chapter seventeen

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Alone Together by Fall Out Boy


Ominis' Perceptive

The Grand Hall was full of sound. Amelia sat across from me, her fork tapping against her plate as it sounded like she was playing with her food more than actually eating. I could tell she was getting more anxious as we got closer to our planned trip to the Forbidden Forest, truthfully I was getting anxious too. 

We were only a little under two weeks away from our decision date. Every time I questioned her about if she was ready, she either lied or didn't answer directly. I still wasn't sure what her plan was for how she would be finding a cure for Anne, but I wanted to trust her. 

A gentle tap on my shoulder took me off guard, "Am I late?" Sebastian asked taking a seat next to me.

"Of course, not," I greeted, "How was Hogsmeade?" 

"It was interesting, Adelaide and I-" Sebastian began but was interpreted by a loud sigh from Amelia from across the table, "I'll tell you about it later." Sebastian shut down.

I was completely impatience with the relationship between these two at this point. They have gone from not speaking, to lovebirds overnight, back to speaking and but still not exactly communicating. 

Each time I tried to question either of them about it, they simply blew it off. 

"What did you end up going to Hogsmeade for?" I asked ignoring Amelia's poor mood for the sake of conversation. 

"Oh, Adelaide had to get her dress for the ball!" Sebastian chewed through his food. 

"Oh, so you officially asked her to be your date?" I asked.

No answer.

"You haven't asked her? Really?" Amelia hissed at Sebastian's silence. 

Stealing the words out of my mouth. I pitched the bridge of my nose at the realization, attempting to suppress the ongoing headache that Sebastian seemed to always carry with him.

"Do I have to?" Sebastian asked stupidly as if he thought it was a trick question. 

"Yes!" Amelia and I said in unison. 

"You can't just assume, Sebastian!" I lectured, "That's not very gentlemen-like. She deserves to properly be asked! The ball is very soon!"

"At this rate, you'll end up dateless!" Amelia laughed from across the table.

Sebastian's hand lightly pounded the table, his words still thick through the food in his mouth, "You're dateless! I have a date! I just need to ask is all!" 

Amelia's laughter filled the table, "Oh please. I bet that I could get a date before you even ask Adelaide!" 

"A bet?" I asked curiously, "What are we betting?" 

Admittedly I enjoyed a friendly bet between friends. There was something about a friend competition that made things exciting. 

"Loser has to drink a potion made by Ominis." Sebastian roared. 

"Wait, that's exactly rather rude." I chimed in, "What if I win the bet?"

"Sorry Ominis, you can't join the bet. You have a date." Amelia causally mentioned it as if it were fact. 

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