Chapter 1

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"Dammit!" Cheryl swears as the van she's travelling in hits a pothole in the road, jolting her and her three companions upwards violently.

"That's not gonna do us suspension any good" she continues, frowning as she clings onto the box beneath her.

"Good thing the van's shot to sh!t already then, eh boss?" Sarah cackles from her position sat on a pile of toolboxes in the back of the vehicle.

"Hey" Cheryl gives the blonde next to her a playful slap, "I know business hasn't been great lately but this job's gonna fix all that"

"Yeah" Nicola nods across at Cheryl and Sarah excitedly. She pops open her third bag of crisps, shovelling a few into her mouth at once,

"Kimberley Walsh's minted, I heard she's got an estimated fortune of 15 million, wish I could make all that just for standing there looking pretty"

"Pretty" Sarah grimaces at the word.

"She's not just pretty, she's fit as fcuk!" she continues, grabbing her crotch and making a thrusting motion, "I'd pound that fine arse all night, yeah baby!"

"SARAH!" the rest of the girls chorus rolling their eyes skywards.

"Honestly, you're so coarse, remind me again why I'm going out with you?" Nadine shouts back from behind the steering wheel.

"Because I'm cute, loving and I make you cum harder than a 50yr old virgin on Viagra!" the blonde grins cockily.

"Hmm...that is true" Nadine agrees sagely, provoking hoots of laughter from Nicola and Cheryl.

"Fcuking hell Diney!" the Geordie winces as the van hurtles over yet another pothole.

"It's not my fault" the blonde exclaims, "these country roads have more holes in them than the men's toilets on Hampstead Heath!"

Nicola claps her hands together joyously,

"And the award for best gay related witticism goes to Miss Coyle"

"Come on, it wasn't that funny", Cheryl raises an eyebrow in dry amusement.

"Anyway before we get there I wanted to have a word with you all" she continues.

"Oooh this sounds serious" Sarah pulls a face.

"It is", the Geordie takes a deep breath, "as you all know this job's a really big deal to us money-wise girls"

She pauses,

"All I'm saying is maybe we should tone it down a little bit whilst we're on Miss Walsh's property, I mean she's hired us so she obviously must know that we're all..."

"What?!" Sarah interrupts, a frustrated look on her face, "a bunch of pussy-loving dykes? I'm not hiding that Chezza, it's bullshit"

"Sarah's right" the redhead chimes in, "it's not as if I'm gonna hoist up the rainbow bunting and be hammering nails in with my trusty strap-on the minute we arrive!"

The blonde sniggers at Nicola's joke,

"Yeah and if you think I'm calling her Miss Walsh and curtseying every time she decides to appear you can bugger off!"

"Girls, girls!" Cheryl waves her arms around in a frantic attempt to restore calm, "just relax, I didn't mean we had to hide our sexuality or anything, it'd be pretty bloody hard"

"But maybe you could cut down on the talk of fcuking her fine arse all night long eh?" she grins at Sarah.

"I just want us to look like professionals instead of a bunch of crotch-scratching cowboy rookies, Tweedy's is the best of the best and..."


All the rest of the girls chorus the catchphrase they know Cheryl's about to say, the catchphrase emblazoned in neon pink on the side of their large white van.

"Yep, Tweedy's Always Deliver" Sarah smiles regretfully at the Geordie, "and we will boss, I promise to be on my best behaviour, now come 'ere" she pulls the smaller girl into a big hug.

A few minutes later the vehicle slows and Nadine turns around in the driver's seat.

"Sorry to interrupt your love-in girls but it looks like we've arrived", she gestures to the impressive wrought iron gates immediately in front of them.

"Whoa!" Nicola's jaw drops open, "if those are just the gates I can't wait to see the actual house!"

"Hmm...we need to get in first though" Cheryl looks forward, "is there an intercom Diney?"

"Yeah, hang on a minute" the Irish girl unbuckles herself and disappears from the van.

She soon hops back in, the giant gates creak into life and the girls start their journey up the long gravel path to the house....

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