chapter forty-six

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World Stops Turning by Alexisonfire 


Amelia's Perceptive

The air was bitterly hot when I woke up. The room was almost completely dark as the rest of the day had been lost to sleep. My body ached and my stomach was twisted in knots as I pushed myself up.

For a moment, I thought I had been alone until I noticed a mop of brown curls leaning against the side of the bed. Sebastian had fallen asleep on the floor next to me, balancing himself against the bed. Book in his hand as his thumb was still fighting to keep a forgotten page open. 

Part of me wanted to wake him, but another part was happy to finally see him asleep. Even if it was in an uncomfortable position.

The air in the room felt like it was burning against my skin when I decided to tiptoe my way outside into the chilled winter air. My legs felt fragile as if they were going to break with every step, yet my body prayed for the bitter cold air. My stomach curdled in pain. But the refreshing cold air filling my lungs was a needed relief.

It would have been darker if not for the full moon creeping into the cloudy night sky. The dark lumps of clouds hid most of the stars as if I hadn't deserved to see them that night. Another punishment.

"How are you feeling?" A soft voice asked before taking a seat next to me. 

I hadn't expected to see Anne Sallow as she sat down next to me. The last time I'd seen her she tossed a book at my head and was now acting as if it didn't happen. 

My shock must have been clear on my face before Anne spoke up again, "Sebastian told us what happened. He was worried about you. It was nice to see someone else be the sick girl for once. Are you feeling any better?"

"A bit better," I offered coyly, "Are you still mad at me?"

Anne's brown eyes wandered up toward the stars as if she were seeking them out herself. She didn't bother to look at me as she answered, "I was never mad at you. I just needed someone to blame I think."

"That's okay. I blame myself too." I confessed.

Anne laughed, "I am sorry for throwing that book at you though."

"I probably deserved it." I offered.

"You should stop talking like that," Anne said as she leaned herself against my shoulder, "Of course, you didn't deserve to have a book thrown at you. I was just upset and needed someone to take it out on. If I wasn't so damn weak I would have hit you though!"

"Maybe next time," I laughed. 

My head fell like lead as I found myself leaning on her shoulder. I expected her to push me away, but instead, she rested her head atop mine.

We sat in silence for a bit as the clouds ran across the starry sky. Anne had carried a blanket out with her, spreading it across both of our legs. My skin wasn't burning anymore thanks to the cold winter air. But my stomach did ache hallow with pain.

"Can I be honest with you, Amelia?" Anne asked softly.

For a moment the tone of her voice sent me back to the day we first met. There was no anger in her voice anymore, just a nervous girl with a heavy burden on her shoulder. The strong walls that she put up in front of her to pretend everything was okay were coming down.

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