Chapter 18

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This is one of the longer chapters.

Audrey's POV

                      Jonah started by driving along the beach. He even hinted a few times at parking and getting out to walk along the beach but by the censorious look on my face he decided against it. Instead we parked along a vacant parking lot by the board walk and he had his moonroof open to give a perfect view of the night sky.

"Why do you hate the beach?" He questioned for what felt like the tenth time but really was only the second.

I shook my head. "I wouldn't say hate but it's something about the sea salt smell and the grainy sand in between my toes." I frowned. "I don't hate it but I don't like it either, I would just rather not go at all."

I stared straight ahead as I talked but Jonah eyes were glued to me. He always stares at me with such intensity its like he takes and dissect each word that comes out of my mouth. It makes me nervous at times.

"If you don't like beaches, why stay in Miami?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. That seemed like such a silly question. Leave a city over one thing I dislike?

"I told you before, I wouldn't change anything about where I'm from. I have family here and a-lot of good memories here too."

He nods. "I get it. Your family is important to you."


I bit my lip as silence fell between us. The only thing that could be heard was the distance waves from the water across the way. It was a tranquil hum. For a second I did imagine walking along the beach with Jonah. He seems like the type of guy that would make it romantic.

Even though, I honestly didn't know much about Jonah. He hardly talks about him or his home. Then the time he did talk about his dad I get the impression that they don't get along very well.

"Is that why you left Canada? There was a thing you didn't like and decided to leave?" I tried to word it with humor so that he would know he doesn't have to tell me if he doesn't want to. Though I really do want to know.

Jonah's face didn't give much away as he glanced down at his pinky finger that pressed down on the steering wheel. His jaw had clenched but unclenched once he looked up at me. His eyes were soft.

"You could say that."

I raised my eyebrow. "What happened?"

His back straighten as he cleared his throat. He looked straight ahead as he stared off towards the water.

"When I was fifteen my mom started showing early signs of dementia. She would always lose and forget things and blame it on me or my sister playing jokes on her; which we hardly ever did. It turned for the worst when I was seventeen and one morning she woke up and just stop talking. My mom was the light and glue in our family." He chuckled dryly as his eyes fell to his lap. "She knew about my obsession with cooking and whenever my dad was busy at work, we'll binge watch cooking shows together and try to make the dish later. Her favorite show was Chopped and the idea of random items in a basket exhilarated her."

"Elyse loves that show too." I chuckle lightly.

Jonah smiles before shaking his head. "Watching my mother deteriorate and become a shell of the woman I used to know had to be the hardest thing I ever did. I hated it and when it came to me going to college, I took the first opportunity I could to leave and not worry about seeing her like that anymore."

I reached over and rubbed his arm that rested on the center console. The entire time he talked he stared out the window. At the feeling of my touch he looks over at me for the first time with glossy eyes. I instantly felt guilty.

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