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August paced back and forth, the dress she wore hung to all her curves, showing off all the girl had to offered to the eyes. She dampened her lips, Vada on her laptop screen trying to calm the girl.

It was clear Vada had a hold over the taller girl, however her calming and assuring words only went so far.

"I don't know if I can do this." August had been saying that for the past 20 minutes. Back and forth, debating on whether to attend the party. Vada sighed, rolling off her bed and putting on her shoes.

"I'm coming over, I'll be there in 10" Vada was all too quick to hang up, running out of her room and literally running to August. She briskly explained to her mom, that she wasn't coming home. Patricia- Vada's mom- couldn't understand a word.

"August'sfreakingoutandsheneedsmeiwontbehometonightdontstayup" Vada breathed out, missing out all of the underage drinking and no doubt substance taking. She quickly leaned forward kissing her mom's cheek before taking off.

August continued to panic, her mind racing. It was one thing to smoke a blunt, drink a few bottles but- a party was different. There will be people urging her on, offering her all types of drugs.

August kept reminding herself that she changed, the she's no longer that girl. She doesn't need to let the drugs control her, all she needs is her Vada.

The short brunette who made everything seem light, the talkative girl who never allowed there to be an awkward silence. The girl August had fell in love with in a drug haze, a weed blended mess. The girl who pushed her into a stall when there was a school shooting, the Vada who was always there.

Vada barged through the door, using the key August had gave her. She searched the house, not seeing anyone in sight. The livingroom, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, pool house, no where in sight.

"August?" Vada called out, walking out into the garden. Sat dangling on the roof was August, joint between lips as she blew it out into the California heat.

"Hey" August replied, Vada's head snapped up hearing the sound. Vada's eyes widened, seeing August sat in such a dangerous spot. Vada didn't mean to panic, she didn't mean to prove August's point- the point that everyone thought she was a danger to herself.

"What are you doing up there?" Vada calmingly asked, trying her best to collect all of her thoughts.

"Chillin'," August unaudably replied, pointing out the blunt between her lips. Vada breathed out, suggesting August to join her in the living room. August mumbled something undetectable to Vada, nudging her body off the roof.

"Come on August" Vada grabbed ahold of August's hand, tugging her into the house. August smiled, her mood changing just by being around Vada.

The two sat down on the couch, sharing a joint between them before the party. August's and Vada's days always went like this, ending up on August's couch smoking until their lungs couldn't handle anymore, until their brains no longer functioned.

It was particular, fitting and exact. Anna told August it would be beneficial to make a routine, I doubt she had this thing in mind but it was a routine.

Vada had grown to like the smell and taste of weed, she'd often get rushes whilst high. August had always been a secret desire in her life, something she wanted. For Vada, August, was like a flower, elegant to look at, sensual to see but too perfect, to define to ever touch; Vada never listened to the last rule though.

"What are you thinkin' about, Vada?" August called out, she laid on the floor now, staring at the ceiling. Her fingers in the air, brushing against each other. Maybe an hour had past, still many more to go before they had to leave for Mia's party.

"Nothing." Vada contoured, smiling softly before accompanying August on the floor. Her hair spread out, falling across the floor. August turned and looked at her, smiling madly.

"Whats got you all smiley?" Vada bopped August's nose, smiling as it crinched. August shook her head, wiggling away the tingly feeling.

"I like being around you" August admitted, making Vada smile too. August hummed, placing a joint back in between her lips.

After a few puffs Vada placed out her hand, asking for the cigarette. August smiled, teasing the girl by not giving it her. Vada pouted, leaned back on the floor and sulking like a child, letting the carpet below her entrap her.

August laughed to herself, rolling over a little bit, landing right beside Vada. She lifted herself up with her elbow, leaning over Vada.

"Awh, come on Vada. Don't be like, here-" August grabbed ahold of Vada's cheek, making sure to be careful. She tilted Vada's head back, leaning closer. August ghosted her lips over Vada's, parting her lips and allowed the gray smoke to leave her lips. The smoke invaded Vada's opened mouth, who's eyes widened at the action.

August pulled away, rubbing her thumb over Vada's still parted lips.


Vada couldn't react, she just stared at the girl above her.

"Almost." Vada grabbed ahold of August's shirt pulling her back down. It wasn't a strange feeling anymore; the warmth of August's mouth became a familiar feeling, that didn't stop Vada from blushing madly though.

August placed herself over Vada's body, her legs straddling the short girl. Heat rushed over both of their bodies, a desire that sprouted within the darkest parts of nights, a want that ached, burned, bellowed within the moonlit rooms that led August and Vada; dreaming about the day they'd finally make it a reality.

Vada's fingers wrapped around August's hair, pulling her closer. Her mouth parted, a shallow moan leaving her lips. August smirked, kissing down her neck.


The wall clung to August's back, comforting the girl as others around her mindlessly chatted about anything. August's chest grew tight, the bottle in her hand felt far too heavy. She sighed, her eyes unfocused.

Her hands were clammy, loosely hung around the beer bottle. Her lips were suddenly dry, her tongue not doing much to lunercate the dryness. She groaned, rolling her head back until it hit the wall.

The wall was confronting, a sense of familiarity. She had seen the scene around her countless times, having been at attendance of most- well all, of Mia Reeds parties.

The blonde walked over to August, smiling widely at the sight of the girl. She offered her a shot, full of a clear liquid- probably vodka. August looked at the glass, debating on whether to take it.

Her hand slowly moved from her body, etching towards the glass. Mia smiled, urging the girl. Slower, August tilted her head back the foreign substance rolling down her tongue, splashing down her throat.

She hissed, retracting the glass. Mia chucked, watching as August gasped at the burning sensation that took over her mouth. The brunette furrowed her eyebrows, questioning the liquid she'd just consumed.

"What the fuck is that?" August hissed, her throat burning more than usual. Her mind went hasey, the figures around her fizzing.

"Its liquidifed cocaine, awesome, right?" August's heart sank, her whole body going stiff. She hadn't taken anything since meeting Vada, she had changed. Mia saw the taken look on August's features.

"What's wrong? Did you quite or something?" Mia asked, almost teasing August; mocking her efforting of trying to be better.

August stared at the glass, her mouth watering. Her eyes diluted. Her finger reached out, grabbing Mia's shoulder.

This wasn't August, this was some parasite that took over her whenever drugs were around.

August smiled, offering Mia a warming and unfamiliar sight. Mia had never actually seen August happy, or remotely sober. Mia only had an appeal to August when she was out of her mind desperate for any sense of relief. Considering Vada was no where to be seen, August shrugged.

"Lets get wasted?"

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