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It was surreal, animalistic, and desirable. Vada hadn't kissed many people, so when her lips collided with August's it felt strange. Feeling the other girl press her lips into Vada's calmed ever fear that settled within the shorter girl. When August chose to open her mouth, moving it faster against Vada's made the girl grip ahold of her hips; pushing her own body into August's.

It was feverish, the two built it up so much that when it finally happened it was chaotic.

The kiss was like a rash, once they scratched it; there was no stopping it. Hands tangled into hair, fingers pinching gently, bodies bumping into one another. Thirst, August drank up the time she spent with Vada. Now, everything changed; she worried she'd never be able to stop. Vada pleaded with her hands; pressing down on August's hips, possessively. August bit down on the girls bottom lip, pulling it back as she retracted her lips away from Vada's hungry ones. Until Vada pushed forward once again.

Vada relished in the kiss, ghosting her fingers over August's neck. The hight difference made it awkward, but the second Vada's fingers wrapped around the front of August's shirt and pulled the girl down every nerve ran away.

It began to slow, their lips carefully molding together. It was a puzzle, gently slotting into each other. The kiss was gratifying, something the two needed.

August's hand ran up Vada's back, pushing it into her. Vada bumped into the embrace, her chest hitting August's.
The kiss grew, growing desperate and more needy. August's eyes widened, feeling Vada brush her tongue against her bottom lip.

It grew like a forest fire, starting off with one branch, then it turning into a whole ecosystem setting ablaze. Vada's hands couldn't stay in one spot, she needed to feel everywhere. Her hands sketched over the others girls shoulder, sqeezing when August opened her mouth again, but now letting Vada invade her.

The blue lights carried on to shine behind the girls, a song playing as the two made out hastily. They wouldn't be able to share which song that was, their ears buzzing with excitement. The weed had long filtered out of their brain, they were stone cold sober. August found it strange, she'd never actually kissed anyone sober.

Vada was too gay for August, so she endulgued in all her desires. Grabbing the girls shirt tighter; whimpering with each kiss, needing more.

When August felt a tug to her lips, she groaned. Vada's teeth dragging the swolling lip with hers. She smiled placing one last peck on August's lips before leaving her entirely.

The silenced raised, the two looking at each wondering if it was just a dream or did they just make out in a fast food parking lot.

Vada's heart didn't stop pounding, she couldn't think straight. Her heart beat was in her ears, her eyes scattering across the sight infront of her. Her world came crashing down when August's smiled faltered, walking back to her car.

Vada watched, slowly, her eyes tearing up. She saw August get into the car, turning off the radio and turning the car engine on. Vada kicked herself, cursing all of the gods.

She stumbled into the seat beside August not daring to speak, she occasionally glance at the brunette beside her. Vada only wanted to know what was going through August's mind.

August gripped the steering wheel, her jaw clenching shut. August had never felt this way before, she'd kissed people, she'd done more. But nothing felt like this, if was magical, It was illusory. A farce, her own mind playing tricks on her.

"I like you Vada." She admitted, the words rolling off August's tongue, nothing but the truth poisoning the air.
The words dwelled in the air, Vada smiling into her shoulder; forgetting to reply.

"Why'd you stop?" Vada asked, nudging the girl as she drove. August shrugged, not really having an answer. August neglected the feelings for too long, Vada needed to know the truth.

"Because your too good for me-" Vada went to appose, Vada wished August could see herself the way Vada did. "-because im scared of myself, scared of what I'm capable"

"You a murderer?" Vada laughed, her smile was so wide that if the sun decided it wanted a break Vada's toothy smile would be next in line.

"Sort of." Vada stopped, her laughed dying in the her throat. August shuffled, moving herself against the leather. "Do you remember Julia?"

"Yeah?" Vada knew what was coming, Vada wasn't ignorant she heard about the car accident, the way Julia died. She'd cried, she bearly knew the girl but she couldn't imagine living a day without Nick.

"My therapist asked me a question the other day, did I blame myself?" Vada never once tried to interrupt the girl, knowing August needed this. "I didn't know what to say. The question never came to my mind, really."

"I was driving, I'd always lose focuse when I drive. She was joking around, jabbing at my sides-" August words were slowly dying, a lump forming in her throat. "She called out, seeing something on the road. Then, I woke up and she was already gone. Bled out to death, her ribs caved in."

August had never spoke about that day to no one, her mom's, her doctors, her friends, no one knew.

Vada averted her gaze, glancing out the widow. She didn't speak, an understanding was in the air; a peaceful silence.

"Your not a murderer." Vada left it with that, not wishing to speak. August hummed, driving Vada back home.

When August pulled into the same house as earlier she turned her attention to Vada. Vada avoided the glance at first, choosing to look out the window. August saw that, and huffed.

She ran her hands across Vada's jaw, smiling at how soft the skin was below her. She pulled Vada's attention to her, craving Vada.

"Vada." August warned, noticing how Vada wasn't meet her eyes. August rolled her eyes, not appreciating the sudden attitude change.

She leaned forward, trapping Vada. She pressed her lips into Vada's. August quickly got addicted to Vada's lips, the soft, plush like pillows. Her hand stroked further up Vada's face, until they were in her hair, gripping it tightly.

Vada held back a moan, not wanted to admit the power August had over her. She pressed forward too, kissing August just as hard. The kiss soon heated up, something the two had subconsciously forced.

Vada shuffled, moving her entire body onto August's. Her legs were wrapped around August's torso, her hands roaming all over August's body. August smiled, loving the way Vada wasn't capable of staying still.

August removed her hands from Vada's hair, letting them fall to her hips. Unknowingly, the second Vada felt August's hands on her hips she strode forward, her body moving to clench the aching feeling that swelled within her body.

"Vada!" The two stopped, August nearly threw the girl off her. A blonde older women banging on the widow, Vada groaned.

"I am so sorry August" Vada mumbled into August's hair, trying to stop the embarrassed girl from moving away from her. August couldn't face the women, knowing that was Vada's mom.

"Vada Cavell you better get out here now, before I rip you out myself" the women shouted, her hands almost cracking August's window.

Vada huffed, awkwardly getting out of the car. August watched as Vada got dragged into her house, Vada's mam waving goodbye to August. August smiled, waving back at the women.

August grabbed her phone, quickly messaging Vada before leaving.

I am never meeting your mom, like ever.

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