Chapter 26

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Jonah's POV

               We leave for Orlando tomorrow...supposedly. Except I haven't heard from Audrey in the past two weeks. With all that I have planned for this trip, I would hate to cancel it over some stupid accusation. I should've spoken up more and I should've fought to let her know that I believe her and that I'm on her side.

I checked my phone for the fifteenth time this morning staring at her contact and the last message I sent. I sent her a message the morning after dropping her off stating that no matter what she can come to me. She never responded. Since then I've been reading and analyzing my message, composing a thousand ways it could have been misinterpreted.

"Jonas." Tim bust into the bedroom leaving the double doors wide open. "Get up. It feels like you've been mopping around this hotel room for ten days. Did Audrey break up with you or something?"

I groan placing the pillow over my face. "No." It was muffled. "I don't think she did."

"She didn't." He clarifies.

I frown and move the pillow from my face. "Like you would know. You didn't know Folia broke up with you until a year later." I huff.

He laughs. "Bro that was years ago. To be fair all she said was she needed to focus on her classes, I thought she was on the brink of failure that year."

"Right." I dragged out staring up at the ceiling.

It was silent until I felt a dip on the bed and Tim sighs."Listen man we need to talk."

I sat upright and nodded for him to proceed.

"Your Uncle has pretty much taken over in regards to everything that's going on. With one suspect in mind it's only a matter of time before the domino effect applies."

"Audrey isn't a suspect." I grumble. Tim shrugs and throws his hand up in a whatever motion.

"I'm just stating the obvious. My watch was found in Audrey's locker and although she might not have done it, she has to know something. Did she tell you anything about it?"

I rolled my eyes. "We haven't spoken but you know this already because you've been in my room everyday."

"Okay, okay. Don't get your panties all in a twist. I'm just saying that eventually everything will fall into place sooner rather than later." He sighs and stands up. "Therefore I think it is time to head back to Toronto. For me at least."

I raised my eyebrow and tilt my head to the side. He's actually getting to a point in all of his blabbering but this was the last thing I was expecting.

"You're ready to leave?"

"Not right now of course but by the end of this month–yes. We haven't really been doing anything out here and I don't think I can take another six months in that hotel room." He scoffs while pacing the room. "I miss my own bed in my own home. Besides I'm seeing someone and this whole long distance–"

"What?" I cut him off now fully sitting up in the bed. "You're seeing someone?" I squinted my eyes in disbelief, he rolls his eyes.

"As a matter of fact I am. We rekindled when I went home for my parents anniversary and its–well I think– I feel like its getting serious." He stammers as his face grew red.

I laugh because in all my years of knowing Tim commitment was never in his vocabulary. He's notorious for playing the field and even when I got married he desperately tried to get me to step out of that. So Tim in a committed relationship? Hell no. Not possible.

"I don't believe you." I chuckle throwing my sheets back. "You're in a relationship?"

"Chill with the 'R' word man. We're seeing each other." He shrugs. "Kind of like you and Audrey."

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