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I forgot to add that Vada isn't that effected from the shooting in this book, she's basically like how Mia dealt with it. Her character in this book is going to be chatty, and not so sad like in the film.

August hadn't said much since that night, bearly leaving her room, not eating, sleeping all the time. Maria and Nina were scared, August was slowly slipping through their fingers. They didn't know what to do, what to say, so they just let her carry on with her life until she reached out.

Somedays it was obvious that she had taken something: her mouth foaming, eyes wide, hands jittery, not being able to focuse or focusing so much that half her day was gone by staring at a single object. Bruising around her antecubital fossa; the inside of her elbow. It was obviously due to needles. Her nose was red most nights, probably due to the substances she'd been snorting.

Sometimes she wouldn't even come home at night, but return in the morning; massive purple hickey suffocating her neck, smelling like alcohol and weed. She'd normally go to Mia Reeds, one of her only friends. Mia had came to August to experiment and August didn't see any problem with that.

From August's actions, spiraled argument after argument in the Garcia household. Nina claiming August will be fine, she only needs a couple more weeks. Maria obviously seeing how her daughters weight had dropped, her skin going see-through, the white around her eyes turning a gray.

Even though August knew all her behaviour were destructive, slowly killing the girl inside her; she didn't care. Julia, that's all she could think about. Selfish as it may be she wished she'd died and not her. Julia had always been the stronger out of the pair, she wouldn't have destroyed her life and the people around hers because she didn't know how to grieve. She'd throw herself into school, maybe join a club. She wouldn't go to every party thrown, drink until her stomach needed pumping, get high until the air starts to taste like watermelon jolly ranchers.

August somehow made her way to school, walking around like a zombie. She found herself sitting on the floor in the bathroom. Unhygienic? Yeah. Did she care? No.

She unzipped her back, pulling out a joint she had rolled earlier that day. Placing it between her lips and lighting it. The toilet was the best place to do it, it had a massive blurred window for the smoke.

She sat herself down on the counter, her feet bearly touching the floor. She didn't care whether people came in or not, she didnt bother to look. She heard low scoffs; people obviously disgusted by her ways. August carried on to feel numb, feeling numb meant no embarrassment.

The only girl who caught her attention was Mia. The blonde walked- well strutted into the bathroom, face instantly brightening at the sight of August.

"Hey, Auggie" auggie August hated that name. However, August smiled and waved towards the blonde. Mia smiled, turning around and began to make sure her makeup looked amazing for the pictures they'd be taking of the grade later that day. August had forgotten, her eyes widened at the realisation.

"Is it picture day?" The girl mumbled around the cigarette in between her lips. Mia laughed, a high pitch laugh you'd do around someone you liked; August cringed at the sound.

"Yeah, Augs. It's like a millions posters everywhere" Mia replied, smiling whilst shaking her head. August dropped her head, groaning at how she probably looked like a rogue animal.

Her head then snapped towards the blonde, not knowing why Mia calls her everything but her name; August! It isn't that hard. The girl let it go, forgetting why she was mad in the first place.

"You look fine, don't worry" Mia assured the girl, pressing her lip liner to her lips, drawing the line carefully. August scoffed, already knowing the girl was lying.

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