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August waited meekly. Her fingers tapping against the marble counter top. She hummed to herself, wondering if she should be waiting or carry on with her day.

Vada was expected today, August's mom's were working a 24 hour shift again. Vada had asked if she could try weed, initially August was put off my the idea; Vada soon persuaded her differently.

August flicked the joint in her hand, rolling down her hand. She nibbled on her lip, the waiting was exhausting. August needed a rush, it had nearly been a two days since she took anything, since the therapy session.

August hopped off the counter, walking over to her room; grabbing a bikini and putting it on. She walked back into her living room, soon filtering into the pool house and grabbing floatys.

August didn't know why she was so nervous, it was just vada. Whenever August was around Vada everything stopped, like how it did around Julia. August always though when the day came she found someone who could potentially become her friend she'd be scared, anxious, off put; and she was.

It had always just be here and Julia, Julia and her; no one else, no one else got them. Vada however did too, Vada wasn't like Julian in some aspects, Vada could talk for hours without losing her breath, Julia didn't like talking that much. August hummed, shaking her head; trying not to compare the two.

She flopped down on her bench chair, sunglasses on her face. Music lowly poured out of her house, obviously lana del rey soothing her mind. She hummed, the California air scorching her skin.

"Hey stranger" Vada strolled into her house, a towel wrapped around her neck. August flinched at the sound, tilting her glasses down.

"How'd you get into my house?" August inquired, questioning the sudden appearance of Vada. The girl smiled, pulling out her phone; loads of messaging that she had arrived were there.

August timidly smiled, offering Vada a drink. Vada giggled at how August freaked out and apologized profusely. The two had spent countless nights on face-time, talking about anything that came to there mind.

Vada had tried to not look at August's body, it wasn't on display for her eyes. But she couldn't help but glance, a innocent little look. Her cheeks were set aflame, her breathing became staggered. Shaking away the thoughts that creped into her apparently perverted mind.

"That suits you" August spoke behind Vada, the shorter girl turned around; purple bucket hat in hand, she had found it on August's desk.

"You think?" The girl asked, caring what August through about her. August nodded, grabbing the hat and putting it on Vadas head, making sure to tuck the lose standes of hair into the hat too.

"perfect" August mumbled, her eyes too focused on Vada's facial future's to notice how Vada's breath hitched and the obvious blush that covered her cheeks.

"t-thank you." August hummed, leaning forward and kissing the girls cheek. She offered her hand, guiding Vada into her kitchen.

"This your first high?" August asked. Vada was about to lie again, not wanting to seem lame to August. "Dont lie, it's important to tell the truth, always." August could tell Vada was about to lie, the girls upper lip twitched a few times.

"Yeah, this will be my first high" Vada admitted. August smiled, appreciating the truth, she handed Vada some food.

"You don't want to do this on an empty stomach" Vada took the food, eating it whilst watching August's every move.

The latter leaned up to grab something on the top shelf, still just wearing her bikini. Vada didn't want to seem like a creep again, but she also couldn't tear her eyes away from August as she grabbed two cups.

"You nervous?" August turned around, tilting her head at the sight infront of her. Vada, gripping the counter with one hand, and her mouth slightly open, face flushed.

"Do you want me to put the AC on? We're about to go outside anyways, do you need ice or something" August watched Vada tense, her cheeks flourishing into a darker red.

"I'm okay, just nervous" Vada mumbled, the food now gone. August nodded, leaning over and grabbing ahold of Vada's hand.

"You don't need to do this, Vads. Seriously, we can just talk" August assured the girl, Vada smiled greatfuly at August.

"I want to." Vada purists. She dampens her lips, so sure of her words. August couldn't argue with that, she just walked away. Vada followed after her, accompanying her on the pool side.

"Okay, have you ever smoked a cigarette?" August asked, her feet dipping into the pool. Vada always wore basketball shorts, so she too had her feet in the pool.

"I'll be completing transparent with you-" Vada started, her head titling back. Her eyes normally were a dark, chocolate colour. Due to the warm sun, they turned a honey like colour. August had always been a fool for someone who had nice eyes, didn't matter the colour; they only had to be nice. Vada had a gorgeous pair.

"-i haven't done anything, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't vape, I've never found the need" Vada admitted, her fingers dipping into the water and splashing it around. August watched as Vada grew anxious of her statement. August smiled at her, offering the girl the joint.

"Dont inhale too much, breathe it in slowly, not too fast" August told Vada who nodded in reply. Holding it in her hand she looked at her fingers in question, looking up at August with worry.

"Which way do I hold it? Because-" Vada flicked the blunt in her hand, rolling it between her thumb and index finger. "I've seen people hold it like this-" she then placed it between her index finger and middle holding it to her lips like an 80's model. "Or like this?"

August shook her head, throwing her head back with laughed. She turned back to Vada, smiling like she used to.

"Do whatever feels right, Vada Cavell" August replied, throwing her body into the pool with a splash. August watched from the side as Vada choked on the smoke.

Vada tried again, carefully letting the weed leave her body.

"Dont worry, I'll make you brownies next time" August laughed, her back leaning into the floaty. Her eyes watching the clouds move, everything peaceful.

"Oh! I love brownies so much, are you a brownie or a muffin gal? Oh, your totally a brownie, don't worry, me too. God, I love your house, its so big! But also homey. I love your mom's too, they accepted my Facebook request, you was such a cute baby, i didn't know you was adopted though. That's really interesting, I would ask what happened to your biological parents but that really rude so I won't." August watched as the girl talked, smiling to herself. She had no clue how she ended up meeting Vada, but it was a good thing. Vada made her feel again.

"Holy shit! That cloud totally looks like a boob, I love boobs." Vada gasped, pointing at a cloud that had no resemblance to a boob what so ever.

"Damn, Vada. First high?" August teased, watching how Vada narrowing her eyes brows, handing the joint back to August.

"Yeah" Vada replied, apparently forgetting the conversation they had a few minutes ago.

August chuckled, taking hits of the joint In her hand. Smiling at how her day has panned out.

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