Chapter 3 - SuperMax

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My eyes shot open as I fell to the ground below. I laid there for a while, feeling the cold stone floor against my face. I stood back up as I saw Chloe in the same cell as me, and behind me I saw James and Nick, barely awakening like me. I looked ahead and saw the large metal prison cell door, and there I saw Risu.

"That was easier than I expected" Risu said as I regained my stability and stood up.

"What is this?" I asked, giving him an angry stare

"You're going to be here for a long time, Nightmare. I should kill you for the crimes you have committed, but I'm a generous man. You'll rot in there anyways" Risu said as he left.

I walked over to James as I helped him up, and as he groaned in pain it seemed.

"Are you ok?" I asked

"Never better, Captain. Fucking hell, where are we?" James asked as we looked around.

"The SuperMax, they call it" Chloe said as we looked at her, now sitting on the bed nearby. "A high secure facility entasked in keeping bad people like us, away from the good people"

"Basically a prison?" Nick asked as he stood back up.

"Precisely" Chloe responded

"Cap, we gotta get out of here. Risu has a plan, and if it involves using that time-altering tech that he used on us, then it ain't gonna be close to good" James said as I looked at the door, and a small panel on the other side.

"A panel, composed of digital components. It appears it can be only opened by a code" I said as I looked through the small window on the door.

"The panel, is on the other side of the door. How are we going to get to it?" Nick said, as a smirk came on Chloe's visor.

"There's a reason they don't keep Protogen's like myself in The SuperMax. There's a lot more to us, that meets the eye" Chloe said as I moved aside as she stood by the door.

"What are you saying?" I asked

"I'm saying, that we don't even have to use the panel to open the door, and all it takes, is the snap of a finger" Chloe said as she snapped her fingers, and the door opened. We stood in shock as she casually walked out.

"How did you do that?" Nick asked

"Protogens have built in hacking abilities. That panel was easier to hack than anything I've hacked" Chloe said as she skipped down the hall.

"The cell was easy, but the whole rest of the prison is a whole different story. The SuperMax is one of the most guarded facilities in the entire Furry Empire, almost competing with Anthro-Con. Now with The Nightmare here, I wouldn't be surprised if they doubled the amount." Chloe said as I had chocked a guard to death, taking his rifle.

"That suits me" I said as I held the rifle in my hands

"I'm guessing you got this Captain?" Nick asked as I didn't reply, but a serious expression on my face.

Dual wielding rifles, I began firing a pleather of bullets right a large crowd of soldiers. It was a full on massacre as I lead the other through the building, not even feeling the pain when being shot. We arrived at a garage as the other began making their way inside a truck as I held off the guards. When the time was good, I climbed into the truck as Chloe drove it out of the garage, and out of the building, but suddenly sirens could be heard behind us

"Cap, we got cops!" James said as him and Nick were in the back of the truck.

There was about 15 cop cars and around 3 helicopters chasing our truck. Bullets went through the truck as we narrowly missed gunfire. Immediately, Chloe drove the truck off road and onto an airstrip. The truck bumped up and down as crate inside the truck popped open. Due to the truck being dark inside, Nick resulted in using a flashlight, and was shocked to see the inside filled crates.

"What the hell is all this stuff?" James asked

"Get me something to pry these crates open" Nick requested

As James handed him a small knife, the two went to prying the crates open, and there shocked to see what was inside.

"Henderson, they're opening the door" Chloe said as she drove the truck.

"What? They're making us open to gunfire, what the hell are they-" I said, but stopped upon seeing both Nick and James, carrying massive MG's in hand, and firing a pleather of bullets at the cars chasing us.

"Fucking hell, this ain't no ordinary truck, this is a weapons transport" I said as bullets riddled through the cop cars, and bullets shot down the helicopters. I continued to look back, but there I saw a large black aircraft fly towards us. I looked closer, and saw it was my personal aircraft. The Raven. A large magnet came under it as it hovered above our truck, picking it up and flying it away.

An hour had passed. The Raven had carefully landed the truck near a large cliff, and The Raven landing right beside it. We all got out of the truck as the doors to The Raven opened, and out came Jake.

"You damned idiot, Captain. Good to see you" Jake said as I shook his hand

"How'd you find us?" I asked

"A tracker in your visor. I saw you were at the SuperMax, and I knew it couldn't be good. I was gonna break you out myself with your ship here, but looks like you just made it easier for me. Thanks for that" Jake responded

I didn't respond as I looked back at James, inspecting a strange device. I walked over to him as I took the device from his hands, inspecting it myself.

"Know what that is, Captain?" Nick asked me as I saw a trigger on the device, like a gun of some sort. I fired it into the distance, and it fired a large sound wave of some sort, but it wasn't a sound wave. The leaves falling to the ground froze mid air, and all of us stood shocked my this. I inspected the gun and found a small label, reading "ANTI-TIME SHOTGUN"

"Anti-Time? What does that mean?" James asked as he took the gun.

"Looks like it freezes time. Same thing Risu used on us" Chloe responded

"Where the hell did he get this tech from?" Nick asked as I thought for a second, but then an idea coming to mind.

"The Tateron" I replied

"W-Who?" Chloe asked

"The Tateron. A 3 billion year old robot-alien race, basically. These entities, are Gods of technology, more than Gods. They've evolved their technology to reach a point in which seems, impossible. Technology in which can do anything and everything, with the snap of a finger. Only they can create technology like this. Hell, this is primitive technology to them" I replied, looking over at the gun.

"What about the Technocracies?" Jake asked

"Boybuxia may be more advanced in technology than Willbuxia, but even they are unsure how to make time altering weapons. It has to be The Tateron" I replied

"Where the hell did they get Tateron-Tech from, Captain?"

"I don't know." I replied as I looked at the gun, and saw a small cartridge attached to it. I took it out, and in it was a bright glowing gem, like an emerald. I tried firing the gun again, but nothing came out. "This must be the power source"

"What is it?" Chloe asked, but I didn't respond. Simply looked at the gem.

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