Chapter 7: Sewell

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I woke up to the sunlight shining on my face, I groaned out of annoyance and sat up at once but regretted that immediately as my head began to pound as if someone was hammering my head. Damn, those idiots must have done something to me after finding me unconscious in the middle of the woods. I'm gonna kill them when I'm out of here.

I raised my hand to massage my temple, expecting the usual sting of my wrist which was bound with chance but was shocked when I didn't feel anything like that which caused me to open my still-closed eyes in shock and surprise.

White bedsheets met my sight. I was wearing a clean gray bathrobe and my skin was as clean as the day I was born, I looked around the room with confusion. The last thing I remembered was running and those vile creatures chasing me, although I succeeded in killing most of them, some of them were still alive.

After that my memories are just a blur to me, I tried to remember something, anything but all I got back in return was a headache, a very painful one at that.

Not being able to remember anything was killing me, especially since I didn't know where I was currently. I just want to go back to my family, they must be worried sick about me, especially my father. Every boy likes their mothers but to me my dad is everything. He's my comforter. He's everything when I have no hope in life and I love him, I will never trade him for anything in this world.

You might not understand but you will soon. I was still massaging my damn temple in frustration when this smell hit my senses, it was so sweet and comforting that I breathed in it greedily, I want nothing but to have this scent to only myself and no one else right now. I shook off my thoughts and continued to massage my aching temple.

But the scent was increasing in folds as my other side also got quite excited which confused me. I don't want to think about it now, the only thing I want to do is to get back to my father before things badly escalate.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt another person's presence in the room, I raised my head so fast that it surprised me. My eyes met a pair of emerald green eyes with silver rings around them, my breath hitched as my body stiffened slightly, my fists clenched at my side as my emotions almost made themselves known.

The young lady in front of me was beautiful, she was beyond anything a man could ever imagine, she stared at me in awe and I almost purred at the soft look she was giving me, she walked towards me with a cup of what I'm guessing is tea.

"Hello, I brought you a cup of ginger tea to help you relieve your headache," she said walking towards me, completely ignoring how intently I was looking at her.

She sat beside me and stirred the tea for a while before giving it to me. I took the cup of tea from her quietly and took a sip. I thought it would taste awful but to my surprise, it tasted good which led me to finish the whole content.

"Lemme have that," she said taking the cup and spoon away from me and setting it on the table beside the bed, she then stood up and walked towards the tea table which sat in the middle of two loveseats, picking up the tray, she came back and took a seat at where she sat previously.

"Drink this," she said to me softly as she handed me a bowl of porridge which I took.

After I was done with the porridge she gave me a bowl of chicken soup, the soup was delicious, it's been a long since I had a good meal.

After we were both done eating, she took the empty bowls and plates out of the room and came back shortly with four shopping bags. She set the bags on the loveseat before disappearing into the bathroom. Seconds later I heard the running of water which stopped after ten minutes.

"I'm done running your bath, go take your bath," she told me walking out.

I got up and walked into the bathroom, I slipped off the bathrobe and stepped into the jacuzzi, I sighed in satisfaction as I immersed myself in the water, it had been a long since I had a bath, talking of which... Goodness, did she...? Oh my goodness she is too bold for her good. This girl bathed me without fear. I sigh taking the shampoo conditioner to wash my hair.

After a good thirty minutes, I dried myself, wrapped myself in a white bathrobe, and walked out of the bathroom as I wiped my hair with a towel. As I walked into the room I saw her arranging clothes with all her attention, she was oblivious to the fact that a stranger was behind her checking her out right now.

I walked behind her as I took my time checking her out, she is a piece of art by God, she is too sexy to be real, snapping out of my thoughts I sidestepped her as she turned to look at me.

"Come sit here," she told me as she took the blow dryer and plucked it into the nearby socket.

She dried my hair as she used her fingers to comb through them, I felt my scalp tingle at her touch which caused me to clench my hands into fists, and after what felt like forever she was done.

She handed me a pair of black jeans trousers, a T-shirt and a leather jacket which I took, I was shocked that she shopped for me.

"Go get dressed in the closet," she said interrupting my thoughts.

"Eeerrmm, can you tell me where I am," I asked, speaking for the first time since I woke up in this stranger's bed.

"Silver Moon Town," she replied not surprised that I could speak.

Well, I didn't see that coming I was home, I sighed in relief as I closed the door to the closet behind me.

After getting dressed, I came back to the room to see the girl sitting on one of the loveseats looking blankly at the forest through the transparent balcony doors, as if sensing my presence she turned to look at me, she sized me up and down for a minute before nodding in satisfaction.

She took a pair of brown combat boots beside me before giving it to me.

"Wanna go home?" She asked as she stood up.

"Yeah," I replied which she hummed at walking towards the closet.

I quickly slipped on the boots and sat down on the bed to wait for her so that I could take my leave. Ten minutes later, she came out wearing a pair of blue ankle-length skinny jeans trousers, a round-neck gray t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and a pair of white sneakers. She pulled her long and wavy hair into a high ponytail which came to a stop above her waist.

"Where do you live? , I'm dropping you off," She asked as she walked into the room, grabbing her cell phone.

"If you know where the mayor lives then take me there," I replied as we both walked out of the room, I could go home on my own but since she wanted to accompany me I didn't mind, I also liked her company, something I haven't felt in a long time.

We walked out of the house, and she closed the door and gave me a helmet which I was grateful for, I couldn't deal with the disgusted look people would give her because of me.

Two minutes later we were riding to my home, I feel at home now but I'm still going to hunt down those vile creatures and kill them one by one.

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