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August and Vada grew tired of the pool, moving into the house as the sun settled. August ordered food, Vada put on a TV show.

"Whats your favourite colour?" Vada asked, apparently still high. August laughed, a joint still in-between her lips.


Vada gasped, throwing her head to the side in the utmost dramatic way she could. She grasped her hand over her lips, shaking her head. August laughed at her antic, finding it funny.

"I would have never guessed that, I always pinned you as a red girl" Vada kicked herself, putting out her hand for the objected in-between August lips. August handed in her, sliding by the side of Vada watching the show for herself.

"Who's your favourite person?" Vada asked, her hands running through her hair. August sighed, rolling her head to looking into Vada's eyes.

"You." August replied, honesly. Vada beamed at the answer she got, smiling madly. She giggled to herself and finished off the third blunt of the day.

"Your like the only person I wanna be around right now" August admitted, the weed settling her brain, calming all her thoughts. Vada hummed, trying her hardest to stop the wide smile that spread across her face.

"What about you?" August then asked, turning her whole body towards Vada. Vada chuckled, suddenly going shy.

"You, too." Vada mumbled into the couch, her eyes softly meeting August. August bit down a hazy smile, looking back at Vada.

The two shared a glance, a glance that sparked something else. The air grew thick, acknowledging the distance between the two. Vada was quick to lean forward, smiling widely. August chuckled, shaking her head.

"I think I need some harder drugs." August spoke, standing up. Vada stared at the girl, her eyes wide at her words. Vada didn't want to be a buzz kill, but at the same time she wouldn't let August do that.

"Lets just watch another movie?" Vada asked, noticing the eye roll August gave her. "Please?"

"I'm not asking for your primission." August snapped back, standing up. "You don't have to take any"

"August, come on. We can start watching a series, you pick" Vada was desperate, urging the remote in August's hand.



The two stared at each other, daring one another. Vada pleaded, her eyes begging. August sighed, rolling her eyes once again. She slouched on the couch, she planted her head on Vada's lap.

"Sorry" August mumbled, her eyes shut. Vada scratched her fingers into August's hair, smiling down at the girl. August grabbed the joint that was on the coffee table, still lit. She placed it between her lips, blowing the smoke out.

Vada watched, mesmerised by the sight. She coughed to herself, shaking the stare away. She settled her eyes on the TV; August still lying her head on her lap.

August had a sleep smiled on her face, a TV show that consumed the two girls interests. Vada noticed the smile and nudged her thigh up a little, gaining August's attention.

"You feeling good?" Vada asked, her hands still embedded in the girls brown locks. August hummed, not having the energy to speak.

Vada's one hand trailed down August's face, her finger gently ghosting over August's closed eyes. There was bags under them, obviously the result from lack of sleep. Vada bit down on her lip, wondering if August had been getting any sleep.

"When's the last time you slept?" Vada gently asked, not wanting August to get upset at the accusing tone. Her fingers didn't stop scratching at August's scalp, her other hand still running through the girls features; bumping over her nose.

"Uhm...I think-" August opened her eyes, tilting her head to the side to count her fingers, they grazed one another, counting them in her head. She chewed on her cheek, her mind a little too high to focuse. Colours seeping into objects and Vada becoming a blob of sounds.

"Oh?" August was stumped, not knowing what to do. She sucked on her lip, looking back up at Vada. "I don't have enough fingers" August exclaimed, pushing her hands into Vada's face.

Vada's mouth dropped in disbelief, not sure if August was telling the truth. Then again, it was clear August had been skipping sleep.

"You need to sleep, August." Vada scolded the girl, shaking her head. August groaned rolling her head back into Vada's warm, plush thigh.

"I'm serious, August. Come on, let's go to bed" Vada asked, August chuckled.

"Already trying to get in my bed, Cavell?" August asked, closing her eyes once again. Vada groaned, shaking August off her thigh.

"Come on" Vada offered her hand, August taking it straight away. Vada guided August into the latters room, helping her down. After making sure the girl was comfortable she began to leave.

"Your leave?" August asked, her eyes tired and dry. Vada turned, nodding her head.

"Yeah" Vada replied, turning off August's light, August groaned in return, closing her eyes tighly.

"Bye, Vada. Message me when your home" August asked, her eyes automatically shutting. August fell into a deep haze, soundlessly snoring. She didn't mean to fall asleep, but it trapped her, engulfed her in a tight grasp.

The sheets felt so warm, the duvet so comforting. There was no whimpering, no gun shots, nothing. There was just darkness, a sleep full night of nothingness.

Vada walking into the main part of the house, her body full of dread hearing soft giggles from the living room.

"Hey, Vada!" Maria called out, smiling at the sight of the short girl. Vada waved, shuffling into the room.

"Is August asleep?" Nina asked, fully aware her daughter hadn't be able to fall asleep, Maria too shared the thought.

"Yeah, we went for a swim, must have knocked it out of her" Vada smiled, her hands running up and down her leg, her teeth carefully trapping her bottom lip.

"Probably. Are you okay?" Maria asked, nudging a can of coke towards Vada. Vada took it, wanting to be polite.

"Im fine thank you. I really appreciate you letting me into your home, August is an amazing person" the two girls smile at each other, pulling out a chair. Vada subconsciously groaned, wanting nothing more than to leave.

"We don't mean to put you in the situation but- but is August doing any drugs lately?" Nina asked, not wanting to be this type of mom but her worries over crowded everything.

"I don't want to get her in trouble-" Vada sheepishly replied, not meeting either of their eyes. "Shes been smoking some weed, nothing too serious"

The two women let out a thankful sight, they could manage weed. They nod their head, letting Vada leave for the night.

"We'll see you soon Vada" Maria winked, knowing she'll be seeing Vada more often from now on.

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