to clear a few things first" , " can we start by answering who this beautiful lady you bought with you today" , "oh this beautiful woman here is the creator of Lori ,you guys remember Lori right" ,"oh yea but how did you find her I thought she was brain dead or something" uhmm it's a long story Paul "uhmm so what's your name Ms" uhmmm Goodmorning guys I am Lisa Fellon" ,"Fellon , fellon why does that sound familiar " Paul asked , "uhmm Nick could you come up and explain why Ms Fellon sounds familiar " , Nick stood up and slowly walked to the front , he stood there looking down "it's that girl that crashed the entire company's system and was sent to work at IT" , " I am afraid some parts of that story are false" , " Ms Fellon please do tell us it doesn't seem like Nick will say anything soon".

"I met Nick when I was 15 whilst modifieying , I was young and naive and loved computers Lori was my first work he helped get me updated computers to help me finish making her once I was done with her , he lured me to sign a contract with him I was 17 and didn't know much about big companies or anything , he got me to work here I was the fall guy for everything that happened , the crash wasn't my fault , Adam Jones who is now head of creators made a mistake and faulted a bug which cleaned out the whole system, I pulled in an all nighter using Lori and backed everything up , when Nick found me in the office the next day he told me someone needed to take the blame , he said he couldn't fire me as our contract was 10 years long" everyone gasped and talked amongst themselves " he moved me to the IT department and stole Lori's pen drive when I asked him about it he told me I had signed Lori to him and should never speak of this again" , " now gentleman we've got a problem before us , how do we solve this?" Sam asked , " but how do we know this is true? we can't ju.." " I knew you'd say that Paul, it's okay I understand your point you see last night I gathered enough evidence please look at the screen behind you" he said , "you see even though Ms Fellon has worked for us for the past 7 years she's not registered as a employee she's registered as a freelancer into the system, her pay isn't that of what she does she gets paid the same amount that interns get paid the pay is steady, as we all know pays increase every year , Lauren if you could please call Mr Jones in" , she nodded and let him in he greeted everyone " Mr Jones please share what you told me this morning" , "uhmm ofcourse Sir , when I was an intern Nick promised to hire us if we could hack into the system and replace employees or add new employees without raising awareness when we thought we did it we saw that we had actually cleaned the whole system,  Lisa I mean Ms Fellon was the one who got us out of trouble Nick told us that if we wanted a permanent job here we needed to blame her , he forced us to sign some documents that he still threaten us with just last week he threatened me into hacking Paul's phone because apparently he had new projects coming that he needed to know about first but I told Mr Smith about it" "you see gentleman I've been gathering info on Nick he's been doing alot of illegal things with our company name" , "how could you do such Nick? You know these people can sue us? Especially Ms Fellon , why are you so power hungry?" , "hand over the contract or I'll get the greatest lawyers for everyone you've been using so they can sue you and you'll pay out of your pockets even if it means selling your property " , "but boss " "hand it over and you'll be suspended as we investigate further" , "and convescate your car , phone and business card " Paul added , Nick did as asked and left "Thank you Mr Jones you may leave" Adam left " now Ms Fellon we are truly sorry for what had happened to you the past years please don't let this come between our venture going forward" , "ofcourse not".

"Now gentleman I think it's time we had a discussion about Lori , Ms Fellon we're truly honored to have found you , in hopes we'll work together in the future please give us some time to discuss and draft a contract that would fit your needs" , "I know it's not a done deal and you are allowed to look into other companies proposals but please consider us first" Paul said , "i think we should clear the company issue first she should also be compasated for the past 7 years" Denis stated " aah yes uhmm she won't be coming back to work for us unfortunately, she's  at the process of opening her company , she will be compasatted with what was owed to her for the past years" Lisa felt so small she didn't like what was happening but she kept quiet " good then we're done here right? we'll get everything ready for when you get back Sam" , Sam nodded and extended his hand to Lisa.They walked out and got in the elevator and Lisa had been quiet, they drove home in silence,  when they reached home she went to the bedroom and sat on the bed " babe can we talk?" , "let's talk out of here" they sat by the balcony " what's wrong did I do something wrong" , "uhmm I don't know I just think you've forgotten that I am your wife and not one of your employees, not once have you asked me what I want , you made decisions on my behalf today , about work and my future, without even asking me first , you've decided on opening a company for me taking me to school but is that what I want?"Lisa stated , "I am sorry my love I just got a head of myself I got to excited that I let my brain plan ahead without discussion, thank you for speaking to me about this I promise in the future I'll take it to note" Lisa nodded " so have you decided what you'll do?" "I'll do everything you said I should do babe , this seems important to you and I want to make you proud " Sam pulled her close and hugged her " I love you " , "I love you more" , "where do you want to go for our honeymoon?" , "I don't know love what's your favorite place?" , "uhmm I've always wanted to visit Korea on my free time not on business I wanted to try the food there plus it's got beautiful places and fun things to do" "Then let's go there" , are you sure bbe won't you he sick?" "I have you with me what could go wrong?" Sam smiled at the thought that he was her safe place he pulled her in and hugged her.

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