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Pick me up

It's midnight


August chuckled, shaking her head. She leaning up and grabbing her hoodie. She stuffed a few joints in her pocket, grabbing ahold of her car keys before leaving her bedroom. Her mom's had just gotten home, they looked exhausted and frustrated.

"Are you okay?" August asked, leaning into the wall, her finger dragging up and down the paint. The two women were startled by the sudden noise, flinching at the sound.

"August! Why are you up?" Nina asked, her hands still tightly wrapped around her water bottle. Maria was leaned over the counter, eating pasta as she looked at her daughter.

"I haven't be able to sleep" the girl felt small, their eyes prying at all her faults. She shrank in on herself, Maria noticed the girl shrink and enter her own shell.

"You want some pasta? We could watch a movie together?" Maria offered, extending her hand that held the fork. August smile, debating on whether to cancel on Vada.

"I'm meeting up with Vada" August then replied. Maria and Nina share I knowing look, the two looked at their daughter with a smirk.

"Vada?" Nina asked, sitting down on the stool. August nodded, not getting the implication.

"Yeah?" August leaned off the wall, standing closer to her mom's. She gave them both a look that read: I have no clue what your talking about. Maria laughed, Nina shook her head.

"She's exactly like you" Nina pointed out, laughing at the scoff she received from both parties.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Both girls said at the same time; proving Nina's point. August groaned, placing a hand to her hip.

"Your clueless, darling. You'll figure it out, don't worry" Nina smiled, assuring August of something she was yet to know. Maria nodded, tilting her water towards August.

"I didn't know either. Took me a few times, but I got there?" Maria then added, winking towards her wife. August stared blankly at the two, excusing herself.

"What?" She mumbled after closing the door behind her, she walking up to her car door. Getting in, turning the car on; scaring herself at the sudden blasting of Lana del rey. She flinched, quickly turning it down.

She drove down the streets, they were empty. The night had settled in long ago, nothing but drunks left to wobble back home.

Pulling up to Vada's house she noticed the small light of what she could only assume to be Vada's bedroom, she smiled.

Pulling out her phone she messaged Vada, telling her she's outside.

Not even a minute goes by before Vada's walking out of the house, baggy shirt, basketball shorts and brushed hair.

"Hey, Vada" August opened then car door, turning her music down even more. Vada smiled, sliding into the passengers seat.

"Where do you wanna go?" August asked, pulling out of the house. Vada hums in thought, tapping her thigh.

"I don't mind, I didnt really think that far ahead" the girl replies, smiling at August. August groaned, stopping at a red light.

"You hungry?" August asked, pointing out a burger joint that was still open, Vada instantly said yes. The two drove into the car park, choosing to go in instead of going through the drive thru.

August had asked Vada to order, the girl was too scared to. It was funny, really. Vada didn't mind, ordering for the both and joining August in their booth. The place wasn't empty, it had atleast 3 booths full of teenagers.

"God, I love this place" Vada groaned, red sauce dribbling down her cheek. August chuckled, shaking her head. August leaned forward, dabbing her napkin softly into the other girls cheek.

"Why was you awake?" Vada asked, placing down her burger. August shrugged, pushing her fries around with her finger.

"I cant sleep" August simply replied, that was the only answer to give. Vada was confused, August had fell asleep so fast with her.

"I guess I feel comfortable around you" August added, sipping on her cherry cola. Vada smiled through her own cup, giggling at the statement.

The two girls threw away their trash, leaving the restaurant. They walked through the car park, it was massive; joint with many stores.

The two smoked the rest of August's weed, laughing their asses off as they run through the lot. August had pulled Vada closer to her car, turning on the radio so they could dance to music.

The soft sounds of all different types of artists bled through the night, the faint glow of the lights guiding Vada's and August's way.

The two dance, laughed and forgot about all their troubles.

As the music slowed, the peak washing over the pair, emotions become mindless. August smiled, leaning into Vada, Vada did too; both smiling mischievously. They sang along with the lyrics, their faces never moving away from one another.

"Your really pretty" August told Vada, cupping the girls cheeks in her hand. She ran her finger across Vada's nose, counting the girls freckles.

"I-um?" Vada's mind melted. She couldn't think, speak, act. All she could do was stare back, watching as August gazed over her face.

August eyes were furrowed, so focused. She subconsciously leaded closer, her breath fanning over Vada face. Vada shuttered, the cherry cola still lingering on her breath.

"August-" Vada whimpered, her mind despite for any sort of contact with August. August blushed at the sound, the soft whimper become her favourite song.

"Yeah?" August hesitated, August was always confident coming to acts like this; her face etching closer to Vada's. But Vada wasnt just some dumb hook up, she was August's friend, more importantly she was someone August cared about.; Vada was hers. Vada tilted her head back, not being able to make eye contact. She wanted nothing more than August to finally cut the tension and kiss her.

August mouth watered, her lips parting. She was breathing heavy, knowing what Vada wanted. August was voiceless at the sight infront of her; Vada, her neck on display and eyes begged August to move closer.

"Kiss me."

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