Chapter 8: Sewell

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We arrived at the familiar place I hadn't been to for six months, I knew I was going to get an earful from them but I didn't care about that as I'd missed them a lot, they were the only people that were keeping me alive for the past couple of years. The girl parked the motorcycle in front of the castle-like building which was adorned with white and ash colors.

I disembarked the motorcycle and took off the helmet while she stretched her hands to take it from me which made me furrow my brows slightly.

"Aren't you gonna come in...?" I asked her with a questioning gaze. While she slides up the glass in front of the helmet without replying.

"I could introduce you to my parents first, I'm sure they would love to thank you themselves" I added fidgeting with the helmet.

"Fine," she said with a sigh while I sighed in relief, although I don't know why she gave in to see my parents I was still relieved, you might not understand why but you will when the time comes.

She took off her helmet and placed it on the motorcycle before we walked into the living room, I could feel that those who were schooling hadn't gone to school yet, I also smelled food, which meant they were having breakfast, I didn't want to interrupt them so I turned to the girl who was behind me.

"Let's have a seat first they're having breakfast," as we sat down her phone vibrated which gained her attention, she looked at the contact and her face immediately lighted up, I wondered who could make her smile without even trying.

"Hey Steve" she called out to the person affectionately while I scowled at the phone. Okay, I need to get it together.

"I'm fine, hope you are good too," she said leaning back.

"Okay call me when you get back. Take care" she said softly.

"Love you too" she added making my jaw clenched tightly, I'm losing it. Who is this Steve guy, I wished I could lay my hands on him.

"Who was that guy you were talking to...?" I asked casually while her brows shot up in amusement.

"And why are you so interested in knowing who he is?" She asked her question without answering mine.

"Nothing just wondering who could make you smile so sincerely because since I saw you, your smile has a little bit of coldness in it" I replied but that was a big lie which I'm sure she knew because her smile grew more devious.

"That's my fiancee" she replied which I snorted at, she was enjoying making me feel like this.

"You're a bad liar" I muttered as she chuckled in amusement.

"Oooh, that's a first, no one has ever told me that," she said leaning more into the couch.

I kept my eyes on her, shamelessly looking at her, I wondered how it would feel to have her arms wrapped around my waist while I ran my fingers through her long wavy hair, my eyes moved to her lips which had no lipstick or lipgloss and I wonder how they would feel against mine, will they feel soft or warm or cold.

The sound of something shuttering brought me out of my lustful thoughts, I turned to look at the entrance of the dining room and smiled when I saw my little sister whose mouth was wide open while she stared at me.

"Hello little flower," I said snapping her out of her shock, the next thing she did was engulf me in a hug with tears running down her face followed by the sudden rush of footsteps.

"I miss you so much," she murmured into my chest.

"I miss you too my little flower," I replied softly as we pulled out of the hug, I wiped her tear-stained face and turned to look at the people in the living room who were all gaping at me like I was a ghost, ignoring them I turned to my parents and smiled at them while they walked towards me and embraced me.

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