ᶠᵃᶜᵉᵗⁱᵐᵉ ᶜᵃˡˡˢ ᵃᵗ ⁿⁱᵍʰᵗ

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"Hey?" August's groggy voice seeped into Vada's ears like honey. The short brunette smiled, waving at the girl on her laptop screen.

"Hey, August" Vada cheefully said, leaning forward to get a closer look at the girl on her screen. August propped her phone against the mirror on her desk, looking into the reflection.

Dark circles under her eyes, her eyes no longer a rich brown now a more soggy dirt. She sighed, rolling her attention back to the energetic girl on her phone.

"How has your day been?" August asked, flipping through a book that was on her desk. Pushing around different makeup products on her table, mindlessly waiting for Vadas reply.

"Oh? Yeah, my day was fine. I went to star bucks with my sister Amelia, have I told you about Amelia before? She's my little sister, she likes really annoying most days, but y'know family, you have to love them" Vada smiled, speaking so effortlessly pretty. August watched, hiding her smile with her hand as the brunettes eyebrows furrowed; getting into a more detailed version of her day. August admired that about Vada. If you ask Vada a question, she'll answer it; extensively.

"Do you want to hang out again? Those funeral were tough" Vada asked, she leaned back on her bed. August nodded, rolling her chair back to change her vinyl.

"Why do you only listen to music on vinyl? It's cool and all but it's just so unnecessary, like serious, its not the 50's anymore, Spotify exists" August sighed shaking her head. August had gotten used to how Vada had opinions on everything, it was enticing.

"Your an idiot, Vada Cavell." August returned to her seat, sighing at the sound of Lana del reys voice spreading across her room.

"And your obsessed." Vada argued, pointing out how everytime they talked Lana would be playing. August huffed out get chest, looking at the girl on her screen.

"We can hang out anytime you want, I like your company" the single sentence made Vada's stomach go crazy; any type of animal you could think of was in Vada's stomach right now. The girl quick pulled on the strings of her hood, making it cover her face.

August smiled at the reaction, seeing how shy Vada was; how easy it was to make her flustered.

"Awe, is my baby blushing?" August asked, moving her things to the window so she could have a joint. Vada shook her head, avoiding the camera.

"No! I am just hot-"

"You got one thing right" August winked at her phone, sending Vada into a spiral of butterflies and flushed face.

"Stoo it August Garcia I know where you live." Vada warned, pointing at the girl; her eyes narrowing down on her. August scoffed, rolling for blunt in her fingers before making it touch her lips.

"Oh? What are you going to do with that information? Come sneak into my bed, hopefully." Vada screamed into her pillow, annoyed at how easy August could set her body aflame.

"I'm hanging up." Vada mumbled into her pillow, pressing down on her keypad. August laughed, mumbling undetectable words.

"Bye, Vada." August waved hanging up for her. The girl smiled, looking out into the senory of her house. Her parents maintained a nice garden at the front of her home, roses and lilies all lined up.

She watched as the gray smoke left her lips, parting into a circle as she moved her mouth around. She giggled to herself, having much entertainment of doing that.

"August? You okay in there?" Maria knew what her daughter was doing, the whole house smelt like weed. She wanted to break down the door and scream at August, shout at her for not trying. However, Maria collected herself, unstead she took a nicer approach.

"Yeah?" August mumbled, her mind flipping as the peak washed over her. Her blandly colour room no longer beige but a bright orange. The Teddy that rested on the head of the bed no longer an object but a living animal.

She reached out her hand, watching as the limb extend out. She giggled to herself, clutching her fingers together.

"What are you doing?" Maria asked, August mumbled something under her breath.

"Eating grapes"

Maria started at the door, there was no grapes in the house. She began to press down on the handle, checking if it was locked; it was.

"Baby, what you doing in there?" Maria's mind raced, her daughters slurred words not helping. Neither did the muffling of the thick door. Maria groaned, her balms sliding up and down the door as she thought for a moment.

"Sleeping, I just woke up" August shouted back, watching as her handle twitched. She smiled, proud of the lie.

"Sleeping?-" Maria mumbled to herself, less than impressed at her daughter bad lie. "Open the door." Maria asked, her tone desperate as it went up an octave.

"Leave me alone, please" August stretched out her words, moving her arms out to see how far she could reach. She gasped at the distance, smiling madly at the new found talent.

"August, open the damn door." Nina accompanied Maria, whe began to knock the door excessively too. August groaned, rolling her head onto her wall.

"I'm on the phone to Vada!" Unsurprisingly, that made them stop. The women loved Vada, they had a short conversation with her and they instantly fell in love with the short talkative girl.

August understood of course, Vada was a very likeable person. She was kind, thoughtful, open minded, she cared for what people had to say, what she liked even more was her own voice; she loved talking. August thought it was adorable, she adored the moments Vada would get lost in her words; mumbling about everything and nothing somehow.

August rolled her head back, leaning into the wall once again. She looked around the room, suddenly seeing pink. She hummed to herself, slouching over onto her bed; pulling out her phone.

"Hi vada!" Nina shouted into the wooden door, August giggled. Nina pulled Maria away from the door, whispering about how her daughter needed space. August groaned at her over the top parents, she swiped through her apps.


August I'm serious what's wrong?

Vada messaged me. Why are you personally ignoring me.

Because I suit the junkie look.

"Told you the aliens would go away" August turned around, staring at her Teddy and their buttoned eyes. August craned her neck back, eyes wide. Patiently waiting for the stuffed animal to reply.

"Why are you ignoring me all a sudden?"

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