Chapter 19

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Jonah's POV

I watched as her eyebrow shoot up and she began literally assuming the worst. It was all over her face that she was. Which I get, she just open herself to me and I respond by saying its something I need to tell you. Shit. I should've thought that through more.

"Well let me start by saying that your feelings aren't one sided. I do like you and if I'm being honest you were already my lady in my mind." I admit which earns a snort from her. That makes me feel good, her damn cute ass snort. "But I haven't been completely honest with you."

That makes her face morphs into several different emotions before she shakes her head and began reaching for her leggings and bra.

"Of course you haven't," She laughs dryly.

I reached out and placed my hand on her arm to stop her from looking down. Once she looked up at me I sighed.

"Just hear me out." I assured, she nods but still proceed to get dress. I sighed, deciding to rip the band-aid off. "My father's name is Bill Coleman and his brother–my uncle is William Coleman. Both Founder and Cofounder of the Prince Royal Hotel & Suites Franchise." She paused and for some reason my mouth with dry. "I've been lying to everyone at the hotel about who I am and why I'm there. Me and Tim have been staying at the hotel under a fake surname with the impression of businessmen in order to catch the person stealing from our guest."

I studied her face in hopes of catching any insight of how she's feeling or possibly thinking right now. But I came up short because she just blinked at me. No emotion whatsoever and if she wasn't sitting directly in front of me I would've thought she missed everything I said.

Then, suddenly, she drops her shoulders and shakes her head. "I'm sorry but what? That sounds like some fake "what would you do" type shit."

I ran my hand through my hair and licked my dry lips.

"It's the truth. I would've told you sooner but I couldn't risk it."

She smacked her lips and leaned back. "So you're telling me that somebody has been stealing in the hotel and instead of y'all alerting the police and having them investigate, y'all decided to handle everything internally?"

"Pretty much, yes." I shrug, she's scoff.

"Rich people are so questionable sometimes. Why the hell didn't you just tell the police? Instead of hiring somebody to investigate y'all wanna cut corners and do it yourself in attempt to save money while other people hurting waiting on you to discover something." She rants while spinning around and climbing into the passenger seat.

I sat there–in the backseat–stunned. Audrey continued to rant about the rich staying rich by being cheap while also mumbling about looking for her phone as she searched under the seats. She was oddly so casual about my confession. I pulled up my sweat shorts and threw my shirt over my neck and over shoulder.

"Wait. With everything I just said, you're not mad?"

Audrey sat up from looking under the seat and mushed her eyebrows together. "Mad about what? I mean I always knew there was something a little off with you and Tim. You two are staying in the most expensive suites for two months supposedly here on "business" when you're spending more money on the suite itself. Then I noticed how aloof you'll become anytime I asked you about work. I knew it was something but figured I'll mind my business."

For the second time tonight she completely stunned me. All this time I was nervous to tell her because I wasn't sure how she'll take it. I figured she'll want nothing to do with me since I started this while on a foundation of lies. It's like whatever I expect from Audrey she always blows my expectations out of the water.

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