Chapter 14

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Jonah's POV

                Utopia: An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. That's exactly how I feel each time I kiss Audrey. Her lips are always perfect that I can't even be in the same room with her and not kiss her. To not touch her. Sometimes I don't even have to be in the same room as her–it's arduous to resist thinking of her.

Even now, as I sit in this dreadful meeting with the renovation team regarding the indoor pool becoming a heated pool on the spa floor, my mind was completely on her. Someone had called for some waters to be brought up to the conference room and almost instantly I could smell her poppy and coconut scent when she came in. At first I thought it was a mirage being that it's Sunday and she never works on Sundays. Then our eyes met and I couldn't hide the surprise in mine as she smiles acutely before placing cold water bottles and glasses down on the table.

My mind was no longer comprehending the numbers being discussed as I solely focused on her. The only reason I was in this damn meeting was for my Uncle and to have the budget reported back to him. Which is ludicrous if you ask me since his lawyer gets a copy of the details from every meeting including the same budget I'm asked to "report". My uncle could simply get it from them.

As Audrey was leaving, I shoot her a text to meet me upstairs in ten minutes which she only liked in response.

"I think that's everything. Jonah, will you pass on the new budget to William?" Richard, the project director, asks me.

"Sure." I nod although I had no clue what the new budget was.

Everyone nod in agreement and started to depart. I shook a few hands goodbye before making my way upstairs.

"Boo." Audrey appeared next to me as I slid my key card in.

I shook my head. "That was a horrible attempt to scare me." I chuckled noticing she was coming from the opposite direction of the elevators. "Were you waiting on me in the hallway?"

"Suite 1023 requested some aspirin to be brought up, I guess somebody got wild last night." She snorted as I pushed the door open and pulled her inside by her belt loop.

Once inside my room I pressed her body against the wall earning a giggle from her as I cupped her cheek and kissed her softly. She was so responsive to my kiss, I felt her melt against me while wrapping her arms around my neck.

"What are you doing here today?" I pulled away once we both became breathless.

"I switched shifts. I thought I told you? I'm working all day today."

I shook my head and peck her lips, "I don't remember." I step back. "We hardly do any talking nowadays." I tease earning an eye roll from her.

One thing I didn't anticipate when I gave Audrey my room key earlier this week was the music festival that took place for the past four days. The hotel has been busy with the new influx in tourists. I hardly got any alone time with her. The time we did have were like fleeing moments when she would come up, I get to kiss her for three minutes and then she's busy again. I felt like a kid back in high school sneaking around from the teachers.

"Who's fault is that I wonder?" She shot back as she follows behind me into the kitchen.


"Aht." She made a buzzer sound. "Wrong answer."

I laugh and began pouring myself a glass of wine while she sat on the bar stool across from me. I started to offer her a glass but she declined since it is still early in the afternoon.

"Actually I take that back; we communicate expeditiously well. We communicate through body language, and your body tells me everything I need to know."

She playfully rolls her eyes, "and what does my body tell you?"

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