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i turned around to see calum standing there.

"wh- "how is this not her fault! she is fucking pregnant calum! she's only 16!" mom yelled as tears pooled in her eyes.

"it wasn't consensual." calum stated softly as he walked towards my mom.

"w- y-you were raped?" mom spoke softly as she gently reached towards me.

i slowly moved away.

"it doesn't matter." i muttered.

"yes it does scarlet. do you want to keep the baby? adoption? abortion?" mom spoke firmly.

"i-i don't know yet." i whispered.

"you have to know. figure it out. you are responsible for the life in you now." mom spoke.

"i-i know. just stay out if it." i stuttered as i turned around with liliana.

"absolutely not. do not turn away when i am talking to you! we are going to decide what to do right now!" mom yelled as she grabbed my arm, yanking me backwards.

"ow! let go!" i yelled as i tried to pull my arm away.

calum quickly stepped in and stood between mom and i.

"let's not do this out here please." calum stressed.

i looked around and saw a couple neighbors coming out of their houses.

"i'm going to head off. i'll catch you later babe. love you." liliana spoke quickly as she left the driveway.

"shouldn't you be at work?" mom spit out at calum.

"yeah, but i saw them walking home and figured i would check in on you guys." calum spoke slowly.

"so shouldn't you be headed back to work then?" mom spoke angrily.

i could tell calum being here was pissing her off.

"are you sure? scarlet are you sure?" calum asked shifting his attention to me.

"why the hell are you asking her? just go, we'll talk later." mom spoke firmly as she crossed her arms.

"scarlet?" calum asked as he completely ignored mom and looked at me.

i gave him a slight nod.

calum hesitantly walked back to his car and drove off after a couple minutes.

"inside. now." mom spoke in a dangerously low voice.

i slowly walked inside when all hell broke loose.

"how the hell did this happen? who raped you?" mom spoke angrily as tears began pouring out of her eyes again.

"it wa- "fucking hell scarlet! you're too young to be a fucking mother!" mom yelled.

"you won't even let me tell you won't happened!" i yelled back.

"i'm leaving. i have better things to do than to argue with my daughter about her stupid life decisions." mom spoke firmly as she left the house.

i fell down to my knees as tears fell down my face.

my phone buzzed and i saw a text from calum.

calum: are you okay? do you need me to send one of the boys to come get you?

me: i'm fine.

calum: i'm sending luke.

i groaned and shoved my phone back in my pocket before wiping the endless tears that poured down my face.

we lived close to the hospital, so it took only a couple minute before luke was knocking on the door.

i slowly walked to the door and opened it with bloodshot eyes.

"sweet girl." luke spoke with a sad facial expression as he gently pulled me in for a hug.

"i-i don't k-know what to do. i-it wasn't my fault." i sobbed into his chest, gripping onto him for dear life.

"i know. it's going to be okay. now, let's stop crying, the blood vessels under your eyes are becoming irritated." luke spoke softly as he guided me to the car.

we started driving back to the hospital when i spoke up, "i can't do that with my mom again."

"you won't have too. that's why calum asked me to take you to the hospital." luke spoke softly.

i nodded slowly.

luke dropped me off at the entrance and continued to go park the car.

i walked inside and saw calum waiting there with a sympathetic facial expression.

"i told you i was fine." i muttered.

"your teary and bloodshot eyes say otherwise." calum whispered as he pulled me in for a hug.

"i'm sorry for all of this. i-i don't want to- "don't apologize please. this wasn't in your control. your mother was being a bit too harsh for something that was not your fault." calum spoke firmly.

all of a sudden, i felt a buzz and saw calum's pager light up.

"shit, i have to go. you can go walk around if you want." calum spoke as he ran off to the ER.

i slowly started towards the elevator when i noticed a sign for the maternity floor.

i slowly walked up the stairs and to the third floor before walking down the hallway.

i came across a huge window and saw a bunch of baby's lying there.

i felt my heart immediately melt.

"they're cute aren't they?" i heard ashton speak from behind me.

i quickly spun around and saw ashton staring at me.

"how'd you know i was up here?" i asked.

"i didn't. i was on my way down to the ER when i saw you." ashton spoke.

"i don't know what i'm going to do." i whispered as i turned to look at the baby's again.

"it's completely your decision. having a baby is a magical experience, but your also a kid yourself. having a baby is a lot of responsibility." ashton concluded with a tiny smile.

i nodded in agreement.

"i have a psych patient downstairs, i'll leave you here to think." ashton smiled softly as he headed towards the stairs.

the baby's were so stinking cute.

Beginning//5sos ✔️Where stories live. Discover now