Chapter 7 - Ultra-Time

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"Cap, you copy? Report" Jake said into the radio as I crawled through an abandoned mining shaft, and arrived at a large underground bunker.

"I hear you. I'm at the bunker, it seems. No Tateron Tech up here, but I suspect it's further down." I replied, walking through a catwalk and looking below, seeing various Protogen guards.

"It sure as hell it. I'm looking at schematics of the bunker, and it's a long was down. You'll need to find a way down there, and plant that bomb in we gave you. Once attached, it should cause a chain reaction, blowing the whole place up" Jake replied as I continued through the catwalk, silently killing a guard.

I continued through and down some stairs, leading to a large pentagon shaped room, empty of souls. As I continued, I arrived at a tram line, and in I went. Minutes passed, and there I arrived at a large door, with the label "Genetics Center" above it.

I pressed the button to open the door, holding my rifle in my hands, and a shotgun on my back. The door opened as the scientists there immediately saw me, and raised their paws in the air, almost surrendering it seemed. I ignored, but continued to the door on the other side.

There, an alarm blared over the building, calling of an intruder. I quickly rushed through the building as there. I killed and massacred any and every Fur that came across my path, and when I was out of ammo, I switched to melee, using my sword to chop heads off, and dismember arms from bodies.

There was when I arrived at a large room, with a large platform, and a massive hole in the wall, with wires and powered off tesla coils around the hole. I looked with curiosity, but there I saw a large sum of soldiers all around the room. I knew what I had to do at that moment.

I quickly leaped out and began another massacre, firing my shotgun at the Furs that stood as guards. I took many bullets, but I wasn't dead, and as long as I wasn't dead would there be Furries to kill. There after a few minutes the room was empty. Empty and bloody. The alarm stopped there, and a voice came onto the announcements.

"Listen up, word from the reactor room has become silent, which means our intruder is in there, Captain Henderson. I don't know what you have planned, but if it involves breaking into one of the most secured bases in the empire, then I have a rough idea of what it may be. I don't want any of our forces to engage. Leave that to Project Creativity" The voice exclaimed. It was Risu.

Immediately, a robotic voice came on the radio, signaling a self destruct for two minutes. That was when hatches on the ceiling opened up, and out came six Super Soldiers, with massive guns, and stretching up to 9 feet tall. They had massive jet packs, allowing them to move quickly.

The super soldiers acted fast, firing their massive guns at me. I quickly evaded as the soldiers quickly followed my path, and there I fired my weapons at them, but not a dent was made. I made a run for the exit, but there I discovered it was blocked shut, meaning no exit was in sight.

I continued to evade the super soldiers, being unaware of the time, but it was too late. When that timer hit zero, a large bright shockwave shook the room, and everything went dark just then. It was impossible to tell if I was dead or not.


Suddenly, everything was dark there for a moment, but upon opening my eyes, everything became bright. I was surrounded by light instead of dark. I looked around, and there I noticed, that I was floating. As if I were in space, only that everything was bright, instead of the usual darkness. I moved my body around as I made an attempt to move forwards, but nothing happened. I could only move the way in which my body faced. Nothing more. That was when, in front of me, I saw something, unexplainable. It was impossible to describe what I saw appearing in front of me, but all I could say that was I saw, was geometric in shape, and no face was present, but I could still see eyes on the thing, and as if a face were there as well. But there was no eyes, there was no face.

It was impossible to tell what was there or not. The thing did not move, nor did it speak. Better yet, it didn't even seem like it had the ability to speak, as no mouth was present as well.

"Who are you?" I asked, and no response came from the thing, but words came to my mind, as if it were the response I wanted. It was communicating, but telepathically, it seemed.

"We, are the Tateron"

No response came from me, but a long silence. "The Tateron?"

"Yes, Captain Henderson. We are The Tateron. The ones who created that piece of technology you have in your hands. The creators of all."

"The creators of all? What does that mean?" I asked, now curious

"We are the creators of the entire observable universe, and far more. We dominate every single atom of the universe, and conquer furthermore, to every multiverse there is known to exist. We are everywhere"

"Everywhere? Then how come we never see you?" I asked, a long pause from The Tateron.

"There are billions of species and races just like humanity, sprawling across the stars. Species which we have created. Think of it, as a pile of sand. Humanity is just a single grain in the pile"

"So you're saying we have no value to you?" I asked, another long pause.


A long pause came from me "How do you know my name?"

"We know everyone who is ever to exist. Everyone who existed in the past, and who will in the future, we know who they are. We created them. We created you. We made you, the man you are. All the Furries you've killed. All the people you betrayed. We made that happen. We control your fate, Captain Henderson"

"Did you create The Furries as well?" I asked

"Them and many more. Another grain in the pile."

As I heard, I noticed green and blue auroras flickering around me, almost as it were manifesting itself.

"Come, walk with us, Henderson"

Just then, I could feel my feet plant themselves on an invisible ground, and there I followed the Tateron through the brightness, coming across a window it seemed, to the past. I saw a violent war through the window. Soldiers dying left and right. Automatons firing their weapons at the enemy. I knew this. It was an old memory of some sort.

"The Great Willbuxian War." I said, shocked

"Violence. Death. You all live for that. It's a code, everyone follows"

I followed the Tateron and arrived at another window, and there I saw a ship battle, among the stars.

"The S.S Henderson." I spoke again.

"One of many memories. Do you see something in common with them all?"

"I've fought in all of them. I can't keep fighting. I'm tired. I'm weak. I don't know if I could be The Nightmare anymore" I said, my head down

"Fate is on your side, Captain. You just need to learn to co-operate with it"

Everything went dark. Everything

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