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i quickly ran over to the hospital room with calum and saw mom standing there.

"scarlet? hi baby. i remember i'm so sorry." mom whispered as she stared at me with teary eyes.

"it's fine." i replied with almost no emotion.

"you've gotten so big." mom spoke softly.

i saw calum give her a "what the fuck did you just say look."

"no she isn't? that's the baby." calum spoke firmly.

"what? can i not state the obvious? she's gotten pudgy around the waist. baby or not, don't lose your figure." mom muttered.

i looked down at the floor in shame.

"come on scarlet. we have to go home." mom spoke as she grabbed my wrist.

"baby, you can't treat her like this." calum spoke as he blocked the way.

"yes i can. matter of fact, let's break up. i don't need a pregnant daughter and a boyfriend who's a fucking idiot." mom spat out as she dragged me out of the hospital leaving calum standing there.

i quickly got into the car and we drove home.

"w-why would you break up with him? he loves you." i stuttered as mom sped off towards our house.

"he's a deadweight. just like you. if you're going to be pregnant in this household, i'm going to need you to pick up some house work." mom spoke firmly as we pulled into the driveway.

"b- "just go upstairs. i need time to think about this." mom spoke tiredly as she parked the car.

i slowly unbuckled my seatbelt and went upstairs.

my life was about to go to extreme hell.

i felt my phone buzz and looked down to see calum texting me.

calum: hey pretty girl. are you okay?

me: i'm fine. you don't need to text me anymore. my mom broke up with you.. i'm just a deadweight anyways.

calum: of course i'm still going to text you. i care about you love. be safe okay? remember your appointment with bella. text me if you need anything:)..

me: thank you cal..

i slowly put down my phone and laid in bed.

maybe mom will be lenient? but knowing her, she probably won't be.


a couple hours later, mom came walking into my room.

"phone." she spoke as she held out her hand.

"why?" i asked as i sat up.

"you lost it. you don't need the one i pay for. if you want a phone, you better pay for it yourself." mom spoke firmly.

i nodded slowly and handed it to her.

"you will also start doing chores. i have a list for you to do 3 times a week." mom added as she handed it to me.

"i cant bend down that much." i whispered.

"lose a little weight darling. it won't kill you." mom chuckled.

"lastly, get a job. you're not going to be paying rent in this house. your room is going to be $200 a month. if you cannot afford it, i will evict you. are we clear?" mom spoke.

"i'm your daughter." i mumbled through my tears.

"and i love you, but you made your choice when you decided to keep the baby. now you have to suffer the consequences." mom shrugged as she left my room with my phone.

i hated this already.



it had been almost four weeks without a phone and pure labor.

i had to cook myself my own food and clean the house on my hands and knees.

i still couldn't secure a job because no one wanted to hire a pregnant teenager.

i hadn't seen calum or any of the boys since mom broke up with him.

i slowly got up from bed at 6 am to begin getting ready for the appointment.

i had dark black circles under my eyes and i looked sick.

i slowly pulled my hair up into a messy bun and changed into sweats and a sweater.

i slipped on my birkenstocks and walked downstairs.

"can you d- "no, walk." mom replied as she sipped her coffee.

i sighed and left the house in a hurry.

as much as it was a pain that i had to walk, i was happy to be away from her.

after 30 minutes, i arrived at the hospital and went up to bella's office.

"hi." i mumbled.

"oh my, sweetie, you look terrible." bella spoke as she quickly went by my side.

"it's been a rough couple weeks." i whispered.

i saw bella give me a sympathetic look before she helped me over to the room.

"you've lost weight. you can't lose weight when you're pregnant. the baby won't get enough nutrients." bella spoke as i lifted up my shirt.

"you should tell that to my mom." i mumbled.

suddenly bella stopped and put down the gel.

"i'm going to need you to tell me what exactly went on these past couple weeks."

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