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August walked back into her house, her mom's apparently still up. Both women shot each other a glance, preparing to mercilessly tease their daughter.

"How's Vada?" Nina asked, turning her head towards August. August shuffled into the house, taking off her hoodie.

"Fine." She replied, falling onto the seat next to Maria. Nina hummed, offering August popcorn.

"How was your night?" Maria asked, biting down on her lip; in hopes to prevent the laugh that brew within her throat. She wanted to giggle like a school girl at how August was about to have her first girlfriend.

"It was good, me and Vada got food." August replied, not getting any of their hints.

Maria and Nina nodded, flicking their eyes to August's still swollen lips.

"What's wrong with your lips?" Maria asked, pressing down on the bottom of August's lip. August brushed away the hand, holding her face.


"Been kissing Vada?" Nina laughed, causing Maria to breakdown and laugh too. August stared at the girls, watching as the two laughed and teased her about Vada.

"I didn't do anything!" August shouted, her face red and voice in a higher tone. Maria and Nina shake their heads, laughing still.

August left the two to do as they please, walking out of the room.

"Use protection!" Her mom's shouted, August groaned slamming her door.

She hurried to her bed, ringing Vada immediately.

"I can never see your mom again." August and Vada had just joined a face time call, August's face calmed down and was now only a light shade of pink.

Vada chuckled, rolling her eyes. She placed her laptop on her stomach, watching a film in the distance. August groaned, not understanding why Vada wasn't embarrassed too.

"What If that was my mom! You'd die." August pointed out, her voice coming out strained. Vada shook her head, smiling dreamily at August.

"That's not true. I'd never make out with you in your house" August tilted her head, damping her lips. Vada watched, knowing she set herself up.

"Is that a challenge?" Vada's face bloomed red, she was thankful for the dark room she led in. Only slightly frustrated at how her laptop screen lit up some parts of her features.

"No. So don't even try." Vada warned, she looks stern, assuring August wouldn't do such a thing. August whined, not enjoying the mother-like look that laced on Vada's face.

"Your no fun Cavell." August declared, putting her hands under her head. She looked exhausted, on the brink of a sleep coma.

"You tired?" Vada asked, noticing the way August's eyes drooped. August nodded, yawning accidentally.

Vada smiled, urging the girl to sleep. Vada assured August that she wouldn't hang up, that she'd wait until the girl was sleeping. August nodded, closing her eyes.

Vada didn't bother to hang up all night, instead watched the girl on her screen sleeping soundless.

Vada envied August, and how August could sleep so fast. One second August could be declaring war, the next she'd be passed out. She smiled to herself, rolling herself over and fell asleep too.


August's mom's told her that she didn't need to go to school, that she was allowed how ever much time as she needed.

August wasn't sure whether she wanted to go back. She knew Vada was, but August couldn't imagine going back to that place.

"What's wrong?" Vada asked, sitting beside August. The two were once again sat on the couch, smoking a joint.

"I don't want to go back to school." August admitted, staring at the blank TV. Vada nudged her head to lie on August's shoulder.

"Then don't, no one is forcing you" Vada assured her, smiling up at the girl. August smiled back, leaning down.

Vada quickly pulled her face away, shaking off August. Vada chuckled at the frown that formed on August's lips.

"Why?" August whined, the joint in her hands reached up to her lips. Vada smiled, loving how the tables had reversed and August was undeniably whipped for Vada.

"Because im not letting you win" Vada declared, crossing her arms. She looked adorable, August told her so.

"Do not try to sway me with your words, you little seductress." Vada swatted away August's hand, pushing herself further away from the girl.

August groaned.

"But I want you!" She begged, rolling her head to lie on Vada's stomach. Vada couldn't think, her mind instantly went to places she'd never been before.

"August-" Vada groaned, feeling August place kisses along Vada's clothes stomach. August chuckled into the material, smiling up at Vada.

"I just want one kiss" August propositioned, her tongue damping her lips. Vada huffed, leaning down and placed a peck to the girls lips.

Of course, that wasn't enough for August.

The girl shuffled on the couch, putting the joint down. She aimed all her attention on Vada, crawling up her body and cupping her cheeks.

"You said one kiss" Vada reminded the girl, August groaned.

"I say a lot of things" August brushed off the girl, leaning down on trapping her lips in a brisk kiss. Vada sighed, her hands running up August's back.

"Wait." August pushed off, Vada's hands dropping to her side.
"I can stop, I'm sorry, I should have took your answer, I'm sorry." August apolgized, brushing off the girl.

"August, I want you to kiss me. Now." Vada demanded, pulling the girl back in by her shirt, groaning slightly at the feeling of August's body weight on her.

August smiled, pressing her lips back to Vada's.


"Do you think the moons yellow, or white?" Vada asked, her head poking out of the surface of the water. August giggled, nudging her body around the water.

"I don't know, white?" August asked, swimming towards Vada. Vada hummed, not knowing the answer either.

"I don't know. I mean, for all we know it could be pink." Vada replied, the joint between her lips, loosely hanging there. Her hand came up, taking the cigarette from her lips. The smoke slowly leaving her lips, the weed corrupting her mind, the smoke deteriorating her lungs.

"We should go to a party" Vada asked, taking another hit of the joint. August tilted her head from the water, looking over at the girl in question.

"Who's throwing a party?" August wasn't sure if she was ready to be around so many people. Vada pulled herself away from the water, dropping her body onto the floor.

"Mia, she told me that me and you are invited. She said you was still ignoring her." Vada smiled, splashing the water with her feet. August chuckled, swimming towards Vada.

She swam in-between Vada's legs, smiling up at the girl.

"Are you inviting me because you wanna get wasted or because you wanna hook up?" August teased, placing a quick peck on Vada's lips. Vada groaned, pushing August away; her face a beat red.

"You wish."

"I wish."

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