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i felt my phone buzz and looked down to see mom calling me.

"h-hello?" i spoke softly into the phone.

"where the hell are you?" mom spoke frantically.

"i-i'm at the hospital with cal." i whispered.

"stay there. don't move." mom spoke before hanging up.

i gently placed my phone back in my pocket before a doctor came up from behind me.

"aren't they just so adorable?" the doctor smiled brightly.

"y-yeah." i stuttered.

"what brings you up here? family?" she asked.

"n-no. i'm actually pregnant. i just found out." i whispered as i looked at the ground.

"absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. if you want i can squeeze you in so you can see the baby?" the doctor offered with a reassuring smile.

i nodded slowly.

"right this way." she spoke as she motioned for me to follow her.

i followed her to a room and jumped up on the chair.

"my name is dr. garcia, but call me bella." she smiled as she motioned for me to lean back and lift up my shirt, which i did.

"okay, so all i'm going to do is put a gel on your stomach." she spoke softly.

i nodded slowly.

as soon as she put the gel on my stomach i shivered.

"it's cold." i whispered.

"only for a second, now i'm going to put the wand to your stomach. look over at the ultrasound." bella spoke with a soft smile as she placed the wand on my stomach.

it took a few seconds before i eventually saw the tiny little being growing inside of me.

"i-is that it?" i spoke softly.

"yes, i would guess maybe 2-3 weeks old. want to hear the heartbeat?" she asked.

i nodded and laid there quietly before i heard the heartbeat.

"wow." i mumbled as i felt tears come into my eyes.

"let me wipe the gel off then let's talk." bella spoke as she took a piece of napkin and began to wipe it off.

i sat up and stared at my hands.

"you're very young. i was surprised when you told me you were pregnant." bella spoke slowly.

"i-i'm sorry. it wasn't consensual. it all happened by chance and i don't know what to do." i spoke softly.

"well, you have three options. i don't know your political, religious, or family history, so i'm telling you this with no bias. you can either, keep, abort, adopt." bella spoke quickly. "keeping the baby would mean making sacrifices for school, work, friends because a baby needs his mom. adoption is where you give the baby to the state, but by doing so, you cannot confirm that the baby will have a good foster home. abortion is both hard physically and mentally. it's 100% your choice and no one can make it but you, but i'm here as a female doctor to guide you if you need advice." bella concluded as she snapped her gloves off.

"thank you, i don't know. all i know is that my mom is pissed and i can't do anything about it." i whispered.

"she's not mad at you love. she's mad at the situation. from what you told me, this clearly isn't your fault, but now you have to make the hard decision that will affect how things turn out." bella spoke softly.

"what would you do?" i asked.

"w-well, i would probably keep the baby, but i'm older and have a stable income. i don't have to worry about the social pressures you will as a teenage mom. look, this is completely up to you. think about it." bella spoke.

"what is the deadline for abortion?" i asked softly.

"hm, 24 weeks i believe, which is approximately 5 months, but i recommend that you not to wait that long to decide." bella spoke.

i nodded in response.

"thank you for your time." i smiled softly.

"of course. my office is just around the corner, if you decide to keep the baby, i would love to help you out as your primary doctor." bella smile brightly as she showed me to the exit.

"oh wait." bella spoke as she pulled something out of her pocket.

"the baby, i took a picture if you wanted to keep it." bella spoke before walking off.

i looked down at the picture and saw the tiny little speck that was my baby.

half my DNA and half the man i never wanted to see again DNA.

i walked downstairs to calum's office and saw mom sitting in there talking to him.

"hey sweetie." mom sighed as she motioned for me to sit down.

"i'm sorry, i'm not mad at you. i-i just don't know what to do. i'm your mother and i couldn't protect you." mom whispered as tears fell out of her eyes.

"you shouldn't have too anymore. i'm fine." i spoke trying to keep my emotions from getting out.

before mom could respond i pulled out the tiny pictures that bella gave me and handed them to her.

"that's the baby." i whispered as i pointed to the tiny speck.

"oh gosh." mom sobbed as she held the picture in her shaking hands.

calum quickly came over and held my mom's shaking frame.

"do you know what your going to do?" mom asked shakily.

"i-i think i'm going to keep it."

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