Chapter 7

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*This is one of the longer chapters, FYI*

Audrey's POV

Like most kids, when we're young we go through phases. When I was ten, I wanted to be a Talk Show host. I would force Nolan to be my pretend celebrity guest star and he would always tease me by calling me the next Wendy Williams. When I was thirteen I became obsessed with reality TV shows and I just knew I was going to make it onto the next Bad Girls Club.

Maleah and Elijah didn't really go through phases–they found one thing and stuck with it. Basketball for Elijah and Cosmetology for Maleah. Elyse, however, does go through phases. Her current phase being Softball.

"Good hit, Lyse!" I cupped my hand over my mouth and cheered for her as she made it to second base.

"That's my dawg!" Elijah added still in his practice clothes.

I shook my head and sat back down on the bleachers, Pebbles to the left of me and Ms. Yolanda to the right. Ms. Yolanda had promised Elyse that she'll start coming to her games Monday nights after Elyse expressed how unfair it was that she would be at Elijah's games. The both of them have grown to really value Yolanda's presence.

"So then what happened?" Pebbles badgered.

I gave in and decided to tell both Pebbles and Yolanda about dinner with Jonah last night. I really enjoyed myself. It's something about the way he looked at me all night that set my skin on fire.

I shrug. "We really just talked all night. Nothing deep, just little stuff here and there."

It felt good having someone give me their undivided attention, i'll admit. Jonah was a good listener and talking to him felt easy. I was grateful for the times he didn't push on subjects like my childhood and past relationships. He could tell I wasn't fully ready to open up yet and I appreciated that. That didn't stop him from being curious about any and everything else in my life though.

"Did you agree to go on a date with him?" Ms. Yolanda questioned placing her hand on my knee. I smiled. "That tells me everything I need to know."

I laugh as Pebbles shook her head. "It's all in your grill."

"Say, sis, before you go on date with anybody. They need to step to me and get my approval first." Elijah butted in. He was sitting a row below us next to Ms. Yolanda grandson, Michael.

"Boy what I tell you about being in grown folk's business?" Ms. Yolanda cut her eyes at him.

Elijah holds his hands up. "I'm just saying. I'm basically the man of the house and I gotta make sure none of my sisters end up with a man like Tobias. No offense."

I frowned. This was my first time hearing Elijah refer to hisself as the man of the house and it didn't sit well with me. Knowing that our dad is still living and breathing in our home and my little brother basically discarded his existence pained me.

"Aww, you're so cute Elipooh." Pebbles coo pinching Elijah's cheek, of course he swats her hand away.

"As if I would listen to you about who I date." Maleah mugged him, only for Elijah to return the frown.

"Shut up. Ain't nobody tryna date you no way."

"Boy you–"

"Hey, hey. Be nice." Ms. Yolanda spoke up.

"Elijah since when did you label yourself the man of the house?" I finally spoke up, finding my voice within it all.

He shrugs. "Since my birthday."

I sighed, figuring this conversation wasn't one to have in public with four sets of additional ears, I turned back to the game. Elyse was actually good and every time it was her bat, she hit the ball with ease. Then they had her on the outfield where she was pretty swift when it came to working with a team. She genuinely seemed to be enjoying herself throughout the game and this was finally a phase I hope she sticks with.

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