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Music was blaring from inside the house and I could see red solo cups that trailed out to the front yard.

"Here we go." I said to myself before going inside. I hadn't been to a party since the night I got pregnant. I had to admit I missed it a little bit.

As soon as I entered, it was complete chaos. It's funny how much better everything looks when you're also drunk and part of the chaos.

"Hey Lily! Long time no see." Josh smiled at me.

"Hey. Do you know where Adam is?"

"Yeah! He's in the backyard." he replied.

"Perfect thanks." I said as I started heading out.

"Hey, do you want a drink?" he asked.

"I'm okay thanks. I'm the DD tonight." I said. It's not like I could have something either way.

"Okay. See you around!"

Josh was always really sweet and very much a party guy. He threw house parties like every two weeks and was almost never sober.

When I got to the backyard, I spotted Adam and Jayden almost immediately. Adam was stumbling around and Jayden was urging him to sit down.

"SIS!" Adam shouted out as he ran up to me.

"Hey Adam." I smiled at him as if he was a little kid.

"Hey, Lily. Thank you so much for coming." said Jayden when he approached me.

"How was your date?" asked Adam abruptly.

"Um i-it was fine." I answered because I didn't think now was the time to talk about my break up.

"Shit you were on a date? Sorry." Jayden seemed sincere but I could tell there was a small part of him that was thrilled.

"It's fine." I thought about telling him then and there but there was a bigger issue to take care of.

"Yeah, she was on a date! Are you jealous. J?" Adam laughed.

"Adam, don't."

"How's my nephew?"Adam asked loudly. Luckily there weren't many people around and if there were, they were too drunk to even notice the people around them.

"Adam! Let's not talk about this here. Please. Let's go."

"I don't wanna go! I wanna have fun." He let go of Jayden's grip and went into the house.

"Jesus fucking Christ." Jayden said.

He and I went back to the house to look for Adam, and when we found him, he was doing a keg stand. Everyone was cheering him on, and when he got down and saw us, he yelled, "Oh no! The parents arrived!" Not a lot of people responded to that but I panicked and pulled him by the ear to the car. I heard some protests but I didn't care. I was tired and I wanted to go home.

Jayden opened the car door for me and I shoved Adam in. Then, we both got in the car and I drove home. Adam was asleep the whole ride.

On the way, Jayden asked, "So...how was the date?"

I looked at him with a slight glare. "We don't have to do this. You don't have to pretend that you're interested in my love life."

Jayden laughed. "No. I'm genuinely interested, Lily. I mean I hope your night was at least better than mine."

"Well...it wasn't. We broke up."

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