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Vada didn't want to admit it but she was jealous, red hot anger flashing through her body. She sat, cuddled up to Nick as he spoke about his day; she wasn't listening.

Her eyes roaming the room, falling on August as the girl took yet another shot down her throat. Vada whinced, watching how August no longer had a reaction to the liquid poisoning her system.

"You good, V?" The boy beside her nudged her, wigging his arm in hopes to gain her attention. Vada was too interested in August, wondering what she was doing.

"Huh?" Vada paid no attention to Nick. Nick followed her eye line, meeting the sight of August lazily taking another shot. He too groaned, mad at the way the irresponsible girl held his bestfriends attention when she didn't deserve it.

"Still can't believe you had sex with August Garcia." That gained Vada's attention, her head snapping towards the boy infront of her. She scowled, her eyes landing back on August who seemed extremely out of it.

"Shes my-" Vada stopped herself, knowing that her and August never really defined their relationship. She thought for a minute, biting down on her lip in thought. She dragged herself off the couch, striding towards August.

"Dude, I cant understand a word that's coming out of your mouth" a girl commented, chuckling as August could bearly lift her head. August drouded out the party with her laughter, smiling dopely.

"August, get up." Vada grabbed ahold of August's shirt, dragging the girl up. August whined, not understanding why she's being dragged in the current moment.

"Why?" Mia groaned, her face planting into the couch beside her. Vada rolled her eyes, stabilising August as the taller girl slumped around her.

"Because she's my girlfriend and I'm not letting her do this to herself. She was fucking sober, before you came and ruined it." Vada spat, wrapping her arms tight around August's wasit.

"She is?"

"I am?" August giggled into Vada's shoulder, holding the girl closer. Vada nodded, pulling the girl away from the group that groaned in objection from the lack of August's presence.

"I am?" August mumbled out once again. Vada only dragged her further from the party, only stopping when the pair walking into the coldness of the night.

"I mean-" vada didn't get the chance to speak. August wrapped her arms around Vada's waist, lifting the girl up before she could finish speaking. Vada giggled, wrapping her legs around August's body.

"I am!" August cheered, spinning the two around before stopping hastily. She clenched her jaw, holding down the bile that rose, she flashed Vada a toothy grin.

August carried on to walk, Vada wrapped around her body like a warm coat. Vada didn't hold any obligation, letting the brunette walk with her around her body. August hummed, walking down the streets.

The extremely entoxicated girl slurred out words, tickling Vada's neck when she did. Vada didn't question the jumble of words, smiling into the midnight sky; at peace with the outcome of the party.

"Your coming home with me." August declared, walking in a completely different way to her house; her mind traveling to wherever she wanted to go. Vada shook her head, telling August no.

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