chapter fifty-three

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Spring of Seventh Year

Sebastian's Perceptive

"You would make Mom roll over in her grave if she knew..." Anne complained, "How could you possibly be doing this poorly in History of Magic? Do you not remember any of the stories she told us when she was teaching it?"

It still felt weird to see Anne back in her house robes. Even though she had been back for all of our seventh year, it just seemed odd still, like she wasn't supposed to be there. Perhaps it was just because she was technically a sixth-year, instead of a seventh-year. She had missed too much school to be able to graduate with us in a few weeks.

"Anne, you promised you'd help me study," I reminded her as we sat together in the Grand Hall. 

It was before dinner and students were slowly filling in the tables. It seemed like a good place to study originally, but the more people that entered the harder it was to focus. 

"I am helping you study, you just aren't listening," She laughed pointing back down toward the textbook.

As always she was right. Anne was a good teacher, but I was becoming so tired from studying so much and just became frustrated that it was the only topic I couldn't figure out.

"Come on Sebbie," Anne pouted, "This is actually interesting if you can just focus on it!"

"I know, I'm just getting tired of studying," I sighed. 

"What are you studying now?" Ominis asked taking a seat next to Anne, and placing a kiss on her head as he sat. 

I still didn't love watching them be so affectionate with each other. After a year I thought I would get used to it yet the day never came. And frankly, I also wasn't in the position to complain about displays of affection.

"History of Magic," Anne informed him.

"Ugh, I didn't realize I should have brought a pillow to dinner," He joked, "What grade do you need for that class?"

"I need to get an E at the very least," I sighed as I shut the textbook closed. 

Everything seemed dry and dull. It was the only book that I generally didn't enjoy reading and was becoming the most difficult grade to raise. Everything was boring and blank.

But as long as I could get my grades high enough, that was all that mattered. Most of my grades were Acceptable, but I needed to get more to Outstanding or Exceeds Expectations if I was going to try to be an Auror.

Amit had already been kind enough to help me get my grade up from Poor to Outstanding with Astronomy throughout the year. At first, the idea of having to spend so many nights in the Astronomy Tower in an attempt to relearn everything I had overlooked during fifth year seemed awful, but he turned into good company. I hadn't realized just how little I paid attention that year until Amit had basically tutored me from scratch.

Even though I had been doing well in Care of Magical Creatures, Poppy helped me raise that grade all the way up to Outstanding. That was once she finally forgave me for lying to her and Adelaide. We never talked about the fact she knew about Soloman's death. Once Anne came back to school, it seemed like she understood everything and forgave us. Mostly I was just happy that we could be friends again.

Natti helped me with Divination before quidditch practices during the season and when she had time in the mornings. She was always busy with her own interests, but still made an effort to help me which I appreciated.

And even Garreth, when he wasn't purposely creating explosions, turned out to know more about Potions than I gave him credit for.

Just about everything was going as planned besides History of Magic.

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