Chapter 6: Zara

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 It had been two days since I met the man who they claimed was the mayor of this town, the way I had acted there was not like me at all.  I'm just not the weekend person, I easily get mad when someone wakes me up from bed too early during weekends

I'm currently riding Jake's motorcycle to the school my new brother will attend when he gets here. I want to make quick arrangements for him so that he can come over as soon as necessary, with his so-called auntie in that city I'm not at ease with him staying there on his own.

I pulled up in front of the school gate looking at the bold black and gold letters that read "SILVER MOON HIGH SCHOOL" weird name for a nice school but it made sense as everything here looked weird, even the people had this weird aura surrounding them while Mr. Muscles looks like the boss or leader of a were pack. Not to mention the name of the town is the same as the school.

I sighed before riding the motorcycle into the vicinity of the school, is it now or never? I want to get this over and done with as fast as I can.

The registration and everything went smoothly and I returned home, Jake told me I could keep his motorcycle for the time being in case I needed it.

It was almost six pm as I stood on the balcony of my bedroom looking at the green forest, this had been my routine for the past two days, there was something about the forest that drew me to it as if I belonged to it and I was meant to explore the secret it held without fear, I shook my thoughts away not liking it, who knows what lies in the depths of that forest and the secret it holds.

I ate dinner, took my bath, and dressed in my sleeping wear with my hair in a messy ponytail. I crawled under my blanket and rested my back against the soft surface of the bed, I took my cell phone from the bedside table and texted my brother a message wishing him a good night.

I'd been tossing and turning for three hours straight for no apparent reason, I kept glancing at the forest the whole time I slipped into my bed, giving up on sleep I took my flashlight and padded downstairs, I went through the back door, walking towards the forest, I allowed the darkness to swallow me as I disappeared into the woods using the flashlight to guide my way through the darkness.

I don't know how long I'd been walking but the groan of someone startled me, I furrowed my brows but before I could think I heard another painful groan, this time around I knew where it came from, I sprinted forward taking the slightly clear path on my left side behind a huge tree.

I strode for about a minute or two before I saw a trail of blood on the dried leaves that lay below the trees, after walking for another minute I saw something that made me gasp quietly, thanks to the CEO spirit I have in my blood, otherwise I would have been a screaming mess, the last thing I want is to wake the whole town up.

There in front of me lay an almost naked man in only black boxer shorts, he was lying on his stomach and facing another direction with his face, blood, and mud all over him, I inched closer to him and rounded him, I looked at his face with the help of my touch light, half of his face which was facing me was covered in a golden mask.

"Hello, are you okay?" I asked, squatting down in front of him.

"Help," he whispered, struggling to speak. I frowned, hesitant to get involved with a stranger, but my conscience wouldn't let me leave him to die alone. His painful plea tugged at my heart, and I found myself giving in. "Okay, I'll help you," I said gently.

"I need you to stay awake for a bit until we get to my place," I instructed, struggling to help him to his feet. He was incredibly heavy, and I groaned under the effort. It took us about ten minutes to reach my home, where I helped him upstairs to my bedroom, as the other rooms weren't yet furnished with beds. I couldn't bear the thought of him sleeping on the cold floor.

Next, I assisted him into the bathroom and the jacuzzi, adjusting the water temperature and filling the tub while he was half-conscious. If I had been covered in blood, I wouldn't have been able to sleep peacefully, so I couldn't let him rest in that state either. Besides, he looked like someone who desperately needed a bath.

After ensuring he was clean, I wrapped him in a bathrobe and helped him out of the bathroom and into my bed. I covered him with a blanket and headed to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. You might wonder why I'm going to such great lengths for a stranger, but Carl's father once said that every relationship begins with two strangers, and I believe that's true. When you help someone, do it wholeheartedly, without regrets.

I assisted the man in drinking the water before he drifted off into a peaceful sleep. As I gazed at the stranger, I found myself asking aloud, "Who are you, and what were you doing in the woods in the middle of the night?" I realized with a start that I had spoken my thoughts out loud.

I went to the couch and lay there with a sigh of exhaustion, the man had made me use up all my energy to help him with everything,  what an adventure. I didn't know when I had drifted off to sleep with a stranger in my bedroom and my bed.

As the sun's rays streamed through my window, I slowly opened my eyes, frowning slightly. After a good yawn, the events of the previous night came rushing back to my mind. I quickly got up from the couch and hurried to my bedroom, relieved to see the man still sleeping peacefully. I took care of my morning routine in the bathroom and then headed downstairs to prepare breakfast.

I made a bowl of porridge and chicken soup for him, along with some pancakes for myself. I arranged everything on a large tray and carried it upstairs. When I entered the room, I was slightly surprised to find the man awake and sitting up, his back against the headboard, massaging his temples.

I recalled the cup of ginger tea I had prepared earlier and set the tray on the table. I picked up the cup and approached him, and as if sensing my presence, he suddenly looked up and locked eyes with me. I was captivated by the intensity of his gaze and the striking color of his eyes. For a brief moment, his body tensed, and his fists clenched, as a mix of emotions flashed across his eyes. It was a fleeting moment, and I almost missed it, but it left a lasting impression.

"Hello," I whispered gently, my voice barely above a whisper, as I glided towards him with the steaming cup of ginger tea. "I brought this to help soothe your headache," I continued, my eyes cast downward, focusing on the cup as I extended it towards him, deliberately ignoring the intense gaze that seemed to pierce through my very soul. The aroma of the tea wafted up, filling the air with its warm, spicy scent, as I waited for him to take the cup from my hands.

"The angels must be laughing hysterically right now - a stranger in my bed, indeed!" I thought to myself, a secret amusement spreading through me. Yet, my amusement was short-lived, as I became acutely aware of his gaze upon me. It was as if his eyes had ignited a fire within my skin, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake.

My pores tingled, my pulse quickened, and my heartbeats synchronized with the rhythm of his gaze. It was as if he was mapping every curve, every contour of my body, his eyes drinking in the sight of me. I couldn't quite decipher the emotion behind his gaze - was it appreciation, admiration, or something more? Whatever it was, it left me breathless, my skin aflame with a sensation I'd never experienced before.

No man had ever looked at me with such intensity, such focus, as if I was the only thing that existed in his universe. It was both exhilarating and unnerving, like standing at the edge of a precipice, unsure of what lay ahead, yet unable to look away.

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