Chapter 5 - Resistance

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What happened to me? Last I remember, I'm flying back, and two jets shoot me down. Trees surround me. Luckily my radio still works.

I slowly crawl out of the destroyed jet I was in, the armor around my arm, burned. I stand back up as I find myself unarmed, but find my helmet inside. I place it over my head at that moment. I make an attempt to use the radio, but nothing works. I find myself surrounded by tall trees, all alone. yet still, a watched sense surrounds me, and I take caution. I proceed through these trees with not a word coming out of me, and every rustling leaf I crush, and every branch stepped on, emits a sound greater than a bullet fire, it seems.

I continue through the forest, and there in the distance come across an abandoned city. Destroyed, it seems it is. I slowly walk down a hill and proceed through this city. There, I see a striking landmark. A large building, that pierces the sky it seems. I proceeded to this building, and there I saw the door torn off. I walked in as I ascended up the stairs, thinking of getting a greater view of my surroundings from a higher altitude. There, I arrived at the 34th story, and out I looked from a window, and there in the distance I saw something that struck my attention.

Smoke, coming from the distance. Now I knew where to head to.

I was prepared to turn around, when behind my head I could feel the end of a gun barrel. Someone was behind me. I didn't bother to turn around, as I only had nothing to protect me, and even then the gunner would kill me instantly.

"Don't you dare move a muscle." The person behind me said, and I didn't. "Now, I want you to slowly turn around, and show me who you are"

I slowly proceed to turn around, but my helmet covers my face, making it unknown of my identity.

"Helmet off. Now." The person behind me orders, but now I see who they are. I don't take my helmet off at that moment, but stare them down.

"Synths." I say

"So, you know who we are, huh? Until I know who you are, a bullet is gonna go into your skill. Off with the mask motherfucker" The Synth said to me, and there I slowly took my helmet off, and the Synth stood shocked, lowering his rifle. "It'"

I didn't respond, only let Synth stay there, shocked to see me. It felt like hours we stood there, but it was only a few seconds. Eventually, one of us would break the silence.

"You're Captain Henderson." The Synth said

"In the flesh" I replied

"Y-You gotta come in. Tommy, we got us a visitor!" The Synth shouted as he lead me inside a room, and there I saw that this was an outpost of some sort, housing many other Furries of various species and divisions. The Synth lead me to a small office, and there sat a Protogen. It looked just like Chloe, only that he was of a dark red color, instead of Chloe's rose red color.

"Spyro, looks like you brought us a visitor" The Protogen said

"Not just any visitor, Tommy. This, is Captain Henderson. The real deal!" The Synth replied, now referred to as Spyro.

"Captain Henderson? Really, that's you?" The Protogen replied

"What's it look like, Tommy? This is him!" Spyro replied

"Heh, only the real Captain Henderson wo-" Tommy said, but I prevented him from finishing by grabbing his head and arm and slamming him down onto the desk, threading to crush his skull and break his arm at the same time.

"You were saying?" I asked, my voice in a serious tone

"Alright, alright! I get it! You are him!" Tommy saids as I slowly released him. "Damn, so you are Captain Henderson"

"In the flesh. I told you that." I replied

"So why aren't you killing us? I mean, we look like them, don't we?" Tommy asked as I looked at Spyro.

"Right, let me tell you something, Henderson. I wasn't never, going to shoot at you if I knew you were Captain Henderson from the start. I would never kill a human, but I didn't know you were one at the time, because of the helmet. There's a reason that none of us kill humans. We're all part of a resistance group, fighting day and night against those, Furries. We call our group, the AFC, or the Anti-Furry Coalition." Spyro explains to me

"But aren't you all Furries?" I asked

"We may look like them, but inside we want the same thing that you Humans want, to destroy the Furry Empire, for good. There are millions of us scattered across the galaxy, and we all work hard to bring the Furry Empire to it's knees" Spyro explained, and there was when Chloe came to my mind, and I stopped tensing up.

"Right, you must know a lot about the Furry Empire, don't you?" I asked

"What do you need?" Spyro asked

"Risu. He's planning something. Something bad. He's using stolen Tateron Technology for some sort of, plan, I'm guessing" I replied

"Right, Risu. We know exactly what. He's got all that time altering technology in his paws, and now he wants to open some sort of, gateway, our people say" Spyro answered, turning around to the window.

"A gateway to what?" I asked

"That, we do not know. But, if it involves time, and Tateron Tech, then it cannot be good." Spyro replied

"You seem to know your things. Maybe I'll consider sparing you all, if you can help us" I said

"You wan our help? Sure, we can help you, after all we do know a lot. But it comes with a cost" Spyro replied

"What cost?" I asked

"You want us to do something, you have to do something for us first" Spyro replied, again

"What do you want?" I asked

"There's some Furs out there we want off the charts. Not in service anymore. We know how much of a good Furry killer you are, so help us on taking out a Cowommander, and we'll gladly help you" Spyro explained

I didn't reply, only look out the door and see a small gun locker.

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