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"i-i can't." i whispered.

"of course you can." bella spoke softly as she held my hand.

"i'm just so tired." i mumbled as i leaned back.

"it's okay honey. i'm here for you." bella spoke softly.

"she took away my phone and i cant afford a new one. i have to wake up at 5 am to start cleaning. i cant even bend down that well. i cant find a job so that i can rent out my room or she will evict me. i just can't do this." i whispered as tears fell down my face.

"that's not okay. that actually makes me sick. is there anyone you can stay with?" bella spoke with anger evident in her voice.

"no, i'll be fine." i mumbled.

"you may be, but this isn't healthy for the baby honey. you need to be healthy for the baby to be healthy. i know this sounds crazy, but the baby is at a stage where it can tell when you're not taking care of yourself." bella spoke firmly.

"i- "i'm going to page calum." bella spoke.

"no! please don't. i don't want to be a burden to him." i spoke quickly.

"you know you're not a burden to him." bella spoke as she pulled her pager out.

a couple moments later, calum came running in.

"what's going on? and why haven't you been answering my messages?" calum spoke quickly as he went by my side.

"her mom is being terrible. i almost think she needs to stay somewhere else until the baby is born." bella spoke slowly.

"what's she doing?" calum spoke softly as he stared at me.

i could tell there was a hint of frustration behind his voice.

"she's making me wake up at 5 am and sleep at 2 am because of cleaning. i cant even do half of the things because it's uncomfortable to bend down. she took my phone away because i cant afford one. she even is making me fucking pay rent. i cant even get a job because i'm a teenage mom." i spoke as i wiped my eyes that were filled with tears.

calum sat quietly for a moment before speaking up, "yeah, you're not staying with her."

"b- "no buts, she can't treat you this way. you're pregnant. you're carrying her grandchild. yes, you being pregnant at 16 is not ideal, but you want this baby and as a mom she has to get on board with it." calum spoke angrily.

"when is she coming to pick you up?" bella asked as she held my hand tightly.

"she isn't. i had to walk." i mumbled as i stared down at my feet.

"after i'm off my shift, we'll drive back home and pick up some clothes okay? you can stay with me." calum replied.

i nodded slowly and lifted my shirt up again.

"i have to head down to the emergency room, but wait in my office after this." calum spoke as he rushed out of the room.

bella slowly spread the gel across my stomach and put the wand down.

"it's so big." i mumbled as i gently wiped tears away from my eyes.

"i cant quite tell the gender yet, but when you come back on week 20, i'll be able too." bella smiled as she wiped the gel off my stomach.

"thank you." i smiled softly as i began to walk towards the door.

"i'm sorry about your mom. she doesn't seem like a good person." bella spoke softly.

"she was until i decided to keep the baby." i shrugged as i left the room.


eventually it was time for calum and i to head over to my house.

the rest of the boys grabbed a uber home.

"i'm nervous." i mumbled as i stared at my hands.

"don't be." calum replied calmly as we pulled out of the hospital.

we slowly pulled into my driveway and saw mom standing there.

"why the hell are you here!" mom spat out.

"i'm here because she's going to stay with me. i'm not going to make your daughter pay me rent to live in a house." calum spoke firmly.

i slowly snuck behind mom and headed upstairs.

i quickly grabbed a duffel bag and stuffed as much clothes, hair, makeup, and shower products as i could before heading out of my room.

i could hear calum and my mom arguing outside.

i slowly snuck behind mom again and placed the bag in the car.

then it hit me, i forgot the necklace that my grandma gave me before she passed.

i walked past mom again, but this time she came behind me.

i ran up into my room and grabbed the necklace before meeting her outside of my room.

"stop! you can't just leave! i'm your mother!" mom screamed as she tried to grab my arm.

"let go!" i yelled as i moved backwards.

little did i know i was moving closer to the stairs.

before i knew it, mom shoved me backwards and i went flying down the stairs.

i landed on my back and laid there in total pain.

"what the fuck did you just do!" i heard calum yell as he rushed down the stairs to go help me.

"i- "call 911 now!" calum yelled at mom as he crouched down next to me.

"keep those pretty eyes open for me."

that was the last thing i heard calum say before everything went to black.

Beginning//5sos ✔️Where stories live. Discover now