Chapter 31

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The word is uttered quietly and without venom but the sentiment is unmistakable as Cheryl lowers her head allowing Nicola's kiss to fall against her brow. The redhead draws back, bringing her fingers up to her own lips which have started a slight, almost imperceptible trembling, her bright blue eyes still red-rimmed.

"I'm sorry. I never...I didn't plan for that to happen"

Her voice cracks with emotion as she wipes away burgeoning tears,

"It's just today...I'm a mess Chez"

The Geordie nods somberly,

"It's not always easy, moving on. We've got to though, me and you".

She pauses, her eyes flicking from Nicola's parents' graves back to the younger girl.

"That first night we were together I made a promise and I'll always be there for you. Always. But what we used to do before, friends with benefits, whatever you want to call it, it's over. Kimberley loves us, I don't have a fcukin' clue why but she loves us just as much as I love her. I'd have done anything for you at one time Nic but you never really wanted us, I'm just a crutch for you, a band-aid to cover the bullet hole. You need a proper girlfriend not a support worker slash fcukbuddy"

"Yeah, you're right" Nicola quietly agrees with a sniff, "we're gonna come back from this friends I mean? Being back here it opens up old wounds. I really didn't want to fcuk things up for you and Kimberley"

"I wasn't trying to...err...seduce you or anything" she adds with an awkward look.

"It's alright, I understand" Cheryl allows herself a small smile, "and you never would've done, me and Kimba are solid"

She sticks out her hand,

"So, friends yeah?"

Nicola shakes the proffered hand,

"Just friends, I promise"

From her vantage point behind the gravestone Kimberley's intense relief and happiness are soon coupled with another rather unwanted sensation. One of needing to pee, really badly. In her haste of shoving her clothes on and following Cheryl and Nicola out of the door she'd not had time or the thought to relieve herself. She watches as her girlfriend and the redhead link arms again, strolling off towards the gate. She follows them, her uncomfortable semi-squat, half-run making her look like a raggedy hunchback.

The Bradfordian sends a silent prayer up to the god of celebrities. Please, please let there not be any chancer with a camera hanging around!

As Cheryl and Nicola retrace their steps she drops further behind, her heart still beating furiously in her chest. The redhead's actions might have confirmed her suspicions but, seeing as Cheryl had proved herself loyal and there was the whole 'trip to visit dead relative's graves' involved, she was prepared to let the incident slide. To a certain extent. Now if only she could think of something clever to wheedle out of the situation she'd got herself into.

"Let me buy you a cuppa and some brekkie?'s the least I can do after everything"

Cheryl glances up at the little café Nicola's gesturing to. Squashed in between the flower shop and the post office it's a new addition to the small row of shops, replacing the ancient hairdressers she remembered being there from her youth.

"Hmm...I don't know" the Geordie hesitates, "I did want to be back for Kimberley but I suppose she'll not be awake for an hour or so yet. Oh go on then, you can't argue with a cuppa and a bacon buttie for one fifty!"

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