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My dresses weren't fitting anymore. My favorite light blue dress wasn't zipping up and I wanted to cry. I was getting ready for dinner tonight with my parents and Jayden and his mom, but I couldn't find anything to wear.

"Lily, sweetie! Jayden and Lauren are here." my mom exclaimed from downstairs. Fuck.

"I'll be there in a minute!" I let her know. I tried on two more dresses and gave up. I just wanted to be comfortable. I put on my favorite pair of sweatpants, a white tank top, and a zip up jacket. When I went downstairs to greet Jayden and his mom, my mother was looking at me up and down.

"What are you wearing?" she asked with wide eyes but still smiling at me.

"Most of my nice clothes aren't fitting me anymore, and I just wanted to be comfortable."

Jayden grinned at me as we made eye contact, and Lauren laughed saying, "I was the same when I was pregnant," she pointed at Jayden, "This kid was a handful."

"Hey!" Jayden exclaimed jokingly.

"Come here." she said as she gave me a hug. "Look at you!" She motioned to my belly and a wide grin spread on her face.

We made small talk for a while until my parents announced that dinner was ready.

"This is delicious, Jane." Lauren complemented my mom's cooking. It really was good. Thankfully, I was able to keep it down and eat it all with no problem. My mom thanked her and we went back to the awkward silence we had been in for quite a while.

"So", said my dad, "let's address the elephant in the room." He looked between Jayden and me, and I felt my heart race. I knew this dinner was happening, but it all suddenly felt so real. "What's your guys' plan?"

Jayden and I hadn't talked about this in a while. I froze completely as I thought about my answer, which I wasn't sure of. Jayden looked at me, waiting for me to say something, but got the hint and spoke up instead.

"We were talking about-" I cut him off.

"Keeping it." Four pairs of eyes stared at me. Jayden's eyes lit up as he tried to stifle a smile.

During these past few months I've grown too attached to the baby. It would have been the easier choice but I just couldn't give our child up for adoption.

I grew tense as I waited for our parent's reactions when Lauren said, "I think that's great." Her contagious smile caused me to smile as well.

"We're gonna be here for you no matter what." stated my mom.

"Yeah. We'll support you through everything. It isn't an ideal situation and it won't be easy, but there isn't a doubt in my mind that this is going to bring wonderful things. I mean, who doesn't love a baby?" My dad added.

I smiled at him.

It was settled then. We were keeping our baby.

Jayden grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed it as we made eye contact.

~ ~ ~
The following day, as I was getting ready for school, I made sure to put on a big sweatshirt to hide my little bump. I was extremely grateful that everyday the morning sickness was fading away a little more.

"So, how was dinner?" Adam asked on the drive to school.

"Good. We're keeping the baby." I told him.

"Really?!" His face immediately lit up. I nodded. "I wasn't gonna tell you in case you decided to give the baby up but I'm honestly pretty stoked about being an uncle. Now that I'm over the whole you-having-my-best-friend's-baby-at-sixteen thing, I'm really excited."

I laughed. "Yeah, me too." I looked down and rubbed my bump.

When I entered the school something felt off. I noticed a couple of people staring at me. I didn't think much of it, but by the 10th person I saw whisper something, I knew.

Emma ran to me with a worried look on her face. "Everyone knows. I don't know how but..." her words faded away as I felt my world collapse.

I couldn't believe it. All of a sudden I saw Sarah come up to me with a smug look on her face.

"And people call me a slut." She laughed and walked away.

How on earth did people find out? It didn't make any sense. I rushed out of the hallway and into the bathroom, followed by Emma and Savannah.

"How the fuck could this have happened?!" I asked frantically as I started pacing back and forth.

"No idea." Emma answered.

"Well, there is someone else that knows. Someone who's spilled secrets and spread rumors before..." said Savannah looking at me suspiciously.

"No. No way. I told you, Ashley and I talked and cleared everything up. I trust her. Plus, if she was going to tell anyone she would have already done it."

My friends comforted me for a while until we heard the bell ring for first period.

"I don't want to go to class." I said. Sav and Emma shared a look and Emma said, "You have to, Lil. It won't be that bad, I promise."

"Yeah, we have Spanish together so we'll be by your side in case you need us to beat someone up or something." Savannah added, which made me laugh despite my tears.

I fixed myself up, blew my nose one last time and went to class.

When Savannah, Emma, and I went in the classroom, all eyes were on me. My stomach dropped because I still couldn't believe everyone knew.

I saw Nate across the room and that's when everything clicked into place.

~ ~ ~
I am so so so so sorry for taking so long to update. I've had a lot on my plate but Im gonna try to do better:)
There's more coming soon...

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