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A COUPLE MONTHS LATER (8.5 months pregnant!!) sorry for all the time skips!! i don't want to drag this type of story on TOO long!!

"she's looking super healthy girly." bella spoke with a smile as she placed the wand down and proceeded to wipe the gel off my stomach.

"i cant wait till she is out of me." i groaned as i leaned back further into the seat.

"i know, you're due in the next couple weeks. i'm going to page calum in and talk about procedure if that's okay with you." bella smiled softly.

i nodded.

a couple minutes later, calum came walking in.

"so, i wanted to go over what these next couple weeks are going to look like. no strenuous exercise or moving. if her water breaks, bring her in as soon as possible. continue doing what you're doing, and please, no stressing out." bella emphasized as she handed calum a piece of paper.

i nodded and calum slowly helped me up.

"let me take you home. bed rest. you will do nothing understood?" calum spoke with a tiny smile as he guided me out of the hospital and into his car.

"yes sir." i spoke as i leaned back onto the seat.

speaking of no stress, seconds after we started driving off, mom called.

i slowly answered the phone.

"hello?" i spoke softly.

calum motioned for me to put the phone on speaker so i did.

"hi baby, how's it going?" mom spoke tentatively.

"it's going good, do you need something?" i asked awkwardly.

"do i need a reason to call my daughter?" mom chuckled. "but i do need you for something."

"what." i spoke with an eye roll.

"i sold your room out." mom spoke simply.

"you did what?" i spoke almost in shock that she would do that.

"i sold your room to a friend for rent. you need to come get your things. they are outside." mom spoke simply.

"what the fuck is your problem." i spoke angrily as i felt my hands start to shake.

how could she?

calum slowly pulled over and gently grabbed my hand.

"your stuff is outside. come get it. now." mom spoke before hanging up.

i felt tears develop in my eyes, but i quickly pushed them back.

"i- just take me there. i don't want my stuff to get stolen." i muttered.

calum nodded slowly and drove me to my, or i guess, mom's house.

as soon as we pulled up, i saw my stuff laid out on the ground broken in pieces.

"n-no." i whispered as i rushed out of the car as fast as a 8-month pregnant person can.

i slowly started shifting through my stuff with my feet before i saw it.

the rose my dad got me when i was born. smashed. the one thing i had left to remind me of him. ruined.

i slowly dropped to my knees and started sobbing hysterically.

"woah woah, baby. breath calm down, what's wrong?" calum spoke as he dropped to his knees beside me.

"i-i have nothing left! this was his!" i sobbed as i tried collecting all the tiny shards of glass, accidentally cutting my fingers, but i didn't care.

calum quickly grabbed my wrists to stop me from picking up the glass.

"stop, you're hurting yourself." calum whispered as he held my hands up in front of me.

it was good that he did because i don't think i could have stopped picking up the glass.

i saw mom step out of the door and stare at me with no emotion.

"how could you!" i screamed as i tried to stand up.

"don't be so dramatic scarlet. get your shit and get out of here." mom spoke.

"you will never be in my baby's life. fuck you." i sobbed as i slowly walked away.

"your stuff." calum whispered.

"burn it. i don't want it." i spoke coldly as i walked off.

so much for no stress.

Beginning//5sos ✔️Where stories live. Discover now