Chapter 12 - End of a King

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There, in the distance, I saw it. A large building. Many Furs walking in, laughing, smiling. All having a great time it seemed. I looked out of the sniper scope as I stood up and looked back, seeing Chloe arrive in her motorcycle. I remained with no expression.

"Where are the others?" I asked
"They're coming, don't worry"

I don't reply, only look at the motorcycle.

"Are you seriously going to give me the silent treatment? After everything I've done for you?" Chloe asks, but I don't reply as I see a truck pull up nearby, and there out comes the team.

"Well, that's it, Captain. What now?" James asked as I looked down at it
"The entrance is heavily guarded by a platoon of soldiers from the Protogen Division, with camera systems capturing photos of everyone who enters and exits. Disguises won't work here."
"The only way into the air vent is inside the building. That's the only air vent big enough for you to fit in, and the only one leading inside the stage room" Jake noted
"I need to get in without alerting anyone inside"
"You're the Nightmare, aren't you? Should be pretty simple for a master of stealth like yourself." Tommy said

I glided to a window with my Wings as I used my grapple attachment, maintaining near the window as I cut open a hole big enough for me to fit through. I climbed into the building as I arrived at an empty hallway, and saw an electrical wire on the ceiling. I grappled up to it as I tightroped near the ceiling as I proceeded through the halls, looking down below at the Furs.

I arrived at a small electrical room as I saw the vent, and prying it open I crawled in, going through the labyrinth of the vent system.


"Attention, all Furs of the Furry Empire. The main event is about to begin, but please give a warm welcome to our emperor, our savior, Risu!" The announcer said as Risu playfully walked onto the stage with a smile on his face, as the crowd cheered in excitement. He put his paw out as the crowd went silent, and Risu held the microphone in his other paw near his mouth.

"My Furs. My amazing Furs. What an honor it is to be standing here in front of you, great Furs." Risu said, as I proceeded through the vents, overhearing this all "We've all come a long way since the start of this war that we all know of. A war, against the Human Race. Demons, they call us. But I say, that they are the true demons. They are the ones who started this war. They slaughtered, our friends, our family. Everyfur! Yet, even through all of this, you seriously think they're going to stop us from having fun, huh?"

Hearing this all, I arrived near the top of the stage as I could hear the crowd cheer in excitement, as I had an annoyed look on my face.

"Of course they won't! Now, Ross started this event a long time ago to connect Furs across the galaxy together, but you all know the news as well. The biggest demon, Captain Henderson, killed him. The maniac. But now, the Captain is dead! We were never afraid of him to begin with, right? I promise you all, if we saw him, we would not run and scream, but fight!"

I stood above Risu as I slowly drew my sword as he finished his speech "Which is why today, I am glad, to welcome you all to..." Before Risu could say that last word, I leaped down and sliced my sword right in the middle of Risu as the crowd went silent. There, Risu's body slowly split in two as I was exposed to the crowd.

"Furfest." I spoke out as the crowd shouted and ran out the doors, and as I stood up I heard gunshots, and there coming into the room was the team.

"Well, there goes another damn emperor killed, eh Captain?" Jake asked as I didn't reply
"Henderson, you had your helmet on. People saw the Nightmare. Not Captain Henderson" Chloe stated as I looked at her.
"Good" I replied "Willbuxia needs something worse now to defend it. A new symbol of fear. A new legend. One more powerful than Captain Henderson could ever be. A Nightmare, is what it needs"
"Good word, Nightmare. Well, you did Risu pretty dirty didn't you?" Jake asked once again

I didn't reply as I looked back at Chloe, holding her paws behind her back.

"You know, I don't think you can do this alone, Henderson" Chloe said to me as I slightly hugged her
"It's not that I can't do it alone. It's that I must."

I slowly walked out as the others followed behind me. Flashback of Ross came back to my mind, but all I could focus on was the bright sun glistening inside the building. It was like my ideas came to reality. Dark days were to come. We all knew that. But I won't stop. I can't stop. Not until I die.

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