Chapter 33

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Jonah's POV

           The entire drive back to Miami was dead silent. So quiet that the three hour drive felt like thirty hours. Audrey wasn't speaking to me again and she made it a point to seat far away from me as possible–the very back between the twins. I can't help but to think this trip has done more damage for us than good.

Hannah even felt as if this was too much drama for her and caught a flight back to Toronto early. It's nice of her to show, fuck everything up and then leave when she knows she made it worse. Lisa was only here because apparently they're still friends. And as much as I wanted to be pissed at my sister for all of this–I couldn't. Deep down I know that this is all consequences of my own decisions.

When Steve turned down the familiar road of Audrey's street, I perked up hoping this would be my opportunity to say something to her.

"Come on y'all." Audrey nudged Elijah's knee waking him up.

"I'll get your bags." I jumped up the second Steve placed the van in park.

I didn't miss Audrey roll her eyes as I jump out and head to the trunk. Since we left early morning the sun was just now reaching its peak, blazing down on us without a cloud in sight. I grabbed each person's bag one by one–passing it to its corresponding person. When Maleah, Elijah and Elyse had their bags they mumbled a bye to me and shuffled past Audrey as if they'll get in trouble if they say too much.

Audrey's luggage, however, lingered in my hand a second longer than it should as I tried to find the words to say. She knew what I was doing and still avoided my gaze.

"Audrey, please don't be upset with me." I pleaded hoping that this wasn't the way I lost her for good.

It couldn't be. I just couldn't lose her before we barely even begun.

"What do you want me to say?" She crosses her arms over her chest. "I gave you a choice and you chose wrong by not choosing at all."

I close my eyes and searching for an explanation on why those papers were placed in my luggage unsigned. I couldn't sleep at all last night forcing myself to take control of something I never had control over before. But in order to close the door once and for all I needed answers that I neglected to ask before.

"I'm sorry. I just need a little more time and I promise I'll explain everything–"

"You know from the moment we first spoke you have been so adamant that I open up to you, that I tell you everything about myself and trust in you. That when you say you're nothing like I'm used to and I should take a chance." She scoffs and takes her bag from my hand. "You're nothing but a damn hypocritical liar. I've told you everything about me and all you've done is lie. You lied about your name and who you are, you never once told me you're still married. This whole relationship started on a lie and I was stupid enough to ignore it again."

"I've never lied about my feelings for you. Everything I have said to you I meant it with every fiber of my being."

"I guess thats one compared to the many huh?" She sighs, "I stand on what I said. Unless you sign those papers we have nothing to discuss."


                 There was a pool that reflected off the stone exterior walls that made the house feel brighter. The backyard was huge and I could imagine the warm summer days here being filled with laughter and playful banter. This was a good neighborhood and an excellent find.

"Do you have any questions for me?" My realtor asks just as my phone rings in my hand.

I glance at the Caller ID and frown. "Can you give me a second?" I ask as she nods and makes her way back towards the pool house. "Hello?"

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