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I woke up and I didn't know where I was. My head was throbbing and I felt horrible. I wasn't in my room and someone was sleeping next to me. They were fast asleep and I couldn't tell who it was.

I looked down to see if I had any clothes on and I had a football jersey with the number 14 on it. Wait...Oh no!!!! The events of last night were slowly coming back. Fuck! I had sex with Jayden last night. Where did Emma and Savannah think I was? What about my parents? They were going to kill me for not coming home last night.

I checked my phone and saw that I had 32 missed calls. 11 from my mom, 8 from Savannah, 8 from Emma, and 5 from Adam. How was I gonna get home? I couldn't ask Jayden for a ride; they'd know. I found my dress in a corner so I decided to get dressed and call Savannah. I wanted to avoid Emma after what happened last night with Logan.

I started to walk out the door when I saw Jayden move in his sleep and murmur something. I quickly walked out and closed the door. I went to the bathroom and called Savannah.

"Lily! We've been worried sick! Where the fuck are you?!" Savannah asked

"I don't really have much time to explain but I'm at Jayden's house and I need you to pick me up. And don't tell anyone." I said


"Shhh! I'll explain in the car just please get here as fast as you can." I whispered

"Ok fine" she answered

"You know where it is right?" I asked

"Yeah I think so. It's in the neighborhood next to the ice cream place we usually go to right?"

"That's the one."

"Perfect. I'm on my way."

"Thanks Sav love you" I said

"Love you too"

Savannah got here like 5 minutes later. She texted me and I got out of the house as soon as possible. I was lucky that Jayden's mom was already at work. When I got in the car, I saw that Savannah had brought coffee.

"Ugh you're a life saver! My head is killing me."

I got in car and grabbed the coffee. I started to drink it and slowly started to feel a little better. Savannah had also brought me a sandwich and I ate it in like 2 seconds.

"So are you going to explain to me why I just picked you up in Jayden Walker's house?" Savannah asked while driving.

"It's a long story..."

"Oh don't worry we've got plenty of time"

I explained everything that happened from Logan to me sleeping with Jayden.

"And that's why I didn't want you to tell anyone because I didn't want Emma to know about Logan"

"That son of a bitch! She has to know, though! She has to know what a piece of shit boyfriend she has!" Sav exclaimed

"Of course I'm gonna tell her but not yet."

"And how are you? Are you ok? How was it?" she asked

"It was...great. But it's not gonna happen again. We were both drunk and stressed and he's my brother's best friend. Adam would freak if he found out."

"But do you want it to happen again?"

"I mean...I don't know." I replied.

"And what about Jayden?"

"He's probably gonna forget and we'll never talk about it again. The weirdest thing happened though. I woke up in his bed in his house. We had sex in the party. We never left but I woke up there. I think I blacked out and Jayden brought me to his house."

"I don't know. When Emma and I decided to leave we went looking for you, but didn't find you. We called you a few times and you didn't answer. We kept looking for you and decided to go to your house to check if you were there but, clearly, you weren't." explained Savannah.

The rest of the car ride was basically Savannah asking me a lot of questions and me answering them.

"What are you gonna tell Adam and your parents?" Savannah asked

Shit. I hadn't thought about that. What was I gonna say to them? I couldn't possibly tell them what happened with Jayden.

"I have no idea. Can I say I stayed at Ashley's house?"

"I mean I guess but doesn't your mom know about what happened between you and her?"

Ashley was my ex-best friend because she started spreading a lot of false rumors about me and made out with the guy she knew I liked. It used to be us four: Me, Savannah, Emma, and Ashley. Ashley and I were the closest, but not anymore.

"No. She noticed that we stopped hanging out but didn't really say anything." I answered.

"Then I guess you can say that."

We arrived at my house and entered. I hesitantly opened the door and walked in. My mom was sitting on the couch with a worried look across her face.

"Lily! Thank god you're ok! Where have you been?" asked my mom.

"I'm fine I stayed at Ashley's because everyone had left and I was with her so."

"Next time text me where you are and answer your damn cellphone!" she told me.

Mom gave me a tight hug and went up the stairs.

"Ashley's?" asked Adam.

I felt weird talking to him because of what happened last night.

"Yes Ashley's and what do you care?"

"Why didn't you answer your calls last night or tell anyone where you were?" Adam asked curiosly

"My battery died so I had to borrow Ashley's charger and it took forever to charge." I replied.

"Besides, you and Ashley aren't friends anymore"

"Wait how do you know that?"

"You're my sister. I know you. And I heard all the rumors. You did the right thing you know. Ashley was always kind of a bitch."

I was always a pretty private person, except with my friends of course. I usually never spoke about what was going on in my life; I was  almost always the one listening and helping other people. Adam knew me well, though. He could always tell when something was wrong with me. He always knew what to say and how to comfort me.

When this thing with Ashley started, I didn't tell him because I knew he liked her. I couldn't think my best friend could do that but she did and Savannah and Emma helped me through it. I wanted to talk to Adam about it, but I didn't want to ruin his image of her. I figured he'd find out sooner or later because the whole school was talking about how I had sex with Connor Friar in the janitor's closet and how I sucked Ben Copeland's dick and threw up. I was aware that Adam knew but I avoided talking to him about it because it was awkward and it made me feel even worse.

"I thought you liked her" I said in awe.

"Yeah but when I found out what she did I started to see her in a completely different way. It was a fucked up thing to do. No one messes with my sister except for me." he joked

"Well, yesterday we were both drinking and for a moment we forgot about everything and had a great time."

"But Savannah and Emma told me they looked for you and called you before they left." Adam questioned.

"I guess they didn't look hard enough, can you drop it already?" I asked irritatedly.

"Fine" he rolled his eyes and started walking towards the stairs.

Adam stopped and turned around.

"Just don't go back to her. She's a bad friend, Lily. Promise." he said

"Okay, I promise"

another chapter!
this was a little background with Lily and Adam. hope you liked it!
sorry i took so long to update, school work has been crazy. i'll try to write as much as possible this week.

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