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August was minding her own business, her earphones on her head as lana del rey hazardly blared into August's ear drums. The girl liked to listen to music to the point it physically hurt, music was an escape, a safer drug.

Drugs; August did them. Did them all, maybe not all in the same day but she'd done her fair amount of drugs. Whether that be cannabis, E, cocaine, molly, heroin, or things that were prescribed to her. Her prescription drugs were the first taste of addiction she had.

August was in the car with Julia, she was in the accident. She broke her leg and fracture her arm, so she was prescribed all these types of drugs to calm the pain. Then due to therapy; if she talked in her sessions. She was prescribed anxiety medication and anti-depressants. Yes, August Garcia was a druggie before she even turned 18. Well she was 18 now, so her parents couldn't force her to go to therapy, or talk at all.

It was a nightmare dressed as a blessing. She needed the force of someone; someone making her to talk, so she actually would. But her mom's thought that was a losing battle, so they stopped.

As the music carried on to pound into August skull she hadn't heard her door open and her Mom make her way towards her daughter.

Maria sat down next to her daughter, hearing her music like she was the one wearing the headphones. Maria carefully placed her hand ontop of her daughters leg, smiling softly. Her heart broke seeing how August flinched and almost threw her phone out of fright.

"Oh, hey mama" the girl greeted her mom, her words not slurred like usual. Maria bit down on her bottom lip, sad that she was used to seeing her daughter high; so used to it that she expected it.

"What do you want for dinner, honey?" August's mom asked, still wearing the comforting smile. August shrugged, not knowing what she wanted.

"I dunno" the girl replied, her headphones still playing the music but at a less crazy volume. Maria nodded her head, retracting her hand and sitting up.

"You wanna think about it and tell me or your mom?" August nodded, flashing a smile as she went back to listening to music at an absurd volume. Maria glanced at her daughter one last time before leaving the room, shutting the door softly and walking over to her wife who was in the kitchen.

"Hey, baby, what's wrong?" Nina asked, watching as her wife walked into the kitchen with a frown.

"What are we going to do with August?" The question lingered in the air, they had been too scared to address the situation sooner.

"She'll be our baby in no times, we just need to give her time" nina always had a more 'give time' approach to life, even though she knew deep down her daughter needed help. Maria couldn't stop the groan that bubbled out of the throat, a scoff of sarcastic revelation leaving her lips too.

"Time? Nina, our daughters slowly dying and you think she needs time? She needs help, medical help, serious help. I won't bury my daughter nor watch her kill herself." August listened behind her door.

Addiction was hard, it ruled her. She wasn't August anymore she was a drug addict, that's all her life could be summed into. It was daunting, knowing she had lived 17 years of her life normal, fine; then one day it was like, "Oh no, I like pills abit too much"

August tried to blame everyone but herself, Julia for dying, the nurses for giving her such a high dosage, her mom's for not caring; everyone but herself.

Addiction was selfish, it didn't care who it consumed nor all of the damage it does to people's lives. It didn't have emotions so why would it care?

Sadly, August had fallen victim to that endless battle of drugs. She didn't bother rehab, she promised her mom's that if they ever tried she'd run away and never return. Somedays August thinks about whether she'd do it or not. If leaving everything she once loved would help her break away from the part that still needed drugs and alcohol to survive. Just maybe she'd go be to be herself again.

But that wasn't what she could do, she needed her mom's, she needed the stability, and the love they provided for her. So she stayed, and she fought off the needs, attempted to atleast.

Earlier in the week she had stayed at school later than usual, and ended up meeting up with her usual dealer who sold her shrooms for a deal she couldn't miss out. She was a month sober by then, it may not seem like a accomplishment, but it was. She had gotten over the constant nauseous, and the vomiting stopped. But then she was in her room, high out of her mind imagining a dragon in the corner of her eye sight. All her progress gone, washed away with one simple rushed with drugs.

August's mind was at peace, relaxed. She had went out into her garden and began to swim; something she never did. Her bikini was wrapped around her curves, her toe hesitantly dipping into the pool.

"You going for a swim?" Her mom asked, August ignored the attempt of conversation and jumped in. Her body shuttered, goosebumps spreading all over her body at the sudden temperature change. They thought she'd gotten better, her smile wide, so content with swimming in circles.

After she got out, her mom's saw for themselves why the sudden change in her attitude: her eyes red, face burned. August ate everything in sight, demolishing the whole kitchen. Maria and Nina watched as the girl tore her hair out, screaming at the top of her lungs that she needed more drugs. Watched as she crumbled, dropping to her knees and wrapping herself up in a ball.

They nursed her back, coaxing her to the bathroom and helping her get ready for another doctors appointment. It was the 5th one that week, and it was only Wednesday.

Another doctor told the women that she was clinclially depressed, her body mourning the death of her bestfriend still, her mind not coping in the ways they did.

She broke, cracked, crumbled what ever word you need to describe someone who couldn't stand the idea of living anymore and you'd get August. The only solution to all her problems were found in a orange container, white sticker labeled: warning highly additive.

August's body slouched against her door, hearing her mom's shushed words. She wanted to cry, scream at them and apologise for being so fucked up, instead she stumbled to her feet.

August walked into the kicten. Her mom's stopped arguing, turning their attention to their daughter.

"Can I have pasta?" Her voice croaked, strained due to her holding back a scream. Marina nodded, walking over to their cupboard and grabbing the shells. Nina stood in the middle of the kitchen, looking at her daughter.

"You'll be okay, right sweetie?" Nina asked, she saw how August's face etched into a frown. August shrugged, honestly not knowing the reply.

"I don't think I will."

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