Chapter 10 - Intercept

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Chloe slowly helped me walk through the halls of the S.S Henderson as we arrived at the War Room, and there we saw the squad, including Spyro and Tommy, waiting patiently for me it seemed.

"Well, if it ain't the 'immortal' Captain Henderson. Fuck, rumors are true about you, eh?" Tommy said as I walked in, and Chloe slowly let me go by the table.
"Nick, why can't I walk?"
"Why do you think? Your body is broken. It was shattered into a million pieces. You were dragged across a race track over 10 times going over 100 miles per hour. It was a blessing that you even came out of that alive" Nick explained as I looked down at my arm on the table.
"Can you fix me, or am I going to be crippled my whole life?"
"We implanted a special exo skeleton at the base of your spine, acting as your new artificial skeleton. It'll take time for your body to accommodate"
"Spyro, what happened while I was out?"
"Hell of a lot, Captain. Everyfur thinks you're a dead man. They think all of us are dead. Went down with you. Heh, well fuck em'. This gives us the upper hand, Cap. We've been looking into Heretic comms, and found something, good"
"What is it?"
"A transport, Captain. It's shipping very valuable Tateron technology across the outskirts of the city to a military base. The good stuff"
"I'm guessing we intercept it?" Jake asked
"Correct. We take this back, and hand it over to the Technocracies. Maybe this'll motivate them to join the war." Spyro replied, his arms crossed
"And stop the Furry Empire, for good" Nick replied back
"Jake, give us the location of the transport, we're heading for it" I said as I began to take a step back, but Chloe grabbed my arm and stopped me

"Henderson, please. You're weak. You're going to get seriously hurt" Chloe pleaded to me.

I released myself from her grasp as I walked out of the room on my own, as the others followed behind.


"Jake, come in. We got a situation" I spoke into the radio, standing overhill looking down at the base.
"What is it?"
"The convoy moved earlier than we estimated. The trucks are inside the base"
"Fuck, then we need to lead an assault on the base. I'll call in the others, and let them know of the situation"

Minutes passed, and there flying over to me I saw The Raven, my aircraft, hover near me and touch down on the ground. The back hatch opened as the squad walked out with guns in hands.

"What's the target?" Nick asked, walking out of the Raven.
"The trucks are in the base. I say we break in and go in for the trucks." I replied
"Cap, we got multiple Protogen guards patrolling the base. Heavily armed. We'll have to get through them to get to the trucks" Spyro noted to us.

I quickly went down the hill as the others followed behind, and bursting through the entrance, I quickly dual wielded rifles as I began a massacre across the entire base. Soldiers didn't even have time to react as I purged through, and the others provided covering support. There was the trucks, and shooting the lock to the door I quickly went into the driver seat, as everyone else got into the other trucks.

"Chloe" I said as I stopped her "Get into the Raven. Provide air support for us"
"Right, on it"

As the gates opened, I quickly drove the truck out as the others followed behind, driving the truck far into the distance. Away from the base.


"Lord Risu, we have a situation" The Pup stated
"What is it now?"
"Military base Zima Blue has gone offline. No word from them for the past 10 minutes"
"And, we connected to their camera system, and looks like the trucks transporting the Tateron technology have been stolen."


"Unleash the Wolves."


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