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"mavis? do you remember me?" calum spoke slowly as he slowly pushed past me to sit by mom.

"of course! we've been dating for almost a year." mom confirmed with a smile.

"but, you don't remember scarlet?" calum spoke as he shined a light in mom's eyes.

"the name doesn't even ring a bell? is that who you are?" mom asked as she looked over at me.

"y-yes. i'm your daughter." i whispered.

"impossible. i don't have one sweetie. maybe you have the wrong person." mom spoke with a light chuckle.

"w- "okay, i'm going to page a nurse to take you up for a CT scan." calum spoke as she directed me out of the room.

"h-how can s-she not remember me." i whispered with tears in my eyes.

"hey, no tears. you're going to be okay. this was a stressor in her life, your pregnancy, if i had to guess, it's causing temporary amnesia." calum spoke quietly as he bent down to my level.

"so it's my fault my mom doesn't remember me?" i spoke slowly.

"i never said- "you kind of did." i muttered as i began to walk away.

"don't walk away please. i didn't mean for you to take it like that. it's not permanent." calum spoke sounding extremely stressed.

"how long will it last?" i asked quietly.

"anywhere from a couple days to in extreme cases, a couple months." calum spoke softly.

"fuck." i muttered as i pushed my hair back from my face.

"must be these pregnancy hormones." i spoke as i wiped tears away. "i usually don't cry this easily."

"your emotions are incredibly valid in a situation like this. how about you go hang out with ashton while i figure this out." calum offered.

i nodded and began to walk to ashton's office.

as soon as i got to his office, i heard talking voices and knew he was in a session.

i decided to go to michael's office next.

this time there was no reply.

luke better be in his fucking office.

i quickly walked over to luke's office and to my surprise he was sitting there.

"hey pretty girl, what can i help you with?" he spoke with a smile.

"my bad day." i grumbled as i slouched down on his couch.

i will not cry in front of him.

"and how exactly is your day bad?" luke asked as he sat in front of me.

"it doesn't matter." i sighed as i kept my gaze towards the ground.

"you're such a bad liar." luke pointed out.

that's all it took for me to look up at him with tears clouding my eyes.

"woah woah, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to say anything mean." luke spoke quickly as he handed me the tissues on his desk.

"i-it's not you. i-i just don't know what to do." i sobbed.

"about what love?" luke spoke softly.

"my mom doesn't even remember me. s-she remembers calum, but not me. she remembers everyone but me, her own d-daughter." i cried as i paced back and forth.

"calm down please. sit down. you're going to force yourself into an anxiety attack." luke spoke in a calm voice as he motioned for me to sit down.

i shakily sat down and bounced my leg up and down.

"what do you mean she doesn't remember you?" luke spoke slowly.

"calum said it's temporary amnesia." i whispered.

luke stayed silent for a moment before responding, "she's going to remember you eventually. it's because of the sudden pregnancy decision."

"so you're blaming me to?" i muttered as i stood up.

"i'm not blaming you scarlet, i'm just stating a fact. her having amnesia isn't your fault." luke spoke firmly as he stood up.

"it seems like my fault. i-i need fresh air." i whispered as i stood up.

"i don't think that's a good idea. please sit down. you look incredibly pale." luke spoke softly as he moved towards me.

"i-i feel fine." i mumbled as i fell face first.

the last thing i heard was luke muttering 'shit' before everything went black.

calum's pov

"so it's temporary right?" i spoke slowly.

"yes. i have no clue how this was pushed off as anything but a major concussion. she only doesn't remember her daughter?" the head neurologist, dr. perkins spoke.

"yes. she remembers me and everyone else in her life, but her daughter." i confirmed.

"well, tell her daughter all she can do is hope and pray that mavis's memory of her comes back sooner rather than later." dr. perkins spoke slowly.

"what happens if it doesn't?" i asked.

"the longest this should last for it to be a medical reason is a couple months, anything past that is her actively trying not to remember her daughter." dr. perkins spoke softly.

"so, you're telling me, mavis could actively try to not remember scarlet, her daughter." i spoke firmly.

"yes, that's exactly what i'm telling you."

Beginning//5sos ✔️Where stories live. Discover now