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This is so rushed, an absolute insult for the rest of this book. But this is the end :/

August immediately groaned when her eyes pried open. The sun seeped through the gaps in the curtains, painting the floor with a warm glow that made August curse God for making the sun.

Vada's body was wrapped around August's. Vada's face was placed in-between August's shoulder blades, her fingers wrapped in August's hair from falling asleep playing with the strands.

August hummed, the weight that Vada brought was an anxiety reliever. She tried her hardest to unwrap herself from Vada, assuring she wouldn't wake the tired girl up.

After some shuffling, a slight pray and enough force she plopped out from under Vada and placed the blankets further up Vada's body. She sighed in relief when she noticed Vada had all her clothes on; relived that she didn't have sex with Vada being under the influence.

August felt the coolness of the floor on one of her feet. She looked down, her face scrunching in confusion when she noticed she only had one shoe on. Scratching her head, leaning back down she tried her hardest to untie the shoe laces.

"I walked on carpet with my...shoe on." She mumbled to herself, untying the knot that was ridiculously tied far too tight. She shook her head, knowing Nina would have been shouting her head off at the sight. "I'm not an animal?" The girl  questioned, finally ripping her shoe off.

The door crept open, in walking Vada's mom with a warm smile. She offered August a glass of water and a headache tablet. August praised the girl, immediately taking the pill and gulping down the water.

"So..can I see them albums now?" August asked moving up from the floor. Mrs Cavell lit up, nodding her head ecstatically. The blonde practically sprinted out of the room, opening the cupboard door pulling out the albums she had of Vada.

August accompanied her, smiling when Mrs Cavell lit up telling every story about Vada's childhood.

"Oh! Oh, this was Vada's first pair of shoes. Isn't she-"

"Perfect. Yeah," August nodded, her fingers brushing into the old picture. She smiled to herself, leaning closer to the blonde with a wide smile.

"So, you like my daughter a lot?" Mrs Cavell asked, teasing August with a smile. August stiffen up, her body pressed into the couch when her back fell.

August smiled, tilting her head back when she felt her cheeks inflame. She shook her head, trying to wipe away the blush and embarrassment.

"Vada's an amazing person, Mrs Cavell. You did an amazing job raised her, she's- she's enchanting really." August started, suddenly becoming unashamed.
"You know, she's perfect; it's the only justifiable word to describe her as. She has these brown eyes, that whenever I look at them I think my world stops. Her freckles- damn, those damn freckles are enough to turn a saint into a sinner.–" she took a deep breath, painfully unaware of Vada who was leaning into the frame of the door.

"I think she saved me, from myself. I definitely know she saved me last night. I think– I think I love her, I–i know I love her. It's weird, I'm only eighteen and my love for her already consumes me. I- we've been speaking to each other for nearly a year, and she's given me the privilege to know her, she's gotten to know me without any strange looks and making me feel like a bad person. I, I really love Vada."

August hummed, smiling to herself. She nodded along with everything she said, proudly stating her feelings. Vada sniffled from the door, no longer having the will; she lurched forward, her body collapsing ontop of August. She leaned forward, pecking August's face. Her chest was swelled with too many emotions, her heart on over drive.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you" she planted a kiss on August's lips, smiling into the touch. Mrs Cavell had left to grab a coffee, giggling at how her daughter was practically glued to August.

"Mrs Cavell! That is the first time we've ever kissed. I swear down, Vada, how inappropriate of you." August whined, shaking her head when Vada tried to plant more kisses on her lips.

"I love you!"


2 years fast forward

"I completely understand, Patricia." Maria nodded, sitting down beside Nina; planting a kiss to her wife's cheek.

The group of five women, Vada, August, Patricia, Maria, and Nina were all sat around the Garcia's households pool, smiling as they casually sipped on wine.

"I'm still mad, but I wouldn't chose a different ending for my little girl" Patrica commented, smiling when she leaned over to hug her daughter. Vada groaned, rolling her eyes. She shuffled on August's lap, digger her head into August's neck for protection.

"Oh, Mrs Cavell stop it. You know Vada hates it when you call her little." August's chuckled, kissing Vada's head. The women laughed, falling into a small batter of going back and forth; teasing Vada.

"I'm not that small! I'm- I'm average!" Vada whined, snapping back at the group who was relentlessly teasing her. August laughed louder, mocking Vada teasingly.

"Oh, Baby, its okay- I love you no matter what." August promised smiling when her eyes landed on the ring wrapped around her finger.

"Why did I marry you?" Vada teased, groaning when August bit her shoulder.

"Because you love me."

"Because you got drunk in Vegas and thought, Hey! Let's get married." Maria then added, tilting her head back and pouring the wine down her throat. Laughing it off when Nina slapped her stomach, scolding her with a look.

"Or that." August agreed, smiling into the midday sun, the sun pleasing her skin, the feeling of Vada wrapped around her body smiling brightly at everything around her.

"Its because I love her, Momma Two, it's because I love her." Vada assured August, kissing her softly before pulling away when she felt August heat up.

"Are you seriously still scared to kiss your own wife infront of me?" Patricia teased, throwing a nut at August when the girl blushed harder.

August nodded, unashamed at her predicament.

"wife or not, it's still terrifying to kiss her infront of you. That's your daughter!" August argued, her face still flushed; still embarrassed, even more so when Vada started to giggle.

"Are you going to be over protective when we have a baby?" Vada asked, laughing louder when August's face dropped. August dryly laughed, her eyes wide with fear.

"Were never having kids." Vada challenged her, daring her to speak again. August bit her cheek, gulping down.

"We'll have one." Vada tilted her head, still not satisfied with the answer.

"Whatever Vada wants, happy wife happy life!" August cheered, Maria nodded with her. The two girls clashed their cups together, giggling when Nina and Vada shot them a scowl.

"I'll make you raise an army if you keep it up."

I was going to do a different ending. Alternate ending were Mia and August hooked up at the party instead. I was listening to Lover, so I went for the more cuter ending :)

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