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Lily's POV

Monday morning was rough. I almost had to be dragged out of my bed to get to school. I was exhausted. My impromptu date with Nate had taken most of the day, so when I got home I stayed up late doing homework.

"Hey, does your little friend know about your...situation?" asked Adam on the way to school.

"Um no. And I'd appreciate it if it was kept that way. I'll tell him when I'm ready." I replied.

"How ready? Because you're kinda starting to show." he said looking at me quizzically.

"Oh shut up." I said. But he was right. I was starting to show a bit, and the sooner I told Nate the better.

"But Lily, I don't know if it's a good idea to be dating someone while having another person's kid. I'm not saying you should be with Jayden or anything but that you should focus on one thing. Plus, it's not really fair to this guy."

Maybe he was right. But I did not want to accept it because Nate was my escape from everything. He made me really happy, and I felt like a normal teenager when I was with him. Like I didn't have all this shit to deal with.

I was quiet the rest of the ride because I did not want to argue.

"You should talk to Ashley." Adam said out of nowhere.

"What? Why? I thought you made me promise not to go back to her."

"Just talk to her." he said, looking more serious.

"Ok. I will." I agreed not having the faintest idea what my brother was talking about.

~ ~ ~

The morning went by quickly today at school. At lunch, as I was waiting for Emma and Sav to arrive, I spotted Jayden approaching me. He looked mysterious and like he didn't want to grab anyone's attention. I didn't want to admit it, but he looked really good. The v-neck shirt he had on hugged every one of his muscles perfectly.

"Hey." he said, taking me out of my temporary trance.

"Hey." I said back, still not knowing what is it he wanted to tell me in the middle of the day.

I looked at him expectedly. He shuffled awkwardly before taking a deep breath. "Listen, I told my Mom about the baby." Jayden said lowering his voice when he said the word "baby".

"Oh that's good." It was. I was glad that he told him because I was scared that my parents were going to talk to her about it.

"How did she take it?" I asked empathetically yet with a playful tone.

"She took it well. As well as she can take it really." Jayden replied with a small smile.

I opened my mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by someone hugging me from behind. "Hey, beautiful." said Nate with a grin on his face.

"Hey." I replied with a smile, giving him a peck on the lips. I couldn't help but notice Jayden's subtle grimace, which I could tell he tried to hide but failed poorly. Jayden motioned to leave but before he could, Nate smiled at him and said, "Hey. I don't think we've met. I'm Nate."

"Jayden." he said with a slightly fake smile. "I was just leaving, so." he explained while standing up. My eyes trailed after him across the cafeteria for a moment.

"He seems nice." Nate stated sarcastically.

I laughed lightly. "Yeah he's Adam's best friend."

"Then why was he talking to you?" he asked nonchalantly. "Oh um we have Bio together, we were discussing our next lab." I lied.

"Oh ok. Anyways, I have a surprise for you on Friday. Come by my house at around 7:00." I smiled and agreed to the plan.

"Sorry we're late! Spanish took forever, Ms. Cruz would not let us go. Oh, hey Nate!" said Savannah kind of rushed.

"Hey! I'll see you later babe."

"See you later." I replied with another kiss.

Savannah and Emma began to laugh after Nate was out of earshot.

~ ~ ~

During my free period, I was studying in the library, and then I saw Ashley sitting in a nearby table. I remembered what Adam had said to me about talking to her so I decided to do just that.

"Hey." I said quietly as I walked to where she was sitting.

She had her earphones on, but she heard me. She looked up and seemed surprised to see me.

"Hey, Lily." Ashley said with a delicate tone in her voice. As if she was scared to say something wrong just by saying hi to me.

"Adam told me we should talk." Her mouth slightly opened at my words. She was hesitant to speak but finally did. "Lily, look-I know what happened last year was really fucked up. And I know that it hurt you. A lot. But there's some things you don't know."

"Some things I don't know? I know you betrayed me and were a terrible fucking friend to me! I know you were a selfish little bitch and acted out of jealousy!" I exclaimed rather loudly which made people around us who were trying to study or read glare at us.

"It-it wasn't me, Lily." Ashley said in a quieter tone.

I laughed. "What do you mean? Of course it was you. Savannah and Emma told me so. Everyone told me so." Ashley shook her head.

"It was Sarah. She was intimidated by your chances of being cheer captain so she started making up these ridiculous rumors about you." I realized she was teary-eyed because she was avoiding eye contact. She always did that when she wanted to hide her emotions. "Anyways, my dad he-he made me say it was me for Sarah not to get in trouble because he was dating her mom at that time." Ashley always tensed up at the mention of her dad. I remembered at a sleepover once we were in a really deep conversation and she had been trying to tell me something but couldn't.

I stayed silent for a minute, letting it all sink in. My best friend hadn't hurt me. None of it was true. I felt my eyes burn with tears and just pulled her into a hug.

"So you didn't make out with Matt Silva?" I asked pulling away. So much time had passed and after everything that's happened it seemed insignificant, but I still needed reassurance.

"I didn't make out with Matt Silva." Ashley said with a smile.

~ ~ ~
they made up!!!
i'm really excited for you guys to see their dynamic bc they're bff goals
btw make sure to vote if ur liking the story!!

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