chapter four

391 11 14

Sebastian's Perceptive


It took all my effort to not drop the stupid screaming mandrake plant. Instead all of my papers and books that I had been balancing dropped to the floor in an attempt to prevent the plant from screaming, everything else scattering the ground along with the poor soul I ran into.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see where I was going. That was entirely my fault!" I quickly admitted placing the potted mandrake to the side and turning back to the poor Hufflepuff girl on the floor. She must have been going into the library when I came rushing out the doors.

"It's quite alright," She laughed. 

Her blonde hair was tossed about as she remained on the floor and was beginning to pick up her fallen papers. I bent down and started assisting in sorting out what belonged to whom. 

Then quietly she asked, "You're Sallow right?"

My eyes turned up to answer. She looked familiar but I wasn't able to make the connection. Her brown eyes stared warmly at me.

"Yeah, Sebastian Sallow," I said reintroducing myself, "And I'm sorry I don't remember your name?"

"It's Adelaide. I don't think you would remember me, we didn't have any classes together but I had a lot of classes with your sister, Anne. You two look so much alike!" Adelaide mentioned. Then I remember mentions of the name, Adelaide Oakes. I haven't really known her personally, only through a few stories that I heard from my sister years ago.

"That's kind of you to say," I said leading a hand and assisting Adelaide off the floor.

"I'm surprised to see anyone leaving the library before the start of classes. Is there anyone else even in there?" Adelaide asked in a quiet voice, almost as if she was asking a secret.

I had just finished collecting the last of the belongings I received from Amelia. The first thing I did was make sure that the William Shakespeare book wasn't damaged, Amelia made a point that the book was her own personal one so it was extra important that I didn't damage it within seconds.

"Barely a soul. Only Ravenclaws work that hard before the start of classes," I joked.

"Oh, you don't mean Amelia by any chance? I was actually looking for her!" She cheered.

I wasn't even surprised anymore. Of course, Amelia would have befriended Adelaide too. Even though I had no memories of Amelia mentioning Adelaide before, it was normal for her to know just about all of the sixth-years at this point. During her adventures last year, she befriended more people than I could count.

"Yeah, she's there. Her normal spot on the back of the second floor." I informed her as I began to walk away.

"Sebastian wait!" Adelaide's cheery voice sang attempting to call me back. I had only made it about five feet away to turn around to see Adelaide smiling at me while holding out the stupid potted mandrake I abandoned on the floor. She held it out wanting me to attempt to balance it again, but I wasn't interested.

"You keep it!" I said with a smirk.

I really hate mandrakes.

Ominis' Perceptive

It was dinner in the Grand Hall, the night before the start of classes. I sat alone as normal. Sebastian had promised that he would actually come and eat dinner tonight. He was burying himself into some book and said he would be coming down right after me, I just want to finish one more page, he kept informing me. I waited as long as my patience allowed me to.

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