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scarlet's pov

i woke up in one of the hospital beds with bella right next to me.

"hey sweetheart, i'm just checking on the baby." bella spoke as she gently lifted up my shirt.

"what happened?" i whispered.

"you passed out again. i just wanted to make sure the baby was okay. you're lucky dr. hemmings caught you." bella spoke with a tiny smile as she moved the wand around my stomach to find the baby.

"can i hear the heart beat?" i asked softly.

"of course." bella spoke.

a couple moments later i heard a heart beat and couldn't help but have tears form into my eyes.

"i know, it's beautiful." bella spoke softly.

i nodded in reply as i wiped my eyes.

"you're all good to go." bella spoke as she wiped the gel off my stomach and pulled my shirt down.

"thank you." i whispered as i slowly stood up.

"i heard about the situation with your mom. stay well and take care of yourself. do not let this affect your health or the baby's." bella spoke calmly.

"okay." i replied as i slipped my shoes back on.

once bella left the room, i walked over to calum's office and saw him sitting there with a emotionless expression.

"what's wrong?" i asked slowly.

"oh, hey love, why don't you take a seat." calum spoke as he sat down across from me.

"did something happen?" i asked as i sat down.

"so, i asked the heard neurologist to consult on the case and he told me she will likely remember you between now and the next couple months." calum stated.

"but? there's always a but." i whispered.

"if she doesn't remember you past that point, she's choosing not to remember you. that is something we cannot medically fix. that's all psychological." calum
explained slowly.

"why would my own mom try not to remember me?" i spoke firmly.

"she was under a lot of stress scarlet. that doesn't excuse her behavior, but it explains it." calum
replied as he gave me a sympathetic look.

"so what now." i replied dryly.

i couldn't believe this was happening.

"you'll stay with us for now. if you want, you can try and find a friend, but i would prefer if you stayed with me." calum stated calmly.

"i'll stay with you, as long as i get my own room." i spoke with a soft smile.

"wouldn't have it any other way baby." calum replied as he stood up and walked back to his desk.

"you're welcome to explore or stay in here." calum replied as he pulled a stack of paperwork towards him.

i slowly stood up and began to walk around the hospital.

i found myself up by the babies room and immediately melted.

"i can't wait to have one of those." a familiar voice spoke from behind me.

i turned around and saw mom standing there.

"o-oh really?" i whispered.

"yeah, they are so adorable. i have to talk to cal about having a baby." mom chuckled as she played with her hair.

"you already had your baby." i replied.

"sweetie, i already told you. i'm not your mother." mom groaned as she rolled her eyes.

"you are and you're not remembering me because i'm pregnant." i spoke as my emotions slowly started to overtake my voice.

"you look awfully young to be a mother." mom spoke with a frown.

i couldn't believe this.

"why can't you remember me?" i muttered as tears rolled down my face. "it doesn't make sense that you remember calum and all of the boys, but you don't remember your own daughter."

"i don't know what you want me to say. i do not have a child. it's that simple." mom replied as she walked away slowly.

"whatever." i spat out as i turned away from her and down the hall.

after a couple steps down the hall, i felt my heart start to hurt.

then i couldn't breath.

i fell down to my knees in the middle of the hallway and began gasping for air.

i needed air.

all of a sudden i felt a familiar set of hands gently touch my shoulder.

i looked up to see ashton standing there looking alarmed.

"i-i c-can't b-breath." i stuttered out as tears poured down my face.

"okay pretty girl, breath in with me. hold it at the top then breath out." ashton spoke as he directed me against the wall.

i took staggered breathes in and out before i felt like i was finally getting my breath back.

"what caused that?" ashton asked as he kneeled in front of me.

"my mom not remembering me caused that." i replied through my tears.

"please don't cry." ashton mumbled as he handed me a tissue.

i held the tissue to my eyes as i continued sobbing my heart out.

ashton gently guided me into an empty room, paged calum, and shut the door.

"w- "get it all out. no one's here but me and you." ashton replied as he held out his arms.

that's all it took for me to fall into them sobbing.

Beginning//5sos ✔️Where stories live. Discover now